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Dwarven Thunderer used as a weapon.

Indeed, in these earlier times, these

handguns were held with great suspicion by the highly
Dwarf conservative Dwarfs, with the earlier prototypes usually
"I mean, it makes an awful stink, for Grungni's being only given to Dwarf Engineers. Now, however,
sake, and smoke everywhere, stings your eyes nearly all the Dwarf Holds within Karaz Ankor can now
something rotten it does. Still, they're better than those field whole regiments of Thunderers -- the name given
contraptions the Manlings cart about these to handgun-equipped units.
days..."Durgrim Redmane, Hammerer Being methodical, the Dwarfs continue to load
Thunderers are those Dwarfs that have been and fire in a disciplined manner, so long as their foes are
trained in the use and maintenance of a customized within range. Even when the enemy advance close,
handgun or firearms, forming into their own regiments almost right up on top of them, Thunderers will seek to
of armor-piercing missile infantry. It took many, many get off one last shot. While the onset of bloodthirsty
years after the Dwarfs had discovered the revolutionary foes might cause lesser races to rush their aim, the
use of black powder before the handgun became widely steady coolness of the Dwarfs, not to mention the
precision make of their weaponry, ensures that every
volley is fired with the same lethal accuracy as the last,
Thunderer Advance Scheme until the moment the Thunderers take up their axes and
W BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel
S meet the foe’s charge in the bloody press of close
combat. In short time, these Dwarfs transform into a
shield-wall of axe-bearers who are just as durable as a
Career Path regiment of Dwarf Warriors.

Guntrommi – Silver 3
Skills: Athletics, Cool, Climb, Dodge, Endurance,
Language (Battle), Ranged (Gunpowder), Play
Talents: Carouser, Combat Reflexes, Marksman,
Strong Back
Trappings: Bullet and Powder (12), Handgun,
Leather Jack, Uniform

Thunderer – Silver 5
Skills: Consume Alcohol, Gamble, Leadership, Lore
(Grudges and Metalurgy), Melee (Basic), Trade
Talents: Gunner, Hatred (Greenskin or Skaven),
Sharpshooter, Unshakeable
Trappings: Pistol, Breastplate, Light Armor

Kladthrund– Gold 2
Skills: Heal, Intuition, Perception, Ranged
Talents: Accurate Shot, Combat Aware, Master
Tradesman (Gunsmith), Stout-Hearted
Trappings: Symbol of Rank, Regiment of Thunderers

Langktrommi – Gold 4
Skills: Lore (Warfare), Navigation
Talents: Fast Shot, Seasoned Traveller, Sniper, Sure
Trappings: Commission, Map, Orders, Unit of
Thunderers, Quality Uniform, Symbol of Rank.

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