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identify a scenario in a work place that would constitute an ethical dilemma and outline the steps in

which you would go about solving the dilemma and making an ethical decision

Scenario: Misuse of Company Resources ,

Company, Ntake bakery and company limited

Identification of Ethical Dilemma:

We have discovered that a colleague is using company resources at Ntake bakery and company limited
(such as time, equipment, or software) for personal projects during work hours. This constitutes an
ethical dilemma as it involves a breach of company policies and can lead to misuse of resources
intended for business purposes.

Steps to Solve the Ethical Dilemma:

1. Gather Information:

Begin by collecting detailed information about the situation. Document instances of the misuse, noting
dates, times, and specific actions. Ensure you have a clear understanding of company policies regarding
resource usage.

2. Review Company Policies:

Examine the company's code of conduct, employee handbook, or any relevant policies that address
the ethical use of resources. This will provide a baseline for assessing whether a violation has occurred.

3. Consider Multiple Perspectives:

Reflect on the situation from various angles. Consider the potential impact on both the individual
involved and the overall workplace. Identify any extenuating circumstances that may have contributed
to the behavior.

4. Consult Colleagues or Supervisors:

Discuss the issue discreetly with colleagues or supervisors to gain different perspectives and insights.
This step helps ensure a more comprehensive understanding of the situation before taking any further

5. Address the Individual Directly:

Approach the colleague involved in the misuse of resources in a diplomatic and non-confrontational
manner. Share your observations and concerns, allowing them an opportunity to explain their actions.
It's important to maintain open communication.

6. Report to Supervisors or HR:

If the issue persists or if the colleague's explanation is unsatisfactory, escalate the matter by reporting
it to the appropriate authority within the organization, such as a supervisor or the Human Resources
department. Provide all gathered information to support your concerns.

7. Follow Company Procedures:

Adhere to any established procedures outlined in company policies for reporting ethical violations.
This ensures that the matter is addressed consistently and fairly.

8. Maintain Confidentiality:

Throughout the process, prioritize confidentiality to protect both the individual involved and the
integrity of the workplace. Avoid discussing the issue with colleagues who are not directly involved or
authorized to handle such matters.

9. Consider Long-Term Solutions:

Work collaboratively with supervisors and colleagues to identify preventive measures that can be
implemented to avoid similar ethical dilemmas in the future. This may involve refining company policies,
providing additional training, or improving monitoring mechanisms.

10. Reflect on the Outcome:

After the ethical dilemma has been addressed, take time to reflect on the experience. Consider the
effectiveness of the resolution and whether any lessons can be learned to enhance the ethical culture
within the organization.

The goal is to address ethical dilemmas with fairness, transparency, and a commitment to upholding
the values of the workplace.

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