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BC means AC means

Before History, there is . There is historical periods or ERAS.

1. Write the name of each historical periods or historical eras in the gray box :

– Ancient Age (from 3000 BC to 476 AC)

– Modern Age (from 1492 AC to 1789 AC)
– Paleolithic (from 3 million years to 10000 BC)
– Medieval Age (from 476 AC to 1492 AC)
– Neolithic (from 10000 BC to 3000 BC)
– Contemporary Age (from 1789 BC to now)

2. Write the name of each historical event in the white box :

– First human species
– Fall of Roman Empire
– Use of fire
– Columbus discovered America
– Invention of writing
– French revolution
– Agriculture begins
For example...

The 17th century started the year 1600 and ended

the year 1700.

The 21th century started the year 2000 and will

end the year 2100.

Filling in the missing terms in each sentence, or answer the questions.

In which century were you born ?

The 2nd century started in the year and ended in the year .

The 4th century started the year and ended the year .

The 20th century started the year and ended the year .

The 14th century started the year and ended the year .

The year 2020 is part of the century.

The year 1914 is part of the century.

The year 1789 is part of the century.

The year 476 is part of the century.

The year 1492 is part of the century.

What is the particularity of the centuries BC (Before christ) ?

The 1st century BC started the year and ended the year .
4. Match the words with their definitions by writing them in the good box :

Historical sources / Clock / History / Calendar / Eras / Historians

5. Translate the sentences below in English / French

There is 60 seconds in a minute =

Il y a 60 minutes dans une heure =

There is 24 hours in a day =

Il y a 7 jours dans une semaine =

There is 4 weeks in a month =

Il y a 12 mois dans une année =

There is also 365 days in a year =

Il y a 100 ans dans un siècle =

There is 10 centuries in a millenium =

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