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where it is?
The northern and southern limits correspond to
the isotherms of 13 and 18 ºC in July, respectively,
which implies that all boreal forests are within
the borders of Russia, Canada, Alaska and the
Scandinavian countries Sweden, Norway and

Things to do
-Mountain biking
-To camp
-Observe wildlife
-Games or activities as a family or group

Tips and
September and October are the best time to see the
Avoid destructive or potentially dangerous actions
wear comfortable and appropriate footwear
It is a priority to wear warm, waterproof clothing for the
Do not feed wild animals

Este pasatiempo quizás es un poco más
costoso y requiere de más tiempo, pero salir
de tu ciudad aunque sea sólo a pasar el día en
algún lugar cercano te hará romper la rutina y
sentirte más motivado.

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