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Nouns and Noun phrases

Nouns are words that represent people, places, things,

or ideas. They are one of the fundamental parts of
speech and are used to name or identify objects,
concepts, or entities. Noun phrases, on the other hand,
are groups of words centered around a noun, which can
include determiners, adjectives, modifiers, and/or
complements. Here are some examples of nouns and
noun phrases:


• Dog
• Table
• Love
Auxiliar resources:
• Happiness
• London
• Book
• Idea
• Teacher
• Apple
• Time NOTE: Please capture a screenshot and forward it to
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Noun Phrases:

• The big dog

• A wooden table
• True love
• Endless happiness
• The beautiful city of London
• An interesting book
• A brilliant idea
• The dedicated teacher
• A juicy red apple
• The passage of time

Noun phrases can vary in length and complexity,

depending on the words that accompany the noun.
They provide additional information or description
about the noun they are associated with, giving more
context to the sentence. Nouns and noun phrases are
essential for constructing meaningful sentences and
conveying ideas effectively.

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