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Tenses Test

Name: Michele García Briones

Date: July 18th
Class: B2

Simple Present
Usage -> We use the simple It is used to describe habits, unchanging situations, general
truths, and fixed arrangements.
Auxiliary -> Do/does
+ He plays tennis every Monday.
- He does not play tennis every Monday.
Yn? Does he play tennis every Monday? -Yes, he does. -No, he does not.
Wh? Why does he play tennis every Monday?

Simple Past
Usage -> The simple past is used to talk about a specific action or event that began and
ended in the past.
Auxiliary -> did
+ I cooked pasta with olives.
-I did not cook pasta with olives.
Yn? Did I cook pasta with olives? -Yes, I did. No, I did not.
Wh? Where did I cook pasta with olives?

Future Simple
Usage -> We use the future simple to talk about an action or condition that will begin and
end in the future.
Auxiliary -> will
+ You will paint the wall with me.
- You will not paint the wall with me.
Yn? Will you paint the wall with me? -Yes, I will. -No, I will not.
Wh? When will you paint the wall with me?

Present Continuous
Usage -> We use the present continuous with things that are happening at the moment of
speaking. These things usually last for quite a short time and they are not finished when we
talking about them.
Auxiliary -> am/is/are
+ They are jumping in the garden.
- They are not jumping in the garden.
Yn? Are they jumping in the garden? Yes, they are. No, they are not.
Wh? Why are they jumping in the garden?
Past Continuous
Usage -> An action in the past which overlaps another action or a time. The action in the
past continuous starts before and often continues after the other shorter action or time.
Auxiliary -> was/were
+ We were winning the championship.
- We were not winning the championship.
Yn? Were we winning the championship? Yes, we were. No, we were not.
Wh? How were we winning the championship?

Future Continuous
Usage -> We use the future continuous when a show an action happening over a period of
time in the future.
Auxiliary -> will be
+ Austin will be waiting for you.
- Austin will not be waiting for you.
Yn? Will Austin be waiting for you? Yes, he will. No, he will not.
Wh? Where will Austin be waiting for you?

Present Perfect
Usage -> Life experiences, to talk about that is still happening in the present, to talk about
an action in the past and its consequences happen in the present.
Auxiliary -> have/has
+ Daniela has eaten pizza and hamburger.
-Daniela has not eaten pizza and hamburger.
Yn? Has Daniela eaten pizza and hamburger? Yes, she has. No, she has not.
Wh? When has Daniela eaten pizza and hamburger?

Past Perfect
Usage -> for order events that happened in the past.
Auxiliary -> Had
+ I had played scrabble all day long.
- I had not played scrabble all day long.
Yn? Had I played scrabble all day long? Yes, I had. No, I had not.
Wh? Why had I played scrabble all day long?

Future Perfect
Usage -> An action that will finish before a certain or specific time in the future.
Auxiliary -> will have
+ She will have finished her homework when you arrive.
- She will not have finished her homework when you arrive.
Yn? Will she have finished her homework when you arrive? Yes, she will. No, she will not.
Wh? How will she have finished her homework when you arrive?
Present Perfect continuous
Usage -> To talk about long time actions that started in the past and continue until now.
Auxiliary -> have/has been
+ They have been working together.
- They have not been working together.
Yn? Have they been working together? Yes, they have. No, they have not.
Wh? How much time have they been working together?

Past Perfect continuous

Usage -> Is used to show that an action started in the past and continued up to another point
in the past.
Auxiliary -> had been
+ We had been dancing through the night.
- We had not been dancing through the night.
Yn? Had we been dancing through the night? Yes, we had. No, we had not.
Wh? Where had we been dancing through the night?

Future Perfect continuous

Usage -> We use the future perfect continuous form when we are looking back to the past
from a point in the future and we want to emphasize the length or duration of an activity or
Auxiliary -> will have been
+ Julio will have been waiting here for me.
- Julio will not have been waiting here for me.
Yn? Will Julio have been waiting here for me? Yes, he will. No, he will not.
Wh? Why will Julio have been waiting here for me?

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