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- an ancient Chinese philosophy that 3. COMMANDING POSITIONS - Ensure
aims to harmonize individuals with that your bed, desk, and other key pieces
their environment. When applied to of furniture are placed in commanding
interior design, it focuses on creating positions to attract positive energy.
a balanced and harmonious living 4. CLEANLINESS AND DECLUTTERING -
space. Keep your home clean and organized to
allow for the free flow of energy
- The five elements of Feng Shui
corresponds to certain emotions,
- Maximize natural light and ventilation
colors, shapes, and areas on the
to create a healthy and balanced living
plants, indoor water bodies, and other
natural elements to bring positive
energy into your home
7. BAGUA MAP - Place objects in
appropriate Bagua zones to maintain
balance and serenity in your household
chimes and bells to manipulate energy
forces and create a positive atmosphere


 BEDROOM - the ideal orientation

for a bed is believed to be with
the head facing south. It is also
recommended that the bed
should be placed in a
commanding position, allowing
the person to see the bedroom
door while in bed without being
directly in line with it.
Additionally, it is advised to
AVOID placing the bed under a
decorative beam, window, or
ceiling fan, as these are known to
1. In addition, Feng Sui recommends disrupt chi and contribute to
balancing yin and yang energy in restless sleep
different spaces, with yin energy in  LIVING ROOM – facing the
calm, relaxing spaces like bedrooms entrance of the room,
and bathrooms and yang energy in functionality (Arrange the
more social, productive spaces like furniture in a way that supports
the kitchen or home office the main function of the room,
whether it is for relaxation or
Here are some Feng Sui principles and entertainment)
applications for houses:
 DINING AREA – table positioning
1. BALANCING YIN AND YANG ENERGY should be large enough to fit the
- Place yin energy in calm, relaxing room comfortably. Oval or round
spaces like bedrooms and shapes are preferred, but if the
bathrooms, and yang energy in more table is rectangular, it can be
social, productive spaces like the balanced with rounded shapes
kitchen or home office such as rugs in the rest of the
room. It's best to place the table regions, such as Love
at the center of the dining room (Southwest), Money (Southeast),
and turn it at a slight angle. The and Health (East). Staircases with
dining room should ideally be an odd number of steps are
located in the south of the house considered more auspicious than
with abundant light, as the south those with an even number, as
belongs to the fire element in the number three is considered a
Feng Shui, which is associated powerful symbol in Feng Sui. The
with prosperity. The dining table 3-step pattern follows the Gold-
SHOULD NOT face the entrance Silver-Death cycle, while the 4-
door, kitchen door, or bathroom step pattern follows the Good
door directly, as this may disrupt Luck-Prosperity-Bad Luck-Failure
the flow of energy. Additionally, cycle.
it's advised that the dining room
SHOULD NOT face a road
directly, as this can affect the
auspicious house direction in
family's health and luck
Feng Sui is south-facing, which is
believed to be good for light, chi
 BATHROOM - According to Feng absorption, and family harmony.
Sui principles, the bathroom is
According to the angle of the
considered a "dirty" space and
sunshine on earth, an ideal Feng
its location within the home is
Sui house should be sitting north
important for the flow of energy
and facing south (Northern
and the well-being of its
Hemisphere), or sitting south
occupants. The northeast
and facing north (Southern
direction is the recommended
Hemisphere). It is recommended
location for the bathroom and
to avoid house orientations such
toilet, as it belongs to the earth
as sitting northeast and facing
element. IT IS NOT
southwest, or sitting southwest
recommended to place the
and facing northeast, as these are
bathroom in a bedroom, near a
considered less favorable in Feng
kitchen, or close to the front
Sui. The environment outside and
door. Symbolically, it's advisable
inside the home, such as the
to isolate the toilet from the rest
position of the house on the lot,
of the bathroom to prevent
the presence of sloping land
energy from escaping. Lastly,
behind the house, and the
ventilation and cleanliness.
avoidance of certain geographical
 STAIRS - Should be located in the features, are also taken into
center of the home and NOT consideration for auspicious
directly facing the front door. The house orientation.
main doors are called "The
Mouth of Chi," and having the
staircase directly aligned with the
front door can create a
challenging Feng Sui layout. The
stairs should be balanced and
harmonious and this can be
achieved by ensuring the
number of steps is proportional
to the height of the staircase,
and by incorporating colors,
shapes, and elements associated
with each position. Stairs should
be avoided in certain Bagua

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