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Katie Hendrick

University of Alabama Instructor Guides Students in Performing Top-Notch Interviews

TUSCALOOSA, Ala.—A program manager at The University of Alabama’s

Communication and Information Sciences College informed eager students on effective and

constructive interviewing tricks and techniques.

Angelique Crawford, with the C&IS Satellite Office, spoke on how to conduct oneself

highly in an interview late Thursday evening. During an “Interview Tips and Tricks Workshop,”

in which students intending to improve their interviewing skills attended, she made it clear to

show one’s intentions with companies they desire to be hired by; the most considerable takeaway

was presenting oneself in a formal manner. A point she gave was picturing what success looks

like to oneself and finding a job with those same qualities.

“Persistence is key, always be searching, and always be looking for your best interest,”

said Crawford when referring to job hunting. First impressions are everything in an interview.

One should display themselves with their best qualities.

Margaret Browning, a UA freshman, questioned how one should present having little

experience in that field to the interviewer. In response to her question, Crawford informed the

class on obtaining transferable and foundational skills that can apply to many diverse

occupations. She shared a personal example from her past that gave the student’s listening a

perspective on how to answer questions the interviewer may ask regarding having little to no


Crawford stated the questions to avoid asking or answering in an interview; age, alcohol

consumption and personal relationships are just a few. Questions should always relate to the job;

they should never go personal. She listed the programs that UA has to offer students for

interviewing tips and tricks.

Katie Hendrick

“Being comfortable with yourself and being confident, but not arrogant,” said Crawford

when asked about the personality one should possess in an interview. One should display how

they can be an overall asset for that company.

(312 words)

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