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Lyca Rose Cajes BEED-2-EVENING

Mery Fe Cajes

On a short bond paper, prepare a two-page interview essay on the following


 Advantages of teaching Mother Tongue as a subject for both the learners

and the teacher;

 Challenges or problems encountered;

 Solutions that were created so far to address the problems; and

 Further recommendations to better achieve the goals of MTB-MLE.

Advantages of teaching Mother Tongue as a subject for both the learners and the
teacher; challenges or problems encountered; solutions that were created so far to
address the problems; and further recommendations to better achieve the goals of

Teaching Mother Tongue has its pros and cons. The advantages in learning the
Mother Tongue include a significant understanding of concepts and critical thinking
skills in young children, which could help in everyday decisions. Another advantage
is that communication between children is so important in the development of
their brain, as well as their speaking prowess. However, challenges are foreseen
when teaching Mother Tongue. Initially, the familiarization of words, sounds, and
reading comprehension of the child. Subsequently, the attention span of children,
especially the younger ones. Lastly, the learning capability of students; every
student is different, which is why some are slow in learning and others understand

The solutions I see are that proper teaching materials and teaching techniques can
greatly impact students' learning in their Mother Tongue, catering to a variety of
students. Additionally, providing tutors to students who are slow in learning can
help them catch up to their peers.

Mother tongue-based multilingual education (MTB-MLE) is a valuable approach to

promote linguistic diversity and improve educational outcomes. Several
recommendations are important to increase its effectiveness. First, continuing
professional development (CPD) for teachers is important. Continuing education
and workshops can help teachers refine their teaching strategies and adapt them
to different language contexts. Secondly, community involvement plays an
important role. Collaboration between schools, communities and parents ensures
that MTB-MLE reflects local language and cultural contexts and enriches students'
learning experiences. Third, the integration of technology provides innovative
learning opportunities. Using digital resources and educational apps in local
languages improves language learning and students' reading and writing skills.
Fourth, research and observation are essential to making informed decisions.
Regular evaluations help assess program effectiveness and address issues to
optimize the results of MTB-MLE initiatives. Finally, political support is critical for
sustainability. Advocating for supportive policies at all levels prioritizes MTB-MLE
efforts, ensuring adequate funding and alignment with educational goals. Finally,
MTB-MLE programs can implement these recommendations to better achieve their
goals of promoting linguistic diversity and promoting inclusion learning

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