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Teaching Students How to Place a Small Microphone on my Violin

1. First, we explain why we need these microphones. I’m playing violin in the pit for Sunday
in the Park with George, and to have my sound heard by the audience, we need to
amplify it with a microphone.
2. Next, pointing out the differences between these microphones and those students are
probably familiar with, the handheld ones. These are smaller, and can be manipulated
easily to make the microphone’s head face where the sound is coming from without us
holding it.
3. Next, explain the different parts of the microphone. We have the clamps, which lock the
microphone in place on the instrument, a button that lets us adjust the distance
between the clamps and t the microphone on the instrument properly, a bendy, plastic
cord connecting the clamps to the microphone that allows us to adjust the microphone’s
position, and the microphone itself which picks up the sound and sends it through the
speakers. Also demonstrate adjusting the clamps and positioning the microphone.
4. Finally, demonstrate actually placing the microphone on the instrument, adjusting the
clamps’ length, and adjusting the microphone’s position. Make sure kids know not to
touch the actual microphone head so that they don’t damage it.

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