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John Peter Cyrus B.



Case Analysis 7

Abigael – is a young adult who is a common sight in a prominent bars and night
clubs. Wearing her best “fashionista” wardrobe, she wants to be with people
whom she thinks are well-off and can afford all “the good things in life”. The truth
is Abegail, a college-drop out, struggles to find living and has tried his luck
applying for a job in the last two years. Often she is turned down by employers for
reasons she cannot determine. Despite these difficult realities, she still thinks that
she deserves to be with glamorous people and that she deserves to live a life
beyond what her parents who are both working in the Middle East can provide
her as their only child.

Point to Ponder:

What makes Abegail desire for more of what her parents can provide her?
What kind of happiness does she find in mingling with wealthy people found in
bars and night clubs?

Usually I don't like to book a table because I feel like you're stuck in one place
because of the bottles, someone has to keep the bottles and it's not fun for them.
When I bought the bottle it was because we were a large group and I knew we
would get it done pretty quickly.

I tip and tip a lot and everyone. From the porter, the bartender to the bottling
service, even the maid washing hands. I've been known to be at clubs that I
frequent and I expect to be served faster than the average person, without
having to queue at the club's entrance, to get to my room quickly. dressing. It's
just win-win, I'm polite and tip a lot, they give me kind of "VIP service".

Other than that, my nights are pretty normal for a regular customer, just a little
more expensive and the service is a bit better.

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