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Caguiat, Angelene V.

A3_Staffing Assignment

10 Questions to ask an assistant engineer manager applicant:

1. Can you provide an overview of your engineering background and experience, including
your most significant achievements in previous roles?
2. As an Assistant Engineering Manager, you'll often need to coordinate and delegate tasks.
Can you describe a situation where you effectively led a team or managed a project?
3. What management or leadership experience do you have, and how have you contributed
to the professional development of your team members in the past?
4. In this role, you'll need to collaborate with other departments and senior management.
How do you approach cross-functional communication and teamwork?
5. Engineering projects often face unexpected challenges. Can you share an example of a
project that encountered difficulties, and how you led your team to overcome those
6. As an Assistant Engineering Manager, you'll be responsible for setting goals and
priorities. How do you go about prioritizing tasks and projects to ensure they align with
the company's objectives?
7. What methodologies and tools do you prefer to use for project management and tracking
progress, and why?
8. Safety is a paramount concern in engineering. How do you ensure that safety protocols
and best practices are consistently followed in your team's projects?
9. Conflict resolution is a crucial skill in a management role. Can you describe a situation
where you had to resolve a conflict between team members or resolve a technical dispute
within a project team?
10. In a rapidly evolving field like engineering, staying updated on industry trends and
emerging technologies is vital. How do you stay current with developments in your field,
and how do you encourage your team to do the same?

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