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Desi Sommaliagustina
Legal Sciences Study Program, Faculty of Law, Social Sciences and Humanities
Andalas Dharma University

Democracy in West Sumatra has a long and dynamic history. Starting from the Minangkabau traditional
democratic system which is based on deliberation and consensus, to the development of modern
democracy in the era of independent Indonesia. This article will discuss the dynamics of democracy in West
Sumatra, starting from history, development, challenges, to hopes for the future. West Sumatra has a long
history of democracy. The Minangkabau traditional democratic system which is based on deliberation and
consensus has been practiced for centuries. Democratic values such as equality, participation and
transparency are embedded in Minangkabau culture. Currently, democracy in West Sumatra continues to
develop and faces various challenges. With these challenges, West Sumatra is doing various things by;
Strengthening Minangkabau traditional democratic values and increasing community participation are the
keys to realizing a better democracy in the future.

Keywords: Democracy, West Sumatra, Deliberation, Challenges and Hope

Democracy comes from the Greek words, demos which means people and kratos which means
government. Democracy means people's government, meaning a system of government in which the people
hold a determining role, because that government is a government of the people, by the people, and for the
people. Abraham Lincoln stated that democracy is a government that comes from the people, by the people,
by the people and for the people. NaturallyDemocracy in West Sumatra has a long and rich history,
embedded in Minangkabau culture which upholds the values of deliberation, consensus and community
participation. In the modern era, democracy in West Sumatra continues to develop with various dynamics
and challenges.West Sumatra, a province with a rich history of democracy.
Over a long period of time, the people of West Sumatra have actively participated in the democratic
process, both at the local and national levels. The history of democracy in this region involves various
important events that shaped political and social identities. Political movements, struggles for citizens'
rights, and community involvement in the policy-making process have become an integral part of the history
of democracy in West Sumatra. From freedom of expression to the fight for equality, the province has a
democratic legacy that influences and motivates today's generations. Democracy in West Sumatra has
experienced significant development since the reform era. The large number of political parties that have
emerged indicates that public access is increasingly open to expressing their political interests. 1. The
emergence of various activist and student movements taking part in fighting for political rights has
encouraged significant changes in the political dynamics of this region. 2. The people of West Sumatra are
increasingly aware of the important role of politics in their lives, which is reflected in the increasing
participation in general elections and other political processes. The role of society in the dynamics of
democracy in West Sumatra is very important to create an inclusive and representative political system.
Through active participation in elections, general meetings, and political organizations, citizens play
a role in determining the leaders and policies that will influence their daily lives. Apart from that, the
community also has a role in monitoring government performance and providing support or criticism of the
policies taken. Active participation from the community also encourages transparency and accountability in
government. By fighting corruption and demanding accountability, citizens can play an important role in
ensuring justice and sustainability in democratic systems. On the other hand, people need to be encouraged
to continue to increase their political literacy and understanding of public issues. This can be done through
education and open discussions about democracy, human rights, and their role in bringing about positive
changes in political structures.
In this writing, we use democratic theory. Understanding Democracy Etymologically, the word
democracy comes from the Greek "demos" meaning people, and "kratos" meaning power or ruling. Thus,
democracy means government by the people, where the highest power is in the hands of the people and is
exercised directly by them or their elected representatives under a free election system. Democracy is the
best hope and system in the political and state administration system which cannot be denied. The treasures
of political thought and pre-reformation in various countries have come to a common point regarding this:
democracy is the best choice among various other options. Regarding the meaning of the term democracy, it
turns out that there is no uniformity of views among legal experts. This is caused by differences in viewpoint.
WA Bonger defines democracy as a form of government from a self-governing living unit, in which
the majority of its members take part, either directly or indirectly, and in which spiritual independence and
equality for the law are guaranteed. According to CF Strong, democracy is a system of government in which
the majority of adult members of a political society participate through representative means which ensures
that the government is ultimately accountable for its actions to that majority. In other words, a democratic
state is based on a representative system that guarantees the sovereignty of the people.
According to R. Kranenburg's interpretation in his book Inleiding in de vergelijkende
staatsrechttwtwnschap, the word democracy which is formed from the two Greek words above, means a
way of governing by the people. If we look more deeply at the meaning of democracy, it is a method of
government carried out by and in the name of one person (for example by a king who has absolute power).
Also not included in the definition of democracy is the way of government of a country which is called
"autocratie" or "oligarchie", namely government carried out by only a small group of people, who consider
themselves to be encompassed and entitled to take and exercise all power over the entire people.
According to M. Durverger in his book "Les Regimes Politiques" the meaning of democracy includes
a way of government in which the group that governs and those who are governed are the same and cannot
be separated. This means a system of state government where essentially all people (the people) have the
same right to rule and to be governed. There are two groups of the most important schools of democracy,
namely constitutional democracy and one group of schools which calls itself democracy but is essentially
based on communism. The very fundamental difference between the two schools is that constitutional
democracy aspires to a government with limited power, a rule of law (Rechsstaat), which is subject to the
rule of law. On the other hand, democracy, which is based on communism, envisions a government whose
power must not be limited (machsataat) and which is totalitarian.
Based on the definitions of democracy above, it can be stated that democracy can be seen, both in a
formal sense and in a material sense. Then democracy can also be studied according to its implementation,
some are implemented directly (direct democracy) and some are implemented indirectly (indirect
democracy). Democracy in the formal sense is democracy that appears according to its form. Government in
this sense basically has no differences between the countries that implement it, only that various variations
can be found.
The theory of democracy is a form of direct governance (direct democracy) from the people, by the
people and for the people (as government of the people, by the people and for the people). Basically it was a
reaction to the dictatorial power of kings in the city states of ancient Greece. At that time, democracy which
was practiced directly was the people's right to make political decisions carried out directly by the people
acting based on majority procedures. The practice of direct democracy is known as classical democracy.
The method used in this research is qualitative. Qualitative research methods focus on a deep
understanding of the context, processes, and meaning behind the phenomenon under study. Document
analysis and case study methodology will be used in this research to further explore the dynamics of
democracy in public policy and its influence on the Indonesian legal system, especially in West Sumatra. This
technique was chosen to provide a thorough understanding of this complex issue and to investigate the legal
realities that emerge in a democratic environment. Document analysis techniques will be used to investigate
the dynamics of democracy in West Sumatra. Laws, government regulations, public policies, and other
official documents related to democracy, civic engagement, and policymaking fall into this category.
Analysis of this document will help in understanding the legal basis and current policy situation in
democracy. Furthermore, this research will use case study techniques to determine the influence of
democratic dynamics in a political context on the democratic system in West Sumatra. This case study will
focus on situations that represent important difficulties and possibilities in the relationship between
democracies. Data will be collected through interviews with stakeholders, news analysis, and documentation
of related cases. This case study will provide in-depth insight into how the dynamics of democracy in a
particular political context impact and change the democratic process, especially in West Sumatra.
4.1. Dynamics of Democracy in West Sumatra
In later developments, direct democracy was difficult to practice because the country's territory was
becoming wider with a large population and government affairs were becoming more complex, so it was
impossible for everyone to act as state administrators. Therefore, the birth of a representative system
(indirect democracy) or (representative democracy), where the people are no longer directly involved in
government but rather by representatives who represent the will of the people. Democracy is said to be a
form of government in which the right to make political decisions is carried out by representatives elected by
them and accountable to them through free elections. The problem that has not yet reached a common
ground around the debate about democracy is how to implement democracy in practice.
Various understandings of democracy are a form of government in which every citizen has
determined his or her own path, quite a few of whom actually practice methods or take paths that are very
undemocratic, even though on paper they call it 'democracy' as its fundamental principle. Therefore, studies
on politics have come to the identification that the phenomenon of democracy can be differentiated between
normative democracy and empirical democracy. Normative democracy encompasses ideas about
democracy that are located in philosophy, while empirical democracy is its implementation in the field which
is not always parallel to ideas. normative. have equal rights in running a government, democracy as a form of
the people by the people and for the people.
Freedom and democracy are often used reciprocally but they are not the same. According to
Alamudin, true democracy is a set of ideas and principles about freedom, but also includes a set of practices
and procedures formed through a long and winding history. So democracy is often called an
institutionalization of freedom. Because of this, it is possible to recognize the basics of constitutional
government that have been tested by time, namely human rights and equality before the law that every
society must have to properly be called a democracy. 45 From this opinion, it can be concluded that as a
system of society and state the essence of Democracy is the main role of the people in social and political
processes. As a government in the hands of the people, it means three things, namely:
a. Government of the people (government of the people). Government of the people is a legitimate
government, namely a government that has the recognition and support of the majority of the people
through democratic mechanisms.
b. Government by the people (government by the people) government by the people means that a
government exercises power on behalf of the people, not on personal impulses.
c. Government for the people (government for the people) government for the people is the power
given by the people to the government which must be exercised in accordance with the interests of
the people. It can be concluded that democracy is a system of government in a country to realize the
sovereignty of the people (citizen power) over the country carried out by that government. The
concept of democracy is a very important system in relation to the distribution of power in a country
(trias politica), namely the power obtained from the people is used to realize people's welfare and
people's prosperity.
The core conflict has given rise to three main types or models of democracy. First, participatory democracy
or direct democracy, a system where decision making on public issues involves citizens directly. This is the
type of “authentic” democracy that existed in ancient Athens, among other places. Second, liberal democracy
or representative democracy is a government system that uses elected "officials" to 'represent' the interests
or opinions of citizens in limited areas while upholding the rule of law. Third, democracy is based on a party
In the history of democratic theory, there are many different views regarding democracy, so that
several theories and views related to democracy have emerged. According to David Held.
a. Classical Democracy is that citizens should enjoy political equality so that they are free to rule and
be governed in turn
b. Protective republicanism is that political participation is an essential condition for personal freedom;
if citizens do not dominate themselves, they will be dominated by others.
c. Republicanism means that citizens must enjoy political and economic equality so that no one can be
the ruler of another and everyone can enjoy the same development and freedom in the process of
self-determination for the common good.
The important characteristics of classical democracy are as follows:
a. Direct participation of citizens in legislative and judicial functions
b. The people's assembly has supreme power
c. Various methods of selecting candidates for public office (direct election, representative and
d. There are no differences in privileges that differentiate ordinary people from public officials
e. Except for positions related to war, the same office may not be held more than twice by the same
f. Short terms of office for all public employees are paid. In general, there are many different forms of
democratic government in a country, so in this research we will present them based on certain
categories in the context of democracy.
The concept of understanding democracy is based on channeling the will of the people as follows:
a) Direct Democracy (Direct Democracy)
Direct democracy is a method of involving the people directly in making state policies. Direct
involvement of the people is carried out without looking at the status and position of the citizen, but
is based on the quality of humans as creatures of God who have the right to determine and regulate
themselves without any pressure or intervention from other people.
Direct democracy or classical democracy is generally the only view of democracy that was practiced
in ancient Greece, because the population was still small and the territory was not very large. Meanwhile,
with regard to the direct distribution of people's sovereignty (direct democracy), Jimly Asshiddiqie stated
that, "direct distribution of people's sovereignty (direct democracy) is carried out through general elections,
presidential elections and holding referendums to express approval or rejection of plans to change the
articles certain provisions in the Constitution.
Apart from that, people's sovereignty can also be channeled at any time to exercise the right to
freedom of opinion, the right to freedom of the press, the right to freedom of information, the right to
freedom of organization and association as well as other human rights guaranteed in the Constitution."
b) Indirect Democracy (Indirect Democracy)
Indirect democracy is a form of implementing people's sovereignty indirectly but through representative
institutions. A democratic system like this is very commonly practiced in modern democracies because
it is easier and more practical. Democracy is not direct by means of the people electing their
representatives who will sit in parliament. Then these representatives will represent the people they
represent in state decision making.
Every country that implements a democratic system often enjoys political freedom, but not all
political freedom runs as expected, because in essence all political systems have their own strengths and
Democracy is a system that is a dynamic idea that is closely related to change. If a country succeeds
in creating freedom, justice and prosperity perfectly, then that country is a country that is successful in
implementing a democratic system, conversely, every country that fails to implement a democratic system
of government, then that country is not worthy of being called a democratic country. To complete the various
characteristics and understanding of democracy, a definition by Samuel Huntington is quoted, that a political
system is called a democracy if the strongest collective decision makers in the system are elected through
general elections that are fair, honest and just in that system the candidates are free to compete to obtain
vote and almost all adults are entitled to vote.
c) Democracy and General Elections (Elections)
Power in an organization can be obtained based on religious legitimacy, ideological legitimacy, or
pragmatic ideology. However, power based on these legitimations automatically denies human equality and
equality, because it claims a higher position for a group of humans than other humans. Apart from that,
power based on the three legitimations above will be absolute power, because the basic assumptions place
the governing group as the party with special authority and more knowledge in carrying out state affairs.
Democracy places humans as owners of sovereignty, which is then known as the principle of
people's sovereignty. The term 'democracy' is a combination of the words 'demos' which means people, and
'cratos/cratein' which means government. So democracy can be interpreted as government of the people, or
better known as government of the people, by the people and for the people. However, democracy cannot be
understood only from the perspective of demos and kratos, but must be comprehensively linked to an
understanding of the doctrine of liberalism. In this perspective, liberalism is understood as an idea
consisting of two interconnected levels. At the first level, liberalism is a set of philosophical principles that
regulate matters of equality, freedom, individuality and rationality. Liberalism stipulates that a person is not
naturally inferior to other people. Everyone for liberalism has the same opportunity to accentuate their
talents and abilities.
Democracy is currently a state administration system that is glorified by various countries. Mainly
western countries. Other countries in the world such as Asia are also experiencing democracy fever.
Countries that are not actually democracies, but claim to be democracies. One example is North Korea. As a
communist country, North Korea still claims to be a democratic country. Indonesia currently remains
consistent and continues to develop the values constructed from people's power. So that democracy is a
characteristic and way of the Indonesian government in carrying out state administration activities, this
means that the implementation of Indonesian state activities is entirely based on the will of the people.
In essence, popular sovereignty is a necessity in the state system in various countries. The real form
of democracy is general elections, but democracy is not the same as general elections. Even though it is only
a few aspects of democracy, democratic elections are an important aspect of general elections in the
administration of a democratic state. General elections in liberal democratic theory are a link between the
principle of popular sovereignty and the practice of government by a small number of officials.
The principle of popular sovereignty is the basic principle in developing democratic principles. The
main objective of placing popular sovereignty as a basic principle of the constitution is respect and
assessment of the people's right to choose and determine the direction of state life that can guarantee
shared prosperity. The institutionalization of the implementation of popular sovereignty is divided into three
areas of state power functions, namely (1) legislative and regulatory functions (2) executive and
administrative functions and (3) judicial or judicial functions which in their implementation adhere to the
principle of 'separation of power' and the principle of 'checks'. and balances'. In this perspective, election
management instruments must be prepared carefully starting from the institutions (organizing institutions,
supervisory institutions, dispute resolution institutions), regulatory instruments, implementation
mechanisms, funding and community culture. However, if it were the other way around, democratic chaos,
societal confusion and anarchism would arise. A country that implements a general election system has
several functions which cannot be separated from one another, first, as a means of political legitimacy.
Political legitimacy has a function that embodies the applicable general election format. Through general
elections, the legitimacy of the government in power can be upheld. Programs launched by the authorities
can be fully supported by citizens.
According to Ginsberg, the function of political legitimacy is a logical consequence of the electoral
system, to change mass political involvement from being sporadic and potentially dangerous to becoming a
major source of national political authority and power. There are at least 3 reasons why elections can be a
means of political legitimacy for the government in power. First, through general elections you can actually
confirm or at least renew political agreements with the people. Second, through general elections, the
government can also influence the behavior of its people or citizens. Third, in the modern world, rulers are
required to rely on consent from the people rather than coercion to maintain their legitimacy.
The dynamic context of democracy in West Sumatra is a portrait that involves active community
participation in the political process. West Sumatra, with all its cultural and historical riches, is a stage for
interesting democratic dynamics to observe. Several aspects that are the focus of the study include political
developments, community participation, the role of mass media, and local power dynamics that influence
democratic life in the region. Through an in-depth approach, this case study will explore various factors that
influence democratic dynamics and highlight the challenges and potential that exist in West Sumatra.
Political Context of West Sumatra, West Sumatra, which has its capital in Padang, is one of the
provinces in Indonesia which is rich in political history. Since the colonial era until independence, West
Sumatra has witnessed diverse political developments. With its cultural diversity and dynamic political
landscape, the province plays an important role on the national political map. West Sumatra politics is also
influenced by unique geographic, demographic and historical factors. The political process in this region is
influenced by ethnic, religious and cultural diversity.
Local political dynamics also influence political policies and decisions that impact society in West
Sumatra. In the midst of national political developments, West Sumatra continues to maintain its political
identity. Local factors such as customs, beliefs and local wisdom remain an important part of the political
dynamics of this province. The political diversity of West Sumatra makes it an interesting subject to study in
the context of Indonesian politics as a whole.
The dynamics of democracy are influenced by various complex and varied factors. One of the main
factors is public participation in the political process, including general elections, direct elections and
referendums. Apart from that, the power of political parties, mass media, education systems and
government institutions also have a significant influence on the dynamics of democracy. External factors
such as globalization, environmental issues, and international relations can also influence the dynamics of
democracy in a region. Other factors that also play an important role include the level of social inequality,
ethnic and religious issues, and the quality of supervision and law enforcement. Apart from that, economic
factors, corruption and security are also an integral part of democratic dynamics. All these factors together
form a complex political landscape and determine the direction of democratic development of a country or
Understanding the factors that influence democratic dynamics is very important in efforts to
improve the quality of democracy and strengthen the political system. By knowing the factors that influence
democratic dynamics, stakeholders can design more effective policies and strategies to improve and
strengthen democracy in West Sumatra. A case study related to the dynamics of democracy in West
Sumatra takes the voting process in general elections as an example. General elections are important
moments that reflect the quality of democracy in a region. This process involves active participation from
the community, both as voters and participants fighting in political contestations. Every stage of a general
election, from the campaign, to candidate debates, to voting day, is an important moment in evaluating the
dynamics of democracy. The implementation of general elections can also be a reflection of the extent to
which democratic principles are implemented in West Sumatra. In this case study, we will analyze how
political dynamics, community diversity, and various other factors influence the democratic process in
general elections in the region.

4.2. Contemporary political issues in West Sumatra

The problem of social division and disintegration is a concern in contemporary politics in West
Sumatra. Tensions between social groups, whether based on ethnicity, religion or culture, are an issue that
needs to be addressed properly in order to create social harmony. In political dynamics, environmental and
sustainability issues are increasingly receiving attention. From deforestation to water conservation, political
leaders in West Sumatra are faced with the challenge of preserving the environment while advancing the
economy and community welfare. Indigenous communities in West Sumatra play an important role in
contemporary political dynamics. Efforts to strengthen the role and rights of indigenous peoples often
become an issue in regional politics, with the importance of maintaining the continuity of local culture and
wisdom. Issues of corruption and good governance remain the focus of contemporary politics in West
Transparency, accountability and anti-corruption are the main topics of discussion in efforts to build
a more efficient and credible government. Efforts to strengthen democracy are carried out by increasing
political education among the community. This can be done through training programs, workshops and
awareness campaigns on the importance of participation in the democratic process. Women's
Empowerment: Strengthening the role and participation of women in political and democratic processes is
very important. Concrete steps such as quotas for women in political leadership and women's economic
empowerment programs can support inclusive democratization. Strengthening Youth Participation: Involving
youth in various political activities and ensuring that their voices are heard and implemented in public
policies is the key to strengthening democracy in West Sumatra.
The dynamics of democracy in West Sumatra show that there are various problems that affect the
democratic system in the area. One of the main findings is the high level of political polarization between
parties and societal groups. This makes it difficult to reach agreement in the decision-making process that
benefits all parties. Apart from that, the existence of conflicts of interest involving the government, private
sector and society is one of the main obstacles in efforts to create a stable and inclusive democratic order.
This also shows that people's political participation is still hampered by various factors, such as minimal
access to information and low political literacy in several regions. An in-depth analysis of the results of this
research study is important to formulate appropriate recommendations to improve the democratic system in
West Sumatra, so that it can have a positive impact on society as a whole. In addition, understanding the
implications of the case study results will help related parties in designing more effective policies to increase
transparency, accountability and public participation in the democratic process.
The challenges for democracy in this area are low levels of participation. There are still challenges in
increasing the level of community participation in the political process and general elections in West
Sumatra. Factors such as lack of political awareness, distrust of the system, and inability to access political
information are obstacles that need to be overcome. Corruption and Nepotism The practice of corruption
which is still rampant and the presence of nepotism in regional government structures poses a serious
threat to democracy. This can hinder the fair and equitable distribution of public resources and undermine
public confidence in the integrity of the political system. The still high economic and social inequality in this
region also influences the dynamics of democracy. Unequal access to education, health services and
employment can cause public dissatisfaction, which in turn can disrupt political stability.

4.2.1. The Role of Youth in Democracy

Youth have an important role in strengthening democracy in West Sumatra. They are not only
recipients of policies, but also agents of change who are active in voicing the aspirations and interests of
society. Political Education: Youth need to receive adequate political education in order to participate
effectively in the democratic process. Political education will help them understand political rights, elections,
and procedures for participating in government. Youth Organizations: Various youth organizations in West
Sumatra play a vital role in mobilizing youth participation in democracy. They provide a platform for young
people to learn, discuss and collaborate on regional political agendas.
4.2.2. The Role of the Media in Influencing Democratic Dynamics
Mass media, such as newspapers, television, radio and online media, have a very important role in
influencing the dynamics of democracy in West Sumatra. Through in-depth coverage, objective reporting and
critical analysis, the media provides insight to the public about political and social issues that affect their
lives. Apart from that, the media also has strong control in shaping public opinion, strengthening political
participation, and influencing the direction of government policy. Thanks to modern technology, the media
also facilitates dialogue between political leaders and society, allowing for a more open exchange of ideas
and views. Thus, the role of the media in the dynamics of democracy in West Sumatra cannot be taken lightly,
and its existence is very determining for the direction of public policy and the quality of democracy as a
4.2.3. The Role of Religion in Politics and Democracy
Religion has a very significant role in politics and democratic dynamics in West Sumatra. Religious
diversity in this area plays an important role in shaping the political identity of the community. Majority
religions such as Islam, Christianity and other religions have an influence in shaping political views and
attitudes towards democracy. In addition, religion also influences political agendas and public policies.
Religious views on issues such as human rights, social justice, and economic policy can influence the
direction of political policy in this area. Apart from that, religion also influences the political participation of
certain communities and groups in the democratic process, both directly and indirectly. The role of religion in
politics and democracy also covers controversial issues such as the relationship between religion and the
state, as well as the influence of religion in political decision making. Debates surrounding the separation of
religion and politics are also part of the dynamics of democracy in this region. Overall, the relationship
between religion, politics and democracy is a complex but very important topic in the context of West

The dynamics of democracy in West Sumatra, it can be concluded that efforts to strengthen
democracy in this area must involve active participation from all elements of society. This includes youth,
media, religion, and political institutions. This can be done by increasing transparency in the political process,
empowering minority groups, and establishing more effective monitoring mechanisms for political power.
Efforts also need to be made to create inclusive discussion spaces, promote intensive political education,
and strengthen democratic processes in public decision making. Apart from that, there must be synergy
between various elements of society and government institutions which will bring progress to democracy in
West Sumatra, and in turn, to Indonesia as a whole.
The dynamics of democracy in West Sumatra show that continuous evaluation of the political
system and community participation is very important to ensure the continuity and quality of democracy in
this region. The existence of political and social changes requires continuous improvement; The importance
of good political education for society as an effort to increase understanding of democratic principles,
political rights and social responsibilities in political life; The role of mass media in disseminating accurate
and balanced information is also an important focus. Media openness and freedom have a significant
impact on the implementation of a healthy democracy in the future.

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