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Estimated cost of the pathway I am taking after highschool:

Law at the university of Toronto:

One year of the full-time JD program was CAD $33040


Rent: $675-875 A month for a dorm in U of T

Utility: $283

Food: $200

Household items: $150


He who buys what he does not need, steals from himself. – Swedish Proverb

This quote is helpful, as it proves that by saving through minimalism and buying only
necessities, the small savings you make through not buying non essential things will
stack up and create an actual difference.

The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. – Henry David

This quote is helpful, as it sets into focus what actually matters and shows that you don't
actually need a lot of worldly possessions to live happily. It shows that you should save
money to spend it on things that actually matter to your future and life.

Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving. –
Warren Buffett

Although this quote is simple, it is still helpful as it shows that if you don't look into the
future and stay shortsighted, you will never get around to saving, which will definitely
harm your future.
Action plan:

1. Get a part-time job throughout high school and after high school
2. Track my budget and savings
3. Be careful of my spending and expenses

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