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Adjectives Order

The order of adjectives in English generally follows a

specific pattern:

Determiner: This includes articles (a, an, the) and other

determiners (my, your, his, her, their, etc.).

Opinion: This refers to subjective or personal opinions

about the noun (beautiful, nice, horrible, etc.).

Size: This refers to the physical size of the noun (big,

small, large, etc.).

Shape: This describes the shape of the noun (round,

square, rectangular, etc.).
Auxiliar resources:
Age: This indicates the age of the noun (old, young,
ancient, etc.).

Color: This describes the color of the noun (red, blue,
yellow, etc.).
Origin: This indicates the origin or source of the noun rder-test
(American, Chinese, Italian, etc.).
Material: This refers to the material the noun is made of
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(wooden, plastic, metal, etc.).
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Purpose or Qualifier: This provides additional
information about the noun (cooking, running, sleeping,

It's important to note that not all adjectives will fit into
every category, and not all categories need to be
included in a single sentence. The order may also vary
depending on the specific context and the speaker's

For example:

• She has a beautiful small round antique table.

• I saw a big red Chinese kite flying in the sky.
• He bought a new wooden dining table.

Remember that this is a general guideline, and there

may be exceptions or variations in certain cases. It's
always helpful to refer to reliable grammar sources and
observe native speakers to further understand the usage
of adjectives in English.

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