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RESOURCE GEOLOGY, vol. 50, no.

1, 1–23, 2000

Genesis of the Mamut Porphyry Copper Deposit, Sabah, East Malaysia

Akira IMAI

Abstract: The Mamut deposit of Sabah, East Malaysia, is a porphyry type Cu-Au deposit genetically related to a quartz mon-
zonite (“adamellite”) porphyry stock associated with upper Miocene Mount Kinabalu plutonism. The genesis of the Mamut
deposit is discussed based on petrology of the intrusives in the Mount Kinabalu area combined with ore- and alteration-pet-
rography, fluid inclusion and sulfur isotope studies.
Groundmass of the adamellite porphyry at Mamut is rich in K which suggests vapor transport of alkaline elements
during the mineralizing magmatic process, while the groundmass of the post-ore “granodiorite” porphyry at Mamut contains
small amounts of normative corundum suggesting depletion in alkaline elements at the root zone of the magma column. Sub-
dendritic tremolitic amphibole rims on hornblende phenocrysts in the Mamut adamellite porphyry suggest interaction
between the mineralizing magma and the exsolved fluids. Occurrences of clinopyroxene microphenocrysts and pseudomor-
phic aggregates of shredded biotite and clinopyroxene after hornblende phenocrysts in the barren intrusives imply lower
water fugacity and decreasing in water fugacity, respectively. Compositional gap between the core of hornblende phenocrysts
and the tremolitic amphibole rims and those in the groundmass of the Mamut adamellite porphyry suggests a decrease in
pressure. Higher XMg (=Mg/(Mg+Fe) atomic ratio) in the tremolitic amphibole rims in the Mamut adamellite porphyry com-
pared to those of the barren intrusions suggests high oxygen fugacity. High halogen contents of igneous hydrous minerals
such as amphiboles, biotite and apatite in the Mamut adamellite porphyry suggest the existence of highly saline fluids during
the intrusion and solidification of the mineralizing magma. Fluid inclusions found in quartz veinlet stockworks are character-
ized by abundant hypersaline polyphase inclusions associated with subordinate amounts of immiscible gaseous vapor.
Both Cu and Au are dispersed in disseminated and quartz stockwork ores. Chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite as well as mag-
netite are the principal ore minerals in the biotitized disseminated ores. Primary assemblage of intermediate solid solution
(iss) and pyrrhotite converted to the present assemblage of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite during cooling.
Subsequent to biotitization, quartz veinlet stockworks formed associated with retrograde chlorite alteration. The Cu-Fe sul-
fides associated with stockwork quartz veinlet are chalcopyrite and pyrite. Overlapping Pb and Zn and subsequent Sb mineraliza-
tions were spatially controlled by NNE-trending fractures accompanying the phyllic and advanced argillic alteration envelope.
Sulfur isotopic composition of ore sulfides are homogeneous (about +2 ‰) throughout the mineralization stages.
These are identical to those of the magmatic sulfides of Mount Kinabalu adamellitic rocks.

(Gustafson, 1978; Taylor and Van Leeuwen, 1980): 1)

1. Introduction the existence of ultramafic rock as a wall rock in a large
portion of the orebody, 2) the occurrence of pyrrhotite as
The Mamut deposit is a porphyry-type Cu-Au deposit a principal ore constituent, 3) the absence of breccia pipe,
genetically associated with quartz monzonite (hereafter and 4) the K-rich composition of the genetically related
named as “adamellite” according to previous papers, e.g., porphyry compared to calcic calc-alkaline composition
Jacobson, 1970) porphyry stock, which is one of satellite common in the region such as in the Philippines (Ishihara,
facies of the K-rich Mount Kinabalu batholith of upper 1970).
Miocene (Jacobson, 1970; Kosaka and Wakita, 1975, Whereas a number of petrographically similar adamel-
1978). The Mamut deposit exhibits high Au and Ag con- litic stocks rich in K occurs around the Mount Kinabalu
centration like other porphyry Cu deposits in the south- batholith (Fig. 2), major porphyry Cu mineralization
western Pacific region (Fig. 1). On the other hand, the occurs only at Mamut with trace at Bambangan area in
Mamut deposit shows the following interesting features addition to minor mineralization at the Mount Nungkok
different from other porphyry Cu deposits in the region prospect which is associated with low K intrusive rocks
(Bull, 1976). In this paper, in addition to K-Ar dating of
Received on March 31, 1999; accepted on March 6, 2000 the hydrothermal biotite of the Mamut deposit, petrogra-
Geological Institute, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1, Hongo, phy, bulk chemistry and mineral chemistry of constituent
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan minerals of the adamellite porphyry associated with por-
[e-mail:] phyry Cu mineralization at the Mamut deposit are com-
Keywords: Mamut mine, porphyry Cu deposit, adamellite por- pared to those from the barren intrusives in the Mount
phyry, Mount Kinabalu, tremolitic amphibole, hornblende
Kinabalu area in order to discuss the genesis of the Mamut
geobarometry, magmatic water saturation, hypersaline
brine, fluid immiscibility, intermediate solid solution (iss), deposit. These rocks studied exhibit broadly similar petro-
sulfur isotope, fluid inclusion logic features, i.e., rich in K, and thus presumably have

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Fig. 1 A) Location of the Mamut and other major porphyry copper deposits in the western Pacific region (modified from
Nishiwaki, 1981); B) Geological outline of Sabah, East Malaysia (modified after Clennel, 1991; Tongkul, 1991).

Fig. 2 Geological map of the Mount Kinabalu area (after Jacobson, 1970; K. Wakita, unpublished data).

the same petrogenesis. In addition, ore and alteration pet- cuts. The total ore reserve was estimated to be about 179
rography as well as fluid inclusion and sulfur isotope sys- million tons with 0.47 wt% Cu, and minable ore in the pit
tematics of the Mamut deposit are presented. was estimated to be 83 million tons with 0.59 wt% Cu, 0.6
The Cu anomalies in the Mamut area were discovered g/t Au and 4 g/t Ag (Kosaka and Wakita, 1975, 1978).
in 1965 by the Labuk Valley Project geochemical survey Additional exploration revealed that an extra 36 million
of the United Nations Special Fund. Mining operations tons of ore was reserved (Akiyama, 1987).
started in 1975. It has been an open pit with 12 m bench Kosaka and Wakita (1975, 1978) illustrated the hydro-
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vol. 50, no. 1, 2000 Mamut Porphyry Cu Deposit, Sabah, East Malaysia 3

Fig. 4 Photograph of the least altered adamellite porphyry

at Mamut, containing K-feldspar (Kfd) mega phenocryst
and phenocrystic hornblende (hb) and plagioclase (pl).
The K-feldspar is stained into yellow (mega phenocryst
and groundmass) with saturated Na cobaltinitrate
(Na3[Co(NO2)6]) solution.

55 wt% NaCl equivalent and discussed that the highly

saline fluid has played an important role in ore formation.

Fig. 3 Geological map of the Mamut mine open pit (after 2. Analytical Procedure
Mamut Copper Mine Sdn. Bhd.).
The modal composition of intrusive rocks was deter-
thermal alteration zoning of wall rocks, especially of the mined using James Swift and Son’s automatic point
adamellite porphyry. They divided it into three zones in counter. To obtain the modal composition of coarse-
terms of intensity of alteration of hornblende phenocrysts; grained intrusive rocks, containing K-feldspar mega phe-
fresh hornblende zone, tremolite-actinolite zone, and nocrysts up to 3 cm long (Fig. 4), the principal modal
biotite-quartz zone. Hydrothermal alteration is intense analysis was done by point counting on a slab specimen
along the intrusive contact of adamellite porphyry with prepared by staining the K-feldspar with saturated Na
host rocks of both sandstone and serpentinized peridotite. cobaltinitrate (Na 3[Co(NO 2) 6]) solution (Houghton,
The so called ‘ore shell’ is formed along the intrusive 1980).
contact. Wakita (1981) illustrated alteration zoning in the The bulk composition was determined by convention-
serpentinized peridotite from weak to intense toward the al X-ray fluorescence analysis using a Rigaku Geigerflex
intrusive contact with the adamellite porphyry; weakly system 3080E3 at the Earthquake Research Institute,
altered zone, chlorite zone, talc zone, tremolite zone, and University of Tokyo. Glass beads were prepared for major
biotite zone. Akiyama (1984a) extended the hydrothermal element oxides by fusion with Li tetraborate (Li2B4O7).
alteration zoning to the periphery of the mining area and Compressed powder pellets were prepared for trace ele-
classified into four zones from the center of adamellite ment analysis.
porphyry; 1) low-grade core weak potassic zone, 2) The chemical composition of minerals was deter-
quartz-biotite zone, 3) phyllic zone, and 4) clay zone. mined with an electron probe microanalyzer, JEOL
Sunada (1986) showed that K was enriched in the altered JCMA 733 markII of the Geological Institute, University
zone, especially in the biotite zone, of both adamellite of Tokyo, using an accelerating voltage of 15 kV and a
porphyry and serpentinized peridotite whereas Na and Ca probe current of 1.2×10-8 A. The results were calibrated
were depleted. The post-ore dikes of “granodiorite por- by conventional ZAF correction.
phyry” (Kosaka and Wakita, 1975, 1978) traverse the Fluid inclusions were studied in terms of microther-
deposit NNE-wards (Fig. 3). mometry using the heating stage equipment of Chaixmeca
Shoji et al. (1977) and Nishiyama (1983) studied the of the Geological Institute, University of Tokyo.
trace element contents of ore minerals. Akiyama (1984b) Sample preparation for determination of sulfur iso-
reported the mode of occurrence of Au and Ag mineral- topic ratio was done following the procedure described
ization. Nagano et al. (1977) reported that fluid inclusions by Yanagisawa and Sakai (1983). Sulfides were decom-
found in the Mamut deposit are hypersaline, mostly 35- posed by HNO3+Br2, to aqueous SO42-, that was precipi-
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tated as BaSO4. The BaSO4 was heated with vanadium Table 1 K-Ar age of hydrothermal biotite of adamellite
pentaoxide (V2O5) and silica glass in evacuated glass porphyry.
line, in order to liberate the sulfur as SO2. Sulfur iso- Sample K2O radiogenic 40Ar K-Ar age non-radiogenic
topic ratio of the SO2 gas was determined using Finni- ID (wt%) (10-8ccSTP/g) (Ma) Ar (%)
gan MAT delta E mass spectrometer of the Geological 05813 6.66±0.13 180.6±2.5 6.98±0.17 23.8
Institute, University of Tokyo. The isotopic composi- Analysis was done by Dr. T. Itaya at Hiruzen Institute of Okayama
Science University.
tions are expressed in conventional δ34S per mil (‰) Biotite was separated from the sample “05813” of hydrothermally
with respect to the value to the Canyon Diablo troilite. biotitized adamellite porphyry collected from -60L North of
The gross errors are estimated to be within ±0.2 ‰. the Mamut mine open pit.

composition and intruded in the late Miocene, about 9 Ma

3. Geological Background
estimated by K-Ar dating (Jacobson, 1970). An adamel-
lite porphyry stock at Mamut (Figs. 3 and 4), which is
The western Pacific rim region has been considered
associated with porphyry Cu mineralization, has been
as a Neogene metallogenic province of porphyry Cu
thought to be one of the satellite facies of the Mount Kin-
mineralization. Chains of this type of deposit widely
abalu batholith (Fig. 2). K-Ar dating of hydrothermal
occur in the Philippines and Papua New Guinea (Fig. 1).
biotite which replaced the phenocrystic hornblende of the
While the Mamut deposit is regarded as one of such
Mamut adamellite porphyry at the ore shell near the intru-
deposits, its geologic setting is quite different from that
sive contact, yielded 7.0±0.2 Ma (Table 1).
of other deposits in the region.
Preliminary studies on petrography and major element
The geologic history of the Mount Kinabalu area is
petrochemistry of the Mount Kinabalu intrusive rocks
complicated. The tectonic setting and evolution of the
were carried out by Jacobson (1970). Vogt and Flower
northern Borneo Island has been discussed by Tokuyama
(1989) presented mineralogical and geochemical studies
and Yoshida (1974), Hamilton (1979), Wood (1985),
which suggest that high K rocks of the Mount Kinabalu
Clennel (1991) and Tongkul (1991). Tertiary magma-
batholith exhibit characteristics of collision granitoids.
tism and related mineralizations which include the
Globules of Cu-Fe sulfides are associated with felsite
Mount Kinabalu batholith, porphyry Cu mineralizations
dike/sheet intrusions in the Mount Kinabalu adamellitic
at Mamut and Nungkok and the distribution of ultramaf-
rocks (Imai, 1994). Considering the lack of hydrothermal
ic rocks as well (Fig. 1), are aligned in the zone that has
alteration and igneous textures of felsites as well as the
been recognized as a suture of collision between the
morphology of sulfide globules, the sulfide melt has been
Kalimantan micro-continent and the Sulu arc (Hamilton,
segregated from the Mount Kinabalu adamellitic magma.
1979). Northwestern Sabah is widely covered with thick
Unconsolidated Pinosuk gravels unconformably over-
flysch-type sediments which belong to the Rajang
lie the above mentioned rocks around the Pinosuk plateau
Group. In the Mount Kinabalu area (Fig. 1), the sedi-
at the southern flank of Mount Kinabalu. The gravels
ments mainly consist of siltstone to fine-grained sand-
consist of all the rocks formerly distributed in this area.
stone with some alternating turbidite. These are correlat-
They are poorly sorted and sometimes include large
ed to the Crocker Formation and the Trusmadi Forma-
adamellite boulders up to 10 m in diameter. This is a
tion of the Rajang Group (Kasama et al., 1970; Jacob-
tilloid deposit related to the glaciation of the summit area
son, 1970; Tokuyama and Yoshida, 1974). Ultramafic
of Mount Kinabalu in the late Pleistocene, determined by
rocks were recognized in the Darvel Bay ophiolite 14C dating (Jacobson, 1970).
(Hutchison, 1975, 1978), and are considered to be a part
of oceanic lithosphere obducted onto the Borneo micro- 4. Petrology of Adamellitic Intrusive Rocks in the
continent (McManus and Tate, 1986). Some of the peri- Mount Kinabalu Area
dotites in Sabah, such as garnet lherzolite near Ranau,
are concluded to have been derived from the upper man- Petrological studies were carried out on the adamellitic
tle beneath the Kalimantan micro-continent (Imai and intrusive rocks in the Mount Kinabalu area for petrologic
Ozawa, 1991). comparison between the mineralizing and the barren
Nishiwaki (1981) regarded this area as a north-south intrusives. In the Mount Kinabalu area, two types of
compressional stress field by means of analysis of geo- intermediate to silicic intrusive rocks of Neogene age are
logical structures. Jacobson (1970) has also pointed out petrographically recognized. These are consistent with
the north-south compression during the emplacement of the distinction based on bulk chemistry by Vogt and
the Mount Kinabalu main pluton in terms of orientation Flower (1989).
of K-feldspar mega phenocrysts and fractures developed Adamellite porphyry (Table 2) and adamellite, a
after solidification of the magma. coarse-grained equigranular analogue of porphyry (Table
The Mount Kinabalu batholith is mainly adamellite in 3), both correspond to the high K suite of Vogt and
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vol. 50, no. 1, 2000 Mamut Porphyry Cu Deposit, Sabah, East Malaysia 5

Table 2 Modal composition of adamellite porphyries.

Sample ID 05403 01404 03402 04407 01822 10502 05824 06824
Locality Mamut Bambangan Nalumad Mamut Poring Kinabalu Kinabalu Kinabalu
(M1site) (+12LW) (boulder) (boulder) (boulder)
Rock type adamellite adamellite adamellite “granodiorite” adamellite adamellite adamellite adamellite
porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry(post-ore) porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry
K-feldspar 10.4 7.7 4.5 1.2 20.6 18.2 16.4 11.7
(mega phenocryst)
plagioclase 21.2 21.3 18.3 10.5 22.1 25.0 21.1 18.2
hornblende 20.0 19.1 15.5 13.5 19.2 23.5 20.1 9.7
groundmass 48.5 51.7 61.7 74.8 37.9 33.1 42.2 60.2

Table 3 Modal composition of coarse-grained adamellite. of hornblende, tremolitic amphibole and biotite. Horn-
Sample ID 01927 07824 blende and plagioclase phenocrysts are often shattered.
Locality Kinabalu Kinabalu The groundmass contains significant amounts of tremol-
(Low’s Peak) (boulder) itic amphibole microphenocrysts (10-20 vol%). Sub-den-
Rock type adamellite porphyritic dritic overgrowths (usually less than 50 µm across) of
adamellite tremolitic amphibole rims on hornblende phenocryst are
K-feldspar 21.4 39.9* observed (Fig. 5A) in the Mamut adamellite porphyry.
plagioclase 28.4 28.7
quartz 28.7 13.7 The remnant of clinopyroxene, that is presently replaced
hornblende 18.4 15.4 by hornblende is rarely found in the core of hornblende
biotite 2.9 2.0 phenocrysts in the Mamut adamellite porphyry, while
*: K-feldspar content of the sample “07824” (39.9%) unaltered clinopyroxenes are preserved in the barren
includes 23.8% of mega phenocrysts.
adamellite porphyries from other localities.
The petrography of the barren adamellite porphyries of
Flower (1989). Although mega phenocrysts of K-
high K suite in the Mount Kinabalu area is broadly simi-
feldspar are absent, massive equigranular adamellite at
lar to that of the Mamut adamellite porphyry. They are
the Mount Kinabalu summit plateau around the highest
petrographically divided into two sub-types. One is char-
Low’s Peak, belongs to the high-K suite. In addition, the
acterized by a dusty, fine-grained composite groundmass
post-ore dikes named as “granodiorite porphyry” (Kosa-
with lesser amounts of phenocrysts, and the other is char-
ka and Wakita, 1975, 1978) at the Mamut deposit also
acterized by a clear, fine-grained microequigranular
belong to this high K suite.
mosaic groundmass with larger amounts of phenocrysts.
On the other hand, fine- to medium-grained equigranu-
Grain size of the groundmass of both sub-types is less
lar granodiorite which consists of hornblende, biotite, K-
than 100 µm. The groundmass of the former contains up
feldspar, plagioclase and quartz, correspond to the low-K
to 10 vol% mafic minerals such as actinolitic amphiboles,
suite (Vogt and Flower, 1989).
while that of the latter is less than 3 vol% except for the
Since the porphyry Cu mineralization at the Mamut
biotite microphenocrysts. The texture of groundmass of
deposit is associated with a satellite adamellite porphyry
the former looks similar to that of extrusive rocks likely
intrusion of the high K suite, the detailed descriptions and
due to quenching, while that of the latter is due to rather
discussions are made on the high K suite porphyritic
slower cooling. The difference in cooling rate can be also
intrusive rocks.
observed in the overgrowths on K-feldspar mega phe-
4. 1. Petrography nocrysts and plagioclase phenocrysts. No overgrowth is
observed on the rim of large phenocrysts of K-feldspar in
The studied adamellite porphyries of the high K suite
the quenched adamellite porphyries (Fig. 5B), while sig-
in the Mount Kinabalu area are listed in Table 2, show-
nificant overgrowths on the rim of mega phenocrysts of
ing locality and modal abundance of constituents.
K-feldspar are observed in the slow cooled adamellite
The adamellite porphyry at Mamut (Fig. 4), which has
porphyries, exhibited by intercalated inclusions of fine-
been believed to be genetically associated with the por-
grained granular quartz parallel to the euhedral crystal
phyry Cu mineralization, consists of mega phenocrysts of
outline of mega phenocrysts of K-feldspar (Fig. 5C).
euhedral K-feldspar (up to 3 cm long prisms), euhedral
Because of the highly K-rich bulk composition of these
hornblende and plagioclase phenocrysts (less than 1 cm
adamellite porphyries, K-feldspar crystallized earlier than
long prisms) and fine-grained (less than 100 µ m)
quartz and plagioclase, and the composition of the resid-
holocrystalline aplitic groundmass showing mosaic tex-
ual magma changed toward the quartz present field by
ture. The groundmass consists of anhedral K-feldspar,
fractional crystallization of K-feldspar in the ternary sys-
plagioclase and quartz with subhedral microphenocrysts
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lected from Bambangan and Nalumad, in addition to the

post-ore “granodiorite porphyry” at Mamut shows
quenching texture, while adamellite porphyries from Por-
ing and boulder samples from Mount Kinabalu exhibit
slow cooling texture.
In the adamellite porphyry at Poring, abundant biotite
occurs as microphenocrysts while no amphibole is present
in the groundmass. Small amounts of clinopyroxene
microphenocrysts are found in quenched adamellite por-
phyries at Bambangan and at Nalumad. Furthermore, a
number of hornblende phenocrysts in some adamellite
porphyries of both sub-types (at Nalumad and in some
boulders from Mount Kinabalu) are decomposed to
pseudomorphous aggregates of fine-grained shredded
biotite and clinopyroxene (Fig. 5B). This decomposition
occurred during the igneous process as distinguished from
hydrothermal biotite in terms of high Ti contents. Since
the assemblage of phlogopite and diopside indicates high-
er temperature and/or lower H2O activity relative to horn-
blende-bearing assemblage (Wones and Guilbert, 1982;
Wones and Dodge, 1977), pseudomorphic aggregates of
biotite and clinopyroxene after hornblende phenocrysts in
the adamellite porphyry at Nalumad and some boulders
from Mount Kinabalu imply depression of H2O activity in
these barren magmas. In addition, since igneous Ca-
amphibole is not stable at lower H2O fugacity, while
biotite and pyroxene are stable at low pressures (for exam-
ple at 2 kbar, Naney and Swanson, 1980), the H2O fugaci-
ty in the barren magmas is supposed to be lower compared
to that of the Mamut adamellite porphyry in which Ca-
amphibole is abundant in the groundmass.
Clinopyroxene which crystallized at higher tempera-
tures prior to hornblende phenocryst crystallization is
rarely found as an inclusion in the core of hornblende
phenocrysts, whereas it is replaced by hornblende in the
Mamut adamellite porphyry. This suggests that the H2O
fugacity in the barren magmas is supposed to be lower
compared to that of the Mamut adamellite porphyry since
Fig. 5 Photomicrograph of (A) hornblende (hb) phenocryst the time of crystallization of hornblende phenocrysts.
with apatite inclusion (ap) rimmed by sub-dendritic over-
growth of tremolitic amphibole (tr) in the Mamut
4. 2. Bulk chemistry
adamellite porphyry, (B) K-feldspar (Kfd) mega phe- The whole rock major and trace element composition
nocryst with sharp outline and hornblende (hb) phe-
nocryst partly replaced by aggregates of fine-grained
of the high K suite intrusive rocks in the Mount Kina-
biotite (bt) and clinopyroxene (cpx) in the quenched type balu area are listed in Table 4 along with CIPW norma-
adamellite porphyry at Nalumad, (C) intercalated granu- tive composition.
lar quartz (qtz) inclusion along the outline of K-feldspar The Cu contents range from 26 to 60 ppm in the barren
(Kfd) mega phenocryst with phenocrystic hornblende adamellitic rocks of the high K suite (Table 4). On the
(hb), biotite (bt) and plagioclase (pl) in the slowly cooled
adamellite porphyry at Poring (crossed nicols).
other hand, the Cu contents of the least altered adamellite
porphyries at Mamut and Bambangan range 115 to >500
ppm for the rocks without apparent hydrothermal alter-
tem of normative quartz-orthoclase-albite (Tuttle and
ation. On the contrary, the Zn contents are similar both
Bowen, 1958). Thus, the overgrowth of K-feldspar on the
in the barren and the mineralized adamellitic rocks rang-
intercalated granular quartz inclusions (Fig. 5C) indicates
ing from 42 to 78 ppm (Table 4).
a cooling duration at the ternary minimum composition.
The whole rock K2O-Na2O-CaO wt% of the high K
The groundmass of the adamellite porphyry samples col-
Table 4 Whole rock major and trace element composition and CIPW normative composition of adamellitic rocks.
Sample ID 05403 03820 17808 01404 04827 06917 03402 01811 01904 01822 01927 10502 05824 06824 07824
Locality Mamut Mamut Mamut Bambangan Bambangan Bambangan Nalumad Nalumad Mamut Poring Kinabalu Kinabalu Kinabalu Kinabalu Kinabalu
(M1 site) (M1 site) (+12LN) (+24LW) (Low’s Peak) (boulder) (boulder) (boulder) (boulder)
Rock type adamellite adamellite adamellite adamellite adamellite adamellite adamellite adamellite “granodiorite” adamellite adamellite adamellite adamellite adamellite porphyritic
porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry adamellite
vol. 50, no. 1, 2000

SiO2 (wt%) 62.32 61.75 60.78 61.05 62.79 62.24 62.64 63.55 63.95 63.69 65.13 63.40 62.90 66.43 62.28
TiO2 0.47 0.56 0.54 0.55 0.60 0.59 0.50 0.54 0.61 0.53 0.50 0.50 0.58 0.44 0.55
Al2O3 14.85 14.98 15.20 15.07 14.92 15.28 15.02 15.12 13.88 15.25 14.96 15.09 14.94 15.09 16.14
FeO 5.07 5.73 6.41 4.99 5.58 5.17 q4.96 4.99 5.76 5.11 4.78 5.35 5.71 4.02 5.35
MnO 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.13 0.11 0.09 0.12 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.12 0.08 0.11
MgO 2.66 2.80 2.75 3.84 2.71 3.14 2.83 2.67 4.02 2.36 2.57 2.58 2.66 1.74 2.52
CaO 4.14 5.22 4.20 3.95 4.64 4.14 4.25 3.68 4.59 4.91 5.47 4.89 5.22 3.99 5.58
Na2O 1.94 2.54 2.14 2.04 2.65 2.29 2.53 2.85 1.49 2.91 3.07 2.48 2.80 2.83 2.95
K2O 5.12 4.82 5.74 6.69 5.20 6.76 4.66 4.64 4.43 4.60 2.64 4.18 4.46 4.87 4.20
P2O5 0.21 0.27 0.29 0.25 0.29 0.30 0.20 0.24 0.26 0.26 0.23 0.22 0.28 0.21 0.27
H2O(+) 2.07 1.26 1.96 1.10 0.75 0.94 1.73 1.68 0.91 0.31 0.79 0.65 0.37 0.35 0.66
total 98.96 100.03 100.10 99.66 100.24 100.94 99.44 100.05 100.00 100.03 100.24 99.47 100.04 100.05 100.61
Rb (ppm) 141.9 166.3 168.1 218.6 203.6 138.5 189.7 81.3 180.1 188.4 153.5
Sr 394.8 393.8 372.3 363.1 385.1 333.4 387.3 362.7 384.5 370.3 463.3
Ba 558.3 592.4 404.8 428.5 476.1 508.4 469.4 731.1 434.7 389.4 500.7
Y 17.3 16.5 19.6 18.2 14.9 17.7 18.2 17.7 19.6 13.0 16.6
Zr 94.4 100.8 106.3 109.0 101.0 120.7 95.4 100.0 103.7 79.6 96.9
V 152.7 188.6 173.6 167.7 137.4 134.9 139.0 122.1 154.3 100.0 136.4
Cr 51.8 39.6 50.9 40.9 60.2 150.7 45.2 44.3 55.6 36.4 50.5
Ni 16.8 10.6 17.9 27.4 16.6 18.7 12.0 11.4 17.6 9.8 17.9
Cu 193.3 552.8 115.3 505.7 59.5 45.6 51.5 10.9 53.9 26.0 38.7
Zn 77.5 58.0 54.1 61.9 55.7 50.1 51.9 55.7 59.9 41.8 50.9
Ga 17.5 15.8 14.5 16.0 14.4 18.5 16.2 15.9 18.3 16.5 16.8
Nb 6.7 6.5 8.0 6.2 6.8 7.6 7.5 5.9 7.2 6.1 6.7
La 25.4 22.2 15.9 3.0 5.8 5.6 16.6 9.6 10.6 10.9 11.1
Ce 46.6 42.0 11.5 15.9 16.5 6.1 29.5 33.2 20.0 23.0 21.3
Sc 10.6 14.7 31.9 34.1 31.7 37.1 29.8 13.8 32.2 21.2 22.2
Th 17.8 20.9 18.2 20.4 19.5 19.7 18.0 13.6 19.1 19.6 13.1
Mamut Porphyry Cu Deposit, Sabah, East Malaysia

Qtz (norm%) 17.87 13.96 12.89 9.58 14.03 10.07 16.37 16.94 22.00 15.72 22.00 18.40 15.09 20.34 13.76
Or 30.28 28.76 34.47 39.52 30.81 39.88 27.55 27.81 26.34 27.71 15.64 24.70 26.38 28.81 24.79
Ab 16.41 21.67 18.44 17.25 22.50 19.30 21.40 24.43 12.67 24.61 26.09 20.98 23.70 23.97 24.91
An 16.66 15.41 14.96 12.21 13.51 11.44 15.86 14.98 18.26 14.99 19.32 17.70 15.03 14.41 18.36
C — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Di 2.04 7.34 3.48 4.62 6.27 5.77 3.21 1.58 2.42 6.31 5.22 4.19 7.44 3.58 6.16
Hy 9.70 8.02 10.50 11.24 8.05 8.93 9.44 9.90 13.43 6.80 7.66 8.73 7.51 5.68 7.46
Mt 2.73 3.10 3.50 2.83 3.00 2.77 2.66 2.72 3.11 2.74 2.57 2.87 3.07 2.16 2.86
Il 0.90 1.07 1.03 1.05 1.13 1.12 0.96 1.03 1.16 1.00 0.94 0.95 1.10 0.83 1.04
Ap 0.49 0.63 0.69 0.59 0.67 0.67 0.46 0.57 0.59 0.59 0.52 0.51 0.63 0.49 0.62
DI 64.56 64.39 65.80 66.35 67.34 69.25 65.32 69.18 61.01 68.04 63.73 64.08 65.17 73.12 63.46
Total Fe content is expressed as FeO. H2O(+) content was determined by the loss on ignission.
Abbreviation for normative compornent; Qtz: quartz, Or: K-feldspar, Ab: albite, An: anorthite, C: corundum, Di: diopside, Hy: hypersthene, Mt: magnetite, Il: ilmenite, Ap: apatite.
DI denotes differentiation index (normative Qtz+Or+Ab).

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Fig. 6 Na2O-K2O-CaO (wt%) triangular diagram of high Fig. 7 CIPW normative albite (Ab)-Quartz (Qtz)-Ortho-
K suite adamellitic intrusive rocks in the Mount Kina- clase (Or) triangular diagram of the high K suite
balu area. The least altered Mamut adamellite porphyry adamellitic rocks in the Mount Kinabalu area. Cotectic
(Sunada, 1986) and adamellitic rocks in the Mount Kina- line taken from Tuttle and Bowen (1958) is shown for
balu area (Jacobson, 1970) are included on the diagram. reference.

Table 5 Major element and CIPW normative composition of the groundmass of adamellitic porphyries.
Sample ID 05403 17808 06917 01811 01904 01822 05824 06824
Locality Mamut Mamut Bambangan Nalumad Mamut Poring Kinabalu Kinabalu
(M1site) (+12LN) (+24LW) (boulder) (boulder)
Rock type adamellite adamellite adamellite adamellite “granodiorite” adamellite adamellite adamellite
porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry(post-ore) porphyry porphyry porphyry
SiO2 (wt%) 66.28 63.61 66.21 66.64 65.48 68.49 69.03 70.77
TiO2 0.41 0.48 0.53 0.51 0.50 0.29 0.29 0.36
Al2O3 14.75 14.28 13.88 13.93 13.31 16.02 14.99 13.81
FeO 3.95 5.63 3.67 4.34 4.55 2.30 2.09 2.57
MnO 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.05
MgO 1.72 2.04 2.42 2.53 3.38 0.93 0.81 1.02
CaO 4.08 2.97 2.58 2.35 3.29 4.04 3.22 2.53
Na2O 2.55 2.10 2.64 2.70 1.33 3.38 3.04 2.58
K2O 4.82 6.11 6.81 5.15 4.74 3.92 4.82 5.22
P2O5 0.22 0.25 0.24 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.16
total 98.83 97.53 99.05 98.42 96.83 99.56 98.46 99.07
Qtz (norm%) 22.00 18.04 16.40 21.80 27.19 23.99 25.25 28.85
Or 28.80 36.94 40.58 30.87 28.87 23.23 28.91 31.09
Ab 21.82 18.13 22.54 23.13 11.63 28.65 26.17 22.04
An 14.70 11.78 5.94 10.56 15.67 17.06 13.16 10.75
C — — — 0.11 0.42 — — —
Di 3.55 1.35 4.35 — — 1.67 1.78 0.72
Hy 5.66 9.12 6.61 9.71 12.29 3.22 2.71 4.07
Mt 2.14 3.09 1.98 2.36 2.52 1.24 1.13 1.39
Il 0.78 0.93 1.01 0.98 0.97 0.55 0.55 0.69
Ap 0.49 0.58 0.54 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.36
DI 72.62 73.11 79.52 75.80 67.69 75.87 80.33 81.98
Total Fe content is expressed as FeO.
Abbreviation for normative compornent; Qtz: quartz, Or: K-feldspar, Ab: albite, An: anorthite, C: corundum, Di: diopside, Hy:
hypersthene, Mt: magnetite, Il: ilmenite, Ap: apatite. DI denotes differentiation index (normative Qtz+Or+Ab).

suite intrusive rocks in the Mount Kinabalu area are plot- ferentiation trend presumably caused by fractionation of
ted on Figure 6. The adamellite porphyries at Mamut and Ca-rich plagioclase. Thus, the most differentiated rocks
Bambangan tend to plot closer to the K2O-CaO baseline are plotted near the K2O-Na2O baseline of Figure 6.
of the K2O-Na2O-CaO wt% ternary diagram, while the Except these highly differentiated rocks, the adamellite
other high K suite intrusive rocks show a broad variation porphyries at Mamut and Bambangan are relatively
in K2O to CaO, at relatively constant Na2O (shaded area richer in K2O compared to the other high K suite intru-
in Fig. 6). This variation is interpreted as a magmatic dif- sive rocks in the Mount Kinabalu area.
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vol. 50, no. 1, 2000 Mamut Porphyry Cu Deposit, Sabah, East Malaysia 9

The normative composition of the high K suite intru-

sive rocks in the Mount Kinabalu area are plotted on the
CIPW normative quartz-orthoclase-albite ternary plot
(Fig. 7), while the differentiation indexes (DI, norma-
tive quartz+orthoclase+albite) of most of the samples
range between 61 and 73 (Table 4). The coarse-grained
adamellite at Mount Kinabalu summit Low’s peak corre-
sponds to the ternary minimum point at about 2 kbar (Tut-
tle and Bowen, 1958). However, majority of the adamel-
litic rocks are scattered in the region below the orthoclase-
quartz cotectic line of reasonable pressure for the
emplacement and solidification. Among them, adamellite
porphyries at Mamut and at Bambangan are enriched in
the orthoclase component, i.e., K2O contents.
Due to the contribution from the phenocrystic plagio-
clase and K-feldspar encountered into the whole rock Fig. 8 CIPW normative albite (Ab)-Quartz (Qtz)-Ortho-
composition, the plotted whole rock normative compo- clase (Or) triangular diagram of groundmass of the high
sitions do not correspond to the composition of the K suite adamellitic rocks in the Mount Kinabalu area.
crystallizing magmas. Thus, scattered plots of the Cotectic line taken from Tuttle and Bowen (1958) is
shown for reference.
adamellitic rocks below the orthoclase-quartz cotectic
line are consistent with petrographic observation that
the melt compositions are supposed to be differentiated “granodiorite” porphyry magma is aluminous. Thus, after
through fractional crystallization of K-feldspar mega the extraction of the Mamut adamellite porphyry magma
phenocryst and plagioclase phenocryst. In addition, the which was enriched in K, the residual magma remained in
significant scattering of plots can be explained by the the reservoir is thought to have become aluminous.
variable abundance ratio of such phenocrystic feldspars.
4. 3. Mineral chemistry
Major element composition and the CIPW normative
composition of the groundmass of selected adamellite 4. 3. 1. Amphiboles: Hornblende is a common constituent
porphyries of the high K suite were also determined in adamellitic intrusives in the Mount Kinabalu area. It
(Table 5), in order to examine the melt composition of occurs as euhedral prismatic crystals up to about 1 cm
the intruded solidifying magmas. The DI of the ground- long, usually as discrete grains or sometimes forming
mass of high K suite adamellite porphyries ranges from clots. Concentric optical zoning is rarely found. Apatite
68 to 82. Normative composition of the groundmass of and Fe-Ti oxides are commonly included in phenocrystic
adamellite porphyries shows that the groundmass of hornblende.
adamellite porphyries at Mamut and at Bambangan is Actinolitic-tremolitic amphiboles occur as rims on
enriched in the orthoclase component, i.e., high K con- hornblende phenocrysts, as microphenocrysts of less than
tent (Fig. 8). The composition of the melt is expected to 0.5 mm long prisms, and as groundmass constituent in the
have changed toward the quartz stability field, or ternary adamellite porphyries. Sub-dendritic overgrowth of
minimum eutectic point through fractional crystallization tremolitic amphibole rims on hornblende phenocrysts is
of K-feldspar which crystallized as mega phenocryst observed in the Mamut adamellite porphyry (Fig. 5A). In
along with plagioclase phenocryst. However, the ground- coarse-grained equigranular adamellite, actinolitic-
mass compositions of adamellite porphyries at Mamut tremolitic amphibole replaced primary hornblende which
and at Bambangan plot close to the orthoclase-albite join, is presently preserved as patchy domains.
and thus equilibrium is not supposed to have been attained Chemical compositions of amphiboles are presented in
in the groundmass at reasonable pressure. Table 6. Core of hornblende phenocrysts of the adamel-
On the contrary, small amounts of normative corun- lite porphyries in the Mount Kinabalu area is character-
dum are recorded in groundmass of the post-ore “gran- ized by significantly high K contents as compared with
odiorite” porphyry at Mamut, in addition to a barren those from island arc calc-alkaline rocks (e.g., Leake,
adamellite porphyry at Nalumad. The post-ore “granodi- 1968; Jakes and White, 1972). This may be due to high
orite” porphyry is supposed to have subsequently derived K contents of whole rock composition.
from the residual magma reservoir, from which the Tremolitic amphibole rims of hornblende phenocrysts
Mamut adamellite porphyry derived. While the melt and those in the groundmass in the Mamut adamellite por-
composition of the Mamut adamellite porphyry magma phyry have higher XMg values than those of the other bar-
is enriched in K, the melt composition of the post-ore ren adamellitic rocks (Fig. 9A). In addition, the XMg of
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Table 6 Microprobe analysis of amphiboles in adamellitic rocks.

Sample ID 05403 01404 03402
Locality Mamut Bambangan Nalumad
Rock type adamellite adamellite adamellite
porphyry porphyry porphyry
description phenocryst phenocryst groundmass phenocryst phenocryst groundmass phenocryst phenocryst
core rim core rim core core rim
No. of analysis 38 31 43 22 11 5 19 4
ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ)
SiO2 (wt%) 44.49 (0.61) 52.73 (1.54) 51.32 (2.53) 44.51 (0.86) 51.71 (1.31) 51.18 (1.62) 44.40 (0.50) 52.52 (1.12)
Al2O3 9.46 (0.38) 3.96 (0.85) 4.34 (1.96) 8.89 (0.74) 3.07 (0.81) 3.87 (1.15) 9.30 (0.35) 2.71 (0.87)
TiO2 1.66 (0.13) 0.43 (0.27) 0.54 (0.47) 1.57 (0.16) 0.49 (0.23) 0.81 (0.27) 1.58 (0.15) 0.12 (0.03)
FeO 17.54 (0.67) 11.29 (2.27) 12.57 (2.13) 18.24 (0.60) 16.66 (2.23) 15.30 (1.26) 18.62 (0.36) 17.11 (2.40)
MnO 0.41 (0.06) 0.43 (0.07) 0.42 (0.12) 0.34 (0.08) 0.34 (0.08) 0.24 (0.06) 0.43 (0.04) 0.28 (0.06)
MgO 10.51 (0.47) 16.34 (1.45) 15.53 (1.92) 10.22 (0.47) 13.23 (1.65) 13.86 (1.10) 10.32 (0.27) 13.69 (1.85)
CaO 11.57 (0.17) 12.30 (0.33) 12.06 (0.28) 11.44 (0.14) 11.51 (0.27) 11.34 (0.12) 11.54 (0.17) 11.16 (0.28)
Na2O 1.40 (0.08) 0.57 (0.20) 0.69 (0.29) 1.60 (0.22) 0.63 (0.19) 0.98 (0.13) 1.31 (0.04) 0.54 (0.14)
K2O 1.22 (0.07) 0.32 (0.16) 0.41 (0.32) 1.14 (0.12) 0.36 (0.13) 0.46 (0.14) 1.11 (0.28) 0.18 (0.08)
Cl 0.18 (0.03) 0.11 (0.07) 0.14 (0.09) 0.15 (0.04) 0.07 (0.03) 0.14 (0.06) 0.14 (0.02) 0.19 (0.06)
=O -0.04 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.02 -0.03 -0.03 -0.04
F 0.30 (0.06) 0.32 (0.08) 0.29 (0.05) 0.19 (0.04) 0.13 (0.03) 0.22 (0.06) 0.13 (0.08) 0.20 (0.09)
=O -0.13 -0.13 -0.12 -0.08 -0.05 -0.09 -0.05 -0.08
total 98.57 98.64 98.16 98.18 98.13 98.28 98.80 98.58
cation (O=23)
Si 6.698 (0.058) 7.534 (0.155) 7.442 (0.291) 6.716 (0.095) 7.600 (0.130) 7.493 (0.181) 6.674 (0.056) 7.688 (0.094)
Al 1.678 (0.070) 0.685 (0.172) 0.744 (0.354) 1.603 (0.118) 0.533 (0.142) 0.670 (0.206) 1.648 (0.064) 0.470 (0.156)
Ti 0.188 (0.016) 0.048 (0.031) 0.060 (0.054) 0.180 (0.019) 0.054 (0.028) 0.089 (0.031) 0.179 (0.018) 0.014 (0.003)
Fe 2.209 (0.088) 1.279 (0.283) 1.530 (0.282) 2.315 (0.082) 2.052 (0.309) 1.874 (0.168) 2.342 (0.046) 2.098 (0.317)
Mn 0.052 (0.007) 0.052 (0.008) 0.051 (0.016) 0.044 (0.010) 0.043 (0.010) 0.031 (0.008) 0.056 (0.006) 0.034 (0.008)
Mg 2.357 (0.094) 3.477 (0.261) 3.359 (0.389) 2.297 (0.089) 2.984 (0.334) 3.023 (0.219) 2.314 (0.054) 2.985 (0.376)
Ca 1.866 (0.033) 1.887 (0.034) 1.877 (0.035) 1.859 (0.025) 1.813 (0.046) 1.781 (0.025) 1.859 (0.030) 1.750 (0.027)
Na 0.409 (0.023) 0.165 (0.066) 0.194 (0.086) 0.474 (0.063) 0.180 (0.055) 0.277 (0.038) 0.381 (0.012) 0.154 (0.042)
K 0.234 (0.015) 0.061 (0.032) 0.075 (0.062) 0.223 (0.023) 0.067 (0.025) 0.087 (0.028) 0.214 (0.054) 0.033 (0.015)
Cl 0.045 (0.008) 0.028 (0.017) 0.034 (0.025) 0.039 (0.009) 0.018 (0.009) 0.037 (0.017) 0.038 (0.006) 0.046 (0.014)
F 0.145 (0.034) 0.145 (0.039) 0.134 (0.026) 0.092 (0.023) 0.060 (0.016) 0.101 (0.029) 0.063 (0.039) 0.092 (0.047)
XMg 0.516 (0.019) 0.719 (0.057) 0.690 (0.054) 0.498 (0.017) 0.589 (0.063) 0.589 (0.054) 0.497 (0.018) 0.587 (0.067)

Sample ID 04407 01822 01927 10502

Locality Mamut Poring Kinabalu Kinabalu
(+12LW) (Low’s Peak) (boulder)
Rock type “granodiorite” adamellite adamellite adamellite
porphyry porphyry porphyry
description phenocryst phenocryst phenocryst phenocryst phenocryst groundmass
core core rim domain core rim
no. of analysis 18 10 14 40 5 12 8 5
ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ)
SiO2 (wt%) 44.41 (0.62) 44.56 (0.58) 48.70 (1.61) 50.40 (1.99) 45.53 (0.27) 43.93 (0.37) 47.88 (0.85) 50.94 (0.78)
Al2O3 9.42 (0.17) 9.42 (0.41) 5.58 (1.28) 4.56 (1.39) 8.69 (0.31) 9.13 (0.28) 5.80 (0.76) 3.49 (0.33)
TiO2 1.69 (0.06) 1.69 (0.12) 1.00 (0.30) 0.73 (0.37) 1.24 (0.08) 1.52 (0.12) 0.98 (0.20) 0.25 (0.14)
FeO 18.44 (0.98) 18.44 (0.71) 19.29 (1.11) 15.51 (1.01) 17.37 (0.71) 18.86 (0.25) 18.66 (0.60) 19.61 (2.43)
MnO 0.43 (0.07) 0.43 (0.08) 0.59 (0.07) 0.44 (0.15) 0.44 (0.08) 0.45 (0.08) 0.87 (0.16) 0.37 (0.30)
MgO 10.21 (0.58) 10.21 (0.53) 10.79 (0.82) 13.28 (0.99) 11.28 (0.17) 10.00 (0.34) 10.90 (0.46) 10.45 (1.30)
CaO 11.51 (0.16) 11.51 (0.12) 11.39 (0.22) 11.67 (0.32) 11.39 (0.10) 11.71 (0.13) 11.14 (0.39) 11.98 (0.21)
Na2O 1.33 (0.06) 1.33 (0.11) 1.08 (0.26) 0.84 (0.26) 1.26 (0.12) 1.46 (0.19) 1.24 (0.33) 0.56 (0.17)
K2O 1.19 (0.07) 1.19 (0.11) 0.54 (0.16) 0.39 (0.15) 1.01 (0.06) 1.18 (0.07) 0.53 (0.14) 0.16 (0.07)
Cl 0.14 (0.03) 0.14 (0.02) 0.08 (0.02) 0.13 (0.06) 0.16 (0.02) 0.19 (0.05) 0.13 (0.05) 0.07 (0.10)
=O -0.03 -0.03 -0.02 -0.03 -0.03 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02
F 0.13 (0.04) 0.12 (0.04) 0.11 (0.05) 0.10 (0.04) 0.14 (0.04) 0.10 (0.09) 0.06 (0.06) 0.12 (0.16)
=O -0.05 -0.05 -0.04 -0.04 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 -0.05
total 98.45 98.14 97.93 98.82 98.96 99.09 97.98 98.42
cation (O=23)
Si 6.664 (0.033) 6.689 (0.068) 7.232 (0.190) 7.356 (0.233) 6.811 (0.041) 6.656 (0.046) 7.179 (0.100) 7.604 (0.072)
Al 1.667 (0.029) 1.613 (0.077) 0.977 (0.230) 0.821 (0.290) 1.532 (0.052) 1.630 (0.051) 1.025 (0.136) 0.615 (0.059)
Ti 0.091(0.008) 0.184(0.013) 0.112(0.034) 0.084(0.042) 0.140(0.009) 0.174 (0.014) 0.110 (0.023) 0.028 (0.016)
Fe 2.390 (0.037) 2.341 (0.083) 2.451 (0.324) 2.349 (0.034) 2.328 (0.094) 2.397 (0.147) 1.918 (0.143) 2.173 (0.081)
Mn 0.056 (0.009) 0.065 (0.010) 0.074 (0.009) 0.054 (0.018) 0.056 (0.011) 0.058 (0.011) 0.111 (0.021) 0.046 (0.038)
Mg 2.260 (0.049) 2.299 (0.112) 2.380 (0.465) 2.913 (0.194) 2.516 (0.040) 2.258 (0.071) 2.434 (0.096) 2.323 (0.266)
Ca 1.860 (0.024) 1.867 (0.016) 1.812 (0.036) 1.836 (0.038) 1.826 (0.021) 1.901 (0.020) 1.790 (0.058) 1.617 (0.028)
Na 0.391 (0.014) 0.412 (0.035) 0.311 (0.076) 0.246 (0.076) 0.367 (0.034) 0.430 (0.058) 0.360 (0.097) 0.162 (0.049)
K 0.231 (0.010) 0.218 (0.022) 0.103 (0.031) 0.078 (0.034) 0.192 (0.012) 0.227 (0.014) 0.102 (0.027) 0.031 (0.015)
Cl 0.037 (0.005) 0.039 (0.005) 0.022 (0.007) 0.032 (0.015) 0.041 (0.006) 0.050 (0.014) 0.033 (0.013) 0.017 (0.026)
F 0.063 (0.021) 0.054 (0.020) 0.050 (0.024) 0.046 (0.019) 0.066 (0.023) 0.049 (0.046) 0.030 (0.031) 0.054 (0.075)
XMg 0.497 (0.027) 0.497 (0.021) 0.499 (0.030) 0.605 (0.031) 0.537 (0.010) 0.486 (0.011) 0.509 (0.017) 0.487 (0.061)
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vol. 50, no. 1, 2000 Mamut Porphyry Cu Deposit, Sabah, East Malaysia 11

Table 6 (continued)
Sample ID 05824 06824 07824 05826
Locality Kinabalu Kinabalu Kinabalu Kinabalu
(boulder) (boulder) (boulder) (boulder)
Rock type adamellite adamellite porphyritic adamellite
porphyry porphyry adamellite porphyry
description phenocryst phenocryst phenocryst phenocryst phenocryst phenocryst phenocryst phenocryst groundmass
core rim core rim core rim core rim
number of 8 9 12 21 36 4 15 17 5
ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ)
SiO2(wt%) 44.36 (0.86) 48.37 (1.39) 45.10 (0.87) 47.56 (1.95) 43.95 (0.86) 48.52 (1.02) 43.93 (0.84) 48.63 (1.90) 51.47 (1.03)
Al2O3 8.89 (0.71) 5.59 (0.94) 7.90 (0.78) 7.46 (1.95) 8.91 (0.80) 4.86 (0.94) 8.97 (0.96) 5.33 (1.49) 3.01 (0.46)
TiO2 1.54 (0.12) 1.80 (0.36) 1.35 (0.08) 1.00 (0.31) 1.46 (0.14) 0.76 (0.23) 1.57 (0.18) 0.91 (0.44) 0.27 (0.07)
FeO 18.06 (0.39) 17.50 (0.68) 18.10 (0.49) 15.18 (0.62) 18.08 (0.34) 18.19 (1.36) 18.34 (0.46) 17.56 (0.95) 17.44 (2.62)
MnO 0.46 (0.07) 0.59 (0.08) 0.64 (0.11) 0.42 (0.09) 0.44 (0.09) 0.61 (0.03) 0.49 (0.11) 0.56 (0.21) 0.30 (0.09)
MgO 10.20 (0.52) 11.36 (0.62) 10.49 (0.26) 12.19 (0.90) 10.03 (0.37) 11.11 (0.86) 10.14 (0.45) 11.70 (0.91) 12.55 (1.64)
CaO 11.41 (0.12) 11.61 (0.28) 11.19 (0.21) 11.67 (0.24) 11.40 (0.16) 11.39 (0.08) 11.37 (0.20) 11.32 (0.42) 11.80 (0.30)
Na2O 1.34 (0.08) 0.96 (0.22) 1.29 (0.09) 1.13 (0.28) 1.33 (0.07) 0.88 (0.24) 1.44 (0.10) 0.94 (0.33) 0.51 (0.10)
K2O 1.14 (0.14) 0.49 (0.16) 0.94 (0.17) 0.71 (0.21) 1.13 (0.16) 0.42 (0.12) 1.08 (0.18) 0.48 (0.19) 0.23 (0.06)
Cl 0.15 (0.02) 0.11 (0.04) 0.17 (0.03) 0.04 (0.02) 0.17 (0.03) 0.21 (0.17) 0.18 (0.03) 0.14 (0.04) 0.13 (0.06)
=O -0.03 -0.02 -0.03 -0.01 -0.04 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.03
F 0.17 (0.05) 0.16 (0.02) 0.17 (0.04) 0.13 (0.05) 0.18 (0.03) 0.18 (0.16) 0.16 (0.03) 0.16 (0.04) 0.14 (0.01)
=O -0.07 -0.07 -0.06 -0.05 -0.07 -0.07 -0.06 -0.07 -0.06
total 97.62 98.45 97.25 97.43 96.97 97.01 97.57 97.63 97.76
cation (O-23)
Si 6.741 (0.109) 7.259 (0.165) 6.870 (0.124) 7.062 (0.250) 6.724 (0.114) 7.340 (0.163) 6.698 (0.133) 7.265 (0.233) 7.602 (0.088)
Al 1.594 (0.132) 0.990 (0.170) 0.418 (0.142) 1.307 (0.346) 1.607 (0.148) 0.867 (0.168) 1.613 (0.170) 0.953 (0.263) 0.564 (0.115)
Ti 0.177 (0.015) 0.090 (0.041) 0.156 (0.009) 0.112 (0.035) 0.168 (0.016) 0.086 (0.026) 0.180 (0.020) 0.105 (0.049) 0.031 (0.007)
Fe 2.295 (0.054) 2.198 (0.096) 2.306 (0.062) 1.885 (0.086) 2.314 (0.048) 2.302 (0.183) 2.239 (0.062) 2.201 (0.127) 2.213 (0.338)
Mn 0.059 (0.009) 0.074 (0.010) 0.082 (0.014) 0.053 (0.011) 0.058 (0.011) 0.078 (0.004) 0.064 (0.014) 0.073 (0.026) 0.038 (0.010)
Mg 2.311 (0.111) 2.541 (0.126) 2.381 (0.060) 2.698 (0.183) 2.294 (0.078) 2.504 (0.184) 2.306 (0.100) 2.608 (0.178) 2.707 (0.335)
Ca 1.859 (0.023) 1.867 (0.037) 1.926 (0.037) 1.856 (0.038) 1.868 (0.029) 1.846 (0.020) 1.857 (0.032) 1.814 (0.056) 1.877 (0.025)
Na 0.396 (0.026) 0.279 (0.067) 0.380 (0.028) 0.324 (0.084) 0.394 (0.021) 0.257 (0.071) 0.425 (0.030) 0.280 (0.097) 0.146 (0.028)
K 0.222 (0.029) 0.094 (0.032) 0.184 (0.034) 0.134 (0.041) 0.220 (0.031) 0.081 (0.023) 0.211 (0.036) 0.093 (0.035) 0.044 (0.011)
Cl 0.039 (0.005) 0.029 (0.012) 0.044 (0.010) 0.010 (0.004) 0.045 (0.008) 0.054 (0.019) 0.046 (0.007) 0.036 (0.012) 0.031 (0.013)
F 0.082 (0.025) 0.078 (0.011) 0.069 (0.019) 0.060 (0.025) 0.086 (0.019) 0.084 (0.025) 0.078 (0.015) 0.077 (0.023) 0.061 (0.017)
XMg 0.502 (0.017) 0.536 (0.022) 0.508 (0.011) 0.589 (0.011) 0.498 (0.012) 0.521 (0.038) 0.496 (0.015) 0.542 (0.030) 0.561 (0.069)
Total Fe content is expressed as FeO. XMg denotes atomic Mg/(Mg+Fe).

the core of hornblende phenocryst of the Mamut adamel-

lite porphyry is slightly higher than those the other barren
intrusives. Increasing in the XMg has been interpreted to
be due to increasing in oxygen fugacity (Czamanske and
Wones, 1973), that was estimated from relationships
among biotite composition, temperature and oxygen
fugacity (Wones and Eugster, 1965). Increasing in the
XMg of tremolitic amphibole rims compared with the core
of hornblende phenocrysts in the intrusive rocks associat-
ed with porphyry Cu mineralization has been reported by
Mason (1978) and Chivas (1981) for Western Highland,
Papua New Guinea, and Koloula complex, Guadalcanal,
Solomon Island, respectively.
The compositional gap is recognized between the
hornblende phenocryst core and the tremolitic amphi-
bole rims and those in the groundmass of the Mamut
adamellite porphyry (Fig. 9A). Since the Si and Al con-
tents in the amphibole formula are responsible for this

Fig. 9 Chemical composition of amphiboles of the adamel-

litic rocks in the Mount Kinabalu area; (A): XMg versus
Si, (B): Cl versus Si, and (C): F versus Si. The Si, Cl and
F are expressed as number of atoms per half unit cell of
amphibole stoichiometry. The XMg denotes Mg/(Mg+
Fe) atomic ratio. The post-ore “granodiorite porphyry” at
the Mamut deposit is omitted in the diagram.
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Table 7 Microprobe analysis of biotite in adamellitic rocks.

Sample ID 05403 01404 03402 04407 01822 10502 05824 06824 07824 05826
Locality Mamut Bambangan Nalumad Mamut Poring Kinabalu Kinabalu Kinabalu Kinabalu Kinabalu
(M1site) (+12LW) (boulder) (boulder) (boulder) (boulder) (boulder)
Rock type adamellite adamellite adamellite “granodiorite” adamellite adamellite adamellite adamellite porphyritic adamellite
porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry adamellite porphyry
number of 6 19 27 9 37 23 9 11 18 17
ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ)
SiO2 (wt%) 37.24 (0.38) 36.78 (0.52) 36.52 (0.43) 36.51 (0.49) 36.25 (0.47) 36.18 (0.33) 35.97 (0.26) 36.53 (0.28) 35.71 (0.37) 36.25 (0.28)
Al2O3 14.17 (0.16) 13.53 (0.27) 14.45 (0.50) 14.56 (0.22) 13.77 (0.27) 13.84 (0.15) 13.82 (0.22) 14.08 (0.24) 13.76 (0.27) 13.89 (0.19)
TiO2 4.53 (0.12) 4.49 (0.28) 4.34 (0.56) 4.62 (0.38) 4.35 (0.24) 4.89 (0.13) 4.72 (0.34) 4.76 (0.29) 4.75 (0.28) 4.66 (0.17)
FeO 16.67 (0.28) 20.29 (0.59) 20.38 (0.70) 21.39 (0.80) 23.72 (1.70) 21.69 (0.43) 21.72 (0.45) 21.37 (0.48) 22.03 (0.62) 22.17 (0.47)
MnO 0.30 (0.05) 0.16 (0.05) 0.19 (0.06) 0.24 (0.07) 0.30 (0.04) 0.42 (0.06) 0.35 (0.08) 0.36 (0.05) 0.33 (0.05) 0.32 (0.06)
MgO 14.04 (0.17) 11.72 (0.37) 11.10 (0.65) 10.33 (0.52) 8.98 (0.96) 9.90 (0.34) 9.62 (0.36) 9.99 (0.20) 9.56 (0.53) 9.77 (0.28)
CaO 0.07 (0.01) 0.04 (0.03) 0.03 (0.02) 0.06 (0.02) 0.06 (0.05) 0.00 (0.00) 0.04 (0.02) 0.03 (0.01) 0.10 (0.07) 0.01 (0.01)
Na2O 0.18 (0.02) 0.16 (0.05) 0.34 (0.04) 0.20 (0.05) 0.08 (0.02) 0.11 (0.03) 0.10 (0.13) 0.10 (0.03) 0.11 (0.02) 0.11 (0.02)
K2O 8.73 (0.15) 9.32 (0.25) 8.85 (0.23) 8.97 (0.29) 9.01 (0.27) 9.24 (0.19) 9.27 (0.22) 9.14 (0.19) 8.98 (0.44) 9.42 (0.26)
Cl 0.32 (0.01) 0.19 (0.04) 0.12 (0.04) 0.16 (0.05) 0.22 (0.02) 0.21 (0.03) 0.21 (0.02) 0.20 (0.02) 0.22 (0.08) 0.24 (0.05)
=O -0.07 -0.04 -0.03 -0.03 -0.05 -0.05 -0.05 -0.04 -0.05 -0.05
F 0.60 (0.07) 0.43 (0.11) 0.38 (0.12) 0.26 (0.04) 0.17 (0.04) 0.27 (0.04) 0.21 (0.03) 0.20 (0.03) 0.24 (0.04) 0.20 (0.04)
=O -0.25 -0.18 -0.16 -0.11 -0.07 -0.11 -0.09 -0.08 -0.10 -0.08
total 96.53 96.89 96.51 97.16 96.79 96.59 95.89 96.64 95.64 96.91
cation (O=22)
Si 5.608(0.030) 5.614(0.039) 5.571(0.051) 5.553(0.021) 5.607(0.041) 5.573(0.034) 5.579(0.035) 5.594(0.035) 5.556(0.029) 5.574(0.023)
Al 2.514(0.029) 2.434(0.051) 2.597(0.083) 2.611(0.040) 2.509(0.038) 2.512(0.023) 2.527(0.040) 2.541(0.036) 2.526(0.042) 2.517(0.034)
Ti 0.513(0.012) 0.516(0.033) 0.498(0.063) 0.528(0.039) 0.503(0.025) 0.567(0.014) 0.550(0.038) 0.548(0.031) 0.556(0.033) 0.538(0.019)
Fe 2.100(0.035) 2.590(0.078) 2.601(0.097) 2.722(0.125) 3.070(0.242) 2.794(0.056) 2.818(0.064) 2.737(0.072) 2.864(0.092) 2.851(0.059)
Mn 0.039(0.006) 0.021(0.006) 0.024(0.008) 0.032(0.009) 0.039(0.005) 0.054(0.008) 0.047(0.010) 0.047(0.006) 0.043(0.006) 0.042(0.008)
Mg 3.151(0.021) 2.666(0.073) 2.524(0.142) 2.342(0.095) 2.059(0.208) 2.271(0.076) 2.223(0.080) 2.279(0.044) 2.216(0.118) 2.238(0.062)
Ca 0.012(0.003) 0.006(0.004) 0.004(0.004) 0.010(0.003) 0.010(0.009) 0.000(0.001) 0.006(0.004) 0.004(0.002) 0.016(0.013) 0.002(0.001)
Na 0.053(0.006) 0.048(0.016) 0.101(0.012) 0.060(0.014) 0.022(0.007) 0.032(0.010) 0.031(0.009) 0.031(0.008) 0.032(0.008) 0.032(0.008
K 1.677(0.019) 1.814(0.053) 1.722(0.044) 1.741(0.052) 1.778(0.049) 1.816(0.040) 1.833(0.039) 1.784(0.035) 1.781(0.087) 1.848(0.051)
Cl 0.080(0.003) 0.051(0.011) 0.031(0.010) 0.042(0.013) 0.057(0.007) 0.056(0.010) 0.054(0.016) 0.053(0.006) 0.057(0.020) 0.063(0.014)
F 0.284(0.036) 0.206(0.057) 0.183(0.061) 0.125(0.017) 0.081(0.020) 0.133(0.021) 0.103(0.016) 0.099(0.016) 0.118(0.022) 0.098(0.020)
XMg 0.600(0.004) 0.507(0.012) 0.492(0.021) 0.463(0.021) 0.402(0.042) 0.448(0.012) 0.441(0.012) 0.454(0.009) 0.436(0.017) 0.440(0.010)
Total Fe content is expressed as FeO. XMg denotes atomic Mg/(Mg+Fe).

compositional gap, the amphibole geobarometry (Ham- magma, as well as the high F contents in the core of horn-
merstrom and Zen, 1986) suggests that the composition- blende phenocrysts. This suggests that the F fugacity was
al gap implies change in pressure. The amphibole geo- high since the time of phenocryst crystallization.
barometry suggests 4-5 kbar for the core of hornblende
4. 3. 2. Biotite: Small amounts of igneous biotite occur as
phenocryst crystallization and less than 2 kbar for
eu- to anhedral flakes less than 1 mm in diameter. The
tremolitic amphibole rims on hornblende phenocrysts
adamellite porphyry at Poring has abundant biotite
and those in the groundmass. These pressure estimates
microphenocrysts while at Nalumad, biotite occurs as
imply that a rapid pressure decrease has occurred at the
groundmass constituent and as aggregates with clinopy-
Mamut adamellite porphyry magma.
roxene which replace hornblende phenocrysts.
Whereas no significant variation appears in the Cl con-
Chemical compositions of biotite are listed in Table
tents in amphiboles (Fig. 9B), considerable variation is
7. The XMg of biotite in the Mamut adamellite porphyry
recognized in the F contents in amphiboles among intru-
is higher than those in other barren adamellite por-
sives (Fig. 9C). The F contents of both core of hornblende
phyries (Fig. 10A). The enrichment in Mg in phlogo-
phenocrysts and tremolitic amphibole rims on phenocrysts
pite-annite solid solution can be due to increasing in
and those in the groundmass of the Mamut adamellite por-
oxygen fugacity (Wones and Eugster, 1965; Wones,
phyry are higher than the other barren intrusives. Due to
1972), and in sulfur fugacity (Tso et al., 1979).
less A-site occupancy in tremolitic amphiboles, a decreas-
The Cl contents in biotite of the Mamut adamellite
ing in F contents with decreasing Si content is expected
porphyry are higher than the barren intrusives (Fig.
(Troll and Guilbert, 1972), as recognized in the barren
10B). Munoz and Swanson (1981) suggested that the Cl
intrusives. The decreasing trend is also expected by frac-
content and the XMg of biotite are negatively correlated
tionation of F due to favorable substitution of F with OH
at a given temperature. The high Cl content in biotite of
in the hornblende crystal. The significant content of F in
the Mamut adamellite porphyry strongly suggests the
the tremolitic amphiboles in the Mamut adamellite por-
extraordinarily high Cl fugacity in the magma, which is
phyry enhances the considerably high F fugacity in the
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vol. 50, no. 1, 2000 Mamut Porphyry Cu Deposit, Sabah, East Malaysia 13

believed to play an important role in the ore forming

process (Holland, 1972; Strolley et al., 1971). The F
content of biotite in the Mamut adamellite porphyry is
higher than those in the other barren intrusives (Fig.
10C). The enrichment in F is supposed to be due to
higher F fugacity in the Mamut adamellite porphyry
magma as well as the expected effect of the high XMg
on F substitution with OH (Munoz and Ludington,
4. 3. 3. Apatite: Small apatite prisms (less than 20 µm
across, up to 50 µm long) are commonly included in
hornblende phenocrysts in the adamellitic rocks of high K
suite. Chemical compositions of apatite are listed in Table
8 and plotted on the Cl-F-OH* ternary diagram (Fig. 11).
The apatite in hornblende phenocrysts of the Mamut
adamellite porphyry is relatively enriched in F than those
in the barren intrusives. Depletion in Cl is not associated
with the increasing in F, which strongly suggests a high
halogens/H2O fugacity ratio in the Mamut adamellite
porphyry magma. On the other hand, low Cl contents of
the coarse-grained adamellite at the Mount Kinabalu
summit Low’s Peak may be due to extraction of Cl by
aqueous fluid from the magma as suggested by Tsuchiya
(1986). Alternatively, the Cl depletion might be due to
subsolidus replacement of hornblende by actinolitic-
tremolitic amphiboles by fluid depleted in halogens.
4. 3. 4. Feldspars: K-feldspar is a major constituent of
Fig. 10 Chemical composition of biotite of the adamellitic adamellitic rocks in the Mount Kinabalu area, both as
rocks in the Mount Kinabalu area; (A): XMg versus Si, mega phenocryst and as groundmass. The mega phe-
(B): Cl versus Si, and (C): F versus Si. The Si, Cl and F nocryst is prismatic, euhedral, up to 3 cm long and com-
are expressed as number of atoms per half unit cell of monly exhibits Karlsbad’s twinning. Microperthite is also
biotite stoichiometry.
observed. Significant overgrowth on intercalated quartz
Table 8 Microprobe analysis of apatite in adamellitic rocks.
Sample ID 05403 01404 03402 04407 01822 01927 10502 05824 06824 07824 05826
Locality Mamut Bambangan Nalumad Mamut Poring Kinabalu Kinabalu Kinabalu Kinabalu Kinabalu Kinabalu
(M1site) (+12LW) (Low’s Peak) (boulder) (boulder) (boulder) (boulder) (boulder)
Rock type adamellite adamellite adamellite “granodiorite” adamellite adamellite adamellite adamellite adamellite porphyritic adamellite
porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry adamellite porphyry
number of 11 3 18 7 21 13 3 3 3 2 2
ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ) ave (±1s) ave (±1σ) ave (±1σ)
SiO2(wt%) 0.21 (0.08) 0.37 (0.11) 0.26 (0.10) 0.28 (0.06) 0.31 (0.06) 0.20 (0.05) 0.32 (0.04) 0.26 (0.26) 0.28 (0.02) 0.28 (0.02) 0.31 (0.12)
FeO 0.31 (0.12) 0.29 (0.01) 0.35 (0.06) 0.31 (0.08) 0.32 (0.08) 0.35 (0.10) 0.42 (0.06) 0.31 (0.45) 0.35 (0.07) 0.29 (0.10) 0.45 (0.20)
MnO 0.08 (0.04) 0.13 (0.01) 0.11 (0.03) 0.14 (0.02) 0.12 (0.04) 0.07 (0.04) 0.13 (0.05) 2.00 (0.08) 0.13 (0.04) 0.12 (0.00) 0.08 (0.00)
CaO 55.07 (0.35) 54.55 (0.31) 55.03 (0.41) 54.40 (0.13) 55.12 (0.35) 55.33 (0.27) 55.11 (0.38) 54.25 (0.02) 54.03 (0.22) 53.71 (0.15) 54.12 (0.06)
P2O5 40.53 (0.40) 40.02 (0.37) 40.69 (0.39) 40.35 (0.29) 40.69 (0.29) 40.70 (0.47) 40.47 (0.05) 40.47 (0.13) 40.16 (0.38) 40.38 (0.16) 39.62 (0.18)
Cl 0.87 (0.41) 0.77 (0.06) 0.85 (0.04) 0.78 (0.04) 0.79 (0.14) 0.45 (0.32) 0.76 (0.04) 0.71 (0.02) 0.71 (0.16) 0.51 (0.09) 0.91 (0.06)
=O -0.20 -0.17 -0.19 -0.18 -0.18 -0.10 -0.17 -0.16 -0.16 -0.11 -0.21
F 2.83 (0.60) 1.57 (0.11) 1.87 (0.37) 2.21 (0.43) 2.13 (0.42) 1.91 (0.21) 1.95 (0.18) 1.94 (0.03) 2.06 (0.07) 2.11 (0.18) 2.11 (0.48)
=O -1.19 -0.66 -0.79 -0.93 -0.90 -0.80 -0.82 -0.82 -0.87 -0.89 -0.89
total 98.51 96.87 98.18 97.36 98.40 98.11 98.17 98.96 96.69 96.40 96.50
cation (O=12)
Si 0.018(0.007) 0.031(0.009) 0.021(0.008) 0.024(0.005) 0.026(0.005) 0.017(0.004) 0.027(0.003) 0.022(0.035) 0.024(0.001) 0.024(0.002) 0.027(0.011)
Fe 0.022(0.008) 0.021(0.000) 0.025(0.004) 0.022(0.005) 0.023(0.005) 0.024(0.007) 0.030(0.004) 0.022(0.064) 0.025(0.005) 0.021(0.007) 0.033(0.014)
Mn 0.005(0.003) 0.009(0.000) 0.008(0.002) 0.010(0.001) 0.008(0.003) 0.005(0.003) 0.009(0.004) 0.014(0.010) 0.019(0.010) 0.009(0.000) 0.006(0.000)
Ca 5.042(0.044) 4.967(0.026) 4.969(0.036) 4.976(0.041) 4.982(0.040) 4.981(0.046) 4.987(0.015) 4.943(0.004) 4.960(0.038) 4.925(0.007) 5.012(0.044)
P 2.931(0.024) 2.877(0.017) 2.901(0.016) 2.914(0.012) 2.905(0.014) 2.894(0.027) 2.891(0.009) 2.912(0.039) 2.911(0.011) 2.924(0.015) 2.897(0.017)
Cl 0.126(0.059) 0.112(0.009) 0.122(0.007) 0.113(0.006) 0.113(0.020) 0.064(0.045) 0.108(0.006) 0.102(0.016) 0.103(0.024) 0.074(0.014) 0.134(0.010)
F 0.760(0.166) 0.422(0.030) 0.499(0.103) 0.596(0.119) 0.571(0.116) 0.508(0.060) 0.521(0.049) 0.524(0.012) 0.558(0.023) 0.573(0.050) 0.576(0.126)
Total Fe content is expressed as FeO.
17513928, 2000, 1, Downloaded from by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [17/11/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

Fig. 11 OH*-F-Cl triangular diagram of apatite of the

adamellitic rocks in the Mount Kinabalu area.
OH*: OH contents calculated assuming stoichiometric

inclusion in the marginal part of the K-feldspar mega phe-

nocryst is observed in the slow cooled adamellite por-
phyry at Poring, whereas sharp outline without over-
growth is observed in the quenched adamellite porphyry.
Plagioclase likewise occurs as a major constituent as
phenocrysts, although only subordinate amounts are pre- Fig. 12 Photomicrographs of (A): aggregate of fine-grained
sents in the groundmass. Plagioclase phenocryst is pris- hydrothermal biotite (bt) replacing the hornblende phe-
matic, up to 1 cm long and commonly shows oscillatory nocryst in the adamellite porphyry at the Mamut deposit,
zoning and twinning. In the slow cooled adamellite por- (B) chlorite (chl) associated with stockwork quartz (qtz)
veinlet, replacing the aggregated hydrothermal biotite
phyry of the high K suite, overgrowth of albitic plagio- (bt) after the hornblende phenocryst.
clase is recognized on the intercalated granular quartz
inclusions as of the mega phenocrysts of K-feldspar.
fracture-controlled Sb mineralization.
5. Mineralization and Hydrothermal Alteration of 5. 1. Principal Cu and Au mineralization (stages 1-2)
the Mamut Deposit
The first stage in the paragenetic sequence of the
Mamut deposit is the biotitization (Fig. 12A) accompany-
The Mamut deposit is hosted hosted by the adamellite
ing the formation of the disseminated ore consisting of
porphyry, the serpentinized peridotite and the fine-grained
Cu-Fe sulfides and magnetite. Chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite
sandstone to siltstone of the Trusmadi Formation (Kosaka
(Fig. 13A), as well as magnetite and pyrite (Fig. 13B, C),
and Wakita, 1975, 1978; Akiyama, 1987). The post-ore
are the principal ore constituents in the biotitized dissemi-
“granodiorite” porphyry dikes traverse the ore deposit
nated ore. Rare cubanite is also found as exsolution lamel-
NNE-SSW. Both Cu and Au are principally dispersed in
lae in chalcopyrite. Biotitization is intense along the intru-
the disseminated ore and in the quartz stockworks (Aki-
sive contact of the adamellite porphyry. This results in the
yama, 1984b). In addition, overlapping Pb, Zn and the
‘ore shell’, the shape of the ore zone, confined along the
subsequent Sb mineralizations which are spatially con-
outline of the adamellite porphyry intrusion (Kosaka and
trolled by the NNE-trending fractures, accompanying
Wakita, 1975, 1978). In the biotitized zone, hornblende
phyllic alteration halo surrounding the advanced argillic
phenocrysts of the adamellite porphyry are totally
envelope. These fracture controlled mineralizations cut
replaced by hydrothermal biotite (Fig. 13A). On the other
the principal disseminated and stockwork orebody.
hand, magnetite predominates over Cu-Fe sulfides in the
Thus, based on the cross-cutting relationships, the para-
“barren core” of the adamellite porphyry, where the horn-
genetic sequences are classified into the following four
blende phenocrysts are hydrothermally replaced by
stages; 1) formation of disseminated ore associated with
tremolite-actinolite and chlorite.
biotitization, 2) quartz veinlet stockworks, 3) fracture-
Serpentinized peridotite is totally biotitized along the
controlled Pb and Zn mineralization, and 4) overlapping
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vol. 50, no. 1, 2000 Mamut Porphyry Cu Deposit, Sabah, East Malaysia 15

Fig. 13 Photomicrographs of polished surface of ores from the Mamut deposit; (A) disseminated pyrrhotite (po) and chalcopyrite
(cp) closely associated with each other in the biotitized adamellite porphyry, (B) densely disseminated magnetite (mt) with sub-
ordinate interstitial chalcopyrite (cp) and pyrite (py) in the biotitized peridotite, (C) associated euhedral pyrite (py) and anhedral
chalcopyrite (cp) disseminated in the biotitized fine-grained sandstone, (D) associated euhedral pyrite (py) and anhedral chal-
copyrite (cp) in stockwork quartz (qtz) veinlets in the biotitized adamellite porphyry, (E) brecciated pyrite (py) and chalcopyrite
(cp) with interstitial tetrahedrite (trh), in addition to spherically aggregated “framboidal”-like pyrite (f) in chalcopyrite, associated
with the late stage fracture-controlled quartz-dolomite vein with phyllic alteration envelope, and (F) fibrous jamesonite (jms)
rimming galena (gn) associated with the late stage fracture-controlled quartz-dolomite vein with phyllic and advanced argillic
alteration envelope.

intrusive contact of the adamellite porphyry (Wakita, each other. In particular, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite form
1981) and has disseminated ubiquitous magnetite and a single globule (Fig. 13A). Since the assemblage of
Cu-Fe sulfides (Fig. 13B). Fine-grained sandstone to silt- chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite is not stable at temperatures
stone is also strongly biotitized particularly along the above 334°C (Yund and Kullerud, 1966; Sugaki et al.,
intrusive contact with the adamellite porphyry. 1982), the primary disseminated ore should have formed
The disseminated sulfides are closely associated with as Cu-Fe-S intermediate solid solution (iss)-bearing
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assemblage. The primary assemblage of iss and pyrrhotite Table 9 Chemical composition of electrum/native gold
or iss alone appears to have converted to the present in the biotitized ore.
assemblage of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite (plus cubanite) Sample ID Au Ag Cu Fe Te total
during cooling. The amount of pyrite in the disseminated 040306-1 wt% 97.24 2.64 0.06 0.00 0.00 99.94
biotitized ore is subordinate to chalcopyrite and pyrrho- atom% 95.12 4.71 0.17 0.00 0.00 100.00
tite, whose abundance varies widely. Composition of pri- 040306-2 wt% 97.09 2.76 0.03 0.03 0.00 99.90
mary disseminated bulk sulfide ore is likely to be atom% 94.91 4.92 0.08 0.09 0.00 100.00
along/around the chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite tie-line in the 16428B-1 wt% 92.44 5.80 0.67 0.94 0.03 98.94
ternary Cu-Fe-S system, most probably near the composi- atom% 85.24 9.77 1.90 3.04 0.04 100.00
tion of the most sulfur-rich iss. The Cu/Fe ratio of the 16428B-2 wt% 92.47 5.76 0.67 0.94 0.03 99.87
bulk sulfide should be smaller than one; it is poorer in Cu atom% 85.28 9.70 1.91 3.06 0.04 100.00
than chalcopyrite. Determined by electron probe microanalyzer JEOL JCMA
Pyrite, as well as chalcopyrite, is common in stock- 733markII of the Geological Institute, University of Tokyo,
work quartz veinlets instead of pyrrhotite (Fig. 13D). using an accelerating voltage of 25kV and a probe current of
Pyrrhotite grains in biotitized disseminated ore are some- 2.0×10-8A. Conventional ZAF correction was applied.
times replaced by pyrite along their margin and cut by Sample description;
040306: Discrete electrum/native gold grains in the hydro-
pyrite stringers. Aggregated secondary biotite is often thermally biotitized adamellite porphyry (-48L, west).
replaced by chlorite in contact with stockwork quartz 16428B: Electrum/native gold grains associated with chalcopy-
veinlet (Fig. 12B). These observations strongly indicate rite in the massive disseminated magnetite in the hydrother-
that the formation of stockwork quartz veinlets associated mally biotitized serpentinized peridotite (-12L south).
with pyrite and chlorite postdated the biotitization associ-
ated with the formation of disseminated ore characterized Fluid inclusions found in the stockwork veinlet quartz
by the presence of pyrrhotite. The physicochemical con- are dominated by hypersaline polyphase inclusions, which
ditions changes from the stage of the formation of dis- are homogenized at temperatures above 450°C by dissolu-
seminated ore where the pyrrhotite and iss assemblage is tion of daughter halite crystal (Fig. 14)(Nagano et al.,
stable, to relatively high fS2 condition at which the pyrite- 1977). The biotitization and associated disseminated ore
(and chalcopyrite-) bearing assemblage is stable during are thought to have occurred between the solidus tempera-
the quartz veinlet stockwork mineralization. ture of adamellite porphyry and the temperature estimated
Au-rich electrum (Table 9)(Akiyama, 1984b) occurs in for the stockwork quartz veinlets. In some hypersaline
the biotitized ore in association with disseminated chal- inclusions in the stockwork quartz, a vapor phase with
copyrite, cubanite and pyrrhotite and in quartz veinlet high reflection index is observed at higher temperature
stockworks accompanied by chalcopyrite. It is also pre- after the primary bubble vanished during heating experi-
sent in the massive magnetite dissemination associated ment (Fig. 14), as reported from the Santa Rita deposit
with chalcopyrite in the hydrothermally biotitized serpen- (Ahmad and Rose, 1980). Such complicated phase rela-
tinite (Table 9).

Fig. 14 Fluid inclusion microthermometry data of the Mamut deposit.

Disappearance temperatures are shown by followingly; open diamonds (◇): halite, open triangles (△): sylvite, open stars ( )
unidentified salts, filled squares (■): opaque minerals, and open circles (○): bubbles. Half filled circles (○) and filled circles (●)
represent the appearance and vanishing temperature of bubbles, respectively, for the bubbles that form at elevated temperatures
during heating experiments. Lines connect data from single inclusion. Because the highest temperature of the heating stage equip-
ment is slightly above 500°C, the symbols are plotted at the right of 500°C for those which did not disappear at temperatures below
500°C during the measurement. Sample description; 040301: quartz veinlet stockwork in biotitized adamellite porphyry associated
with chalcopyrite and pyrite (stage 2), 01418A: quartz veinlet stockwork in biotitized adamellite porphyry associated with chal-
copyrite and pyrite (stage 2), 02506C: quartz veinlet stockwork in biotitized adamellite porphyry associated with chalcopyrite and
pyrite (stage 2), 07430: quartz veinlet stockwork in chloritized adamellite porphyry associated with chalcopyrite and pyrite (stage
2), 01426: quartz veinlet stockwork in chloritized adamellite porphyry associated with chalcopyrite and pyrite (stage 2), 040305:
quartz veinlet stockwork in biotitized peridotite associated with chalcopyrite and pyrite (stage 2), 13428: quartz veinlet stockwork
in biotitized fine-grained sandstone associated with chalcopyrite and pyrite (stage 2), 08421: quartz veinlet stockwork in sericitized
fine-grained sandstone associated with pyrite (slightly after stage 2), 01818: quartz veinlet in biotitized adamellite porphyry associ-
ated with molybdenite (slightly after stage 2), 02407B: quartz veinlet in silicified peridotite associated with sphalerite and pyrite
with tourmaline (stage 3), 01120A: quartz vein along fractures in silicified adamellite porphyry associated with pyrite (stage 3),
01120C: quartz (-dolomite) vein along fracture in sericitized fine-grained sandstone, associated with chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite,
galena and tetrahedrite (stage 3), 05425A: quartz (-dolomite) vein along fracture in sericitized fine-grained sandstone, associated
with chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, galena and tetrahedrite (stage 3), 01409C: quartz (-dolomite) vein along fracture in sericitized
fine-grained sandstone, associated with chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, galena and tetrahedrite (stage 3), 05428B: quartz (-
dolomite) vein along fracture in sericitized fine-grained sandstone, associated with stibnite and pyrite (stage 4). See text for the
mineralization stages.
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Mamut Porphyry Cu Deposit, Sabah, East Malaysia
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Table 10 Chemical composition of tetrahedrite-group minerals.

Sample ID Cu Ag Fe Zn Mn Cd Te As Sb Bi S total
01408C wt% 39.14 0.30 4.55 2.70 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.96 27.50 0.00 24.75 99.99
atom% 34.91 0.16 4.62 2.32 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.73 12.80 0.00 43.76 100.00
01812E wt% 32.62 7.83 5.72 2.31 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.13 27.37 0.02 23.89 99.92
atom% 30.25 4.28 5.03 2.08 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.10 13.25 0.01 43.91 100.00
Determined by electron probe microanalyzer JEOL JCMA733markII of the Geological Institute, University of Tokyo, using an acceler-
ating voltage of 25kV and a probe current of 2.0×10-8A. Conventional ZAF correction was applied.
Sample description;
01408C: Tetrahedrite associated with sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena in late-stage (stage 3) NNE-trending dolomite veinlet
(-12L, south).
01812E: Tetrahedrite associated with sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena in late-stage (stage 4) NNE-trending dolomite veinlet
(-60L, north).

tionships has not been fully understood yet (Roedder, uid inclusions and gaseous inclusions. Most liquid inclu-
1984). sions are homogenized between 250 and 350°C (Fig. 14)
Molybdenite occurs as stringer veinlets or associated and most of halite daughter crystals of polyphase inclu-
with quartz veinlets. It seems to have formed later than sions dissolve at around 350°C, whereas gaseous inclu-
the principal stockwork quartz veinlets. Fluid inclusions sions are not homogenized even at temperatures above
found in the molybdenite-bearing vein quartz are domi- 500°C. Both polyphase hypersaline inclusions and liquid
nated by polyphase inclusions with subordinate gaseous inclusions exhibit wide range of homogenization tempera-
inclusions. Dissolution temperature of daughter halite tures. These wide temperature ranges are explained by
crystals is usually higher than 500°C. heterogeneous entrapment of unmixed fluids of gaseous
and hypersaline brine with various ratios. In addition, a
5. 2. Overlapping mineralization (stages 3-4)
number of fluid inclusions of these paragenesis exhibit
The Pb and Zn and the subsequent Sb mineralizations, decrepitation phenomenon below homogenization temper-
are spatially controlled by N-S to NE-trending fractures ature during heating experiments.
which crosscut and traverse the principal orebody consist-
5. 3. Sulfur isotopes
ing of the disseminated and quartz veinlet stockwork ore.
These mineralizations are associated with quartz and The sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfide sulfur were
dolomite veinlets surrounded by the phyllic alteration determined for both ore sulfides from the Mamut deposit
halo and advanced argillic envelope including kaolinite and the bulk sulfide sulfur of the Mamut adamellite por-
and/or nacrite. phyry, post-ore "granodiorite" porphyry at Mamut and an
Pyrite of these mineralizations sometimes encloses adamellite porphyry from the Mount Kinabalu. The
minute stannite, tetradymite and bismuthinite. Stibnite Mamut deposit is characterized by the absence of gangue
occurs in association with the gangue dolomite if Sb min- sulfates such as anhydrite, which are common in other
eralization solely occurred. The reaction products such as porphyry type deposits elsewhere (e.g., El Salvador,
tetrahedrite (Fig. 13E) (Table 10) and jamesonite (Fig. Chile: Field and Gustafson, 1976; Panguna, Papua New
13F) occur when Sb mineralization overlapped the previ- Guinea: Eastoe, 1983). The results are listed in Table 11.
ously formed chalcopyrite and galena. Spherical aggre- The sulfur isotopic composition of ore sulfides from the
gate of fine-grained pyrite, looking similar to “framboidal Mamut deposit is homogeneous all throughout the parage-
pyrite” are locally enclosed in chalcopyrite interstices netic sequences, mostly ranging from +1.3 to +3.1 ‰
(Fig. 13E). Some of tetrahedrite-group minerals associated (Fig. 15). This is identical to the bulk sulfur isotopic com-
with stibnite are significantly Ag-rich (Table 10). Thus, position of adamellite porphyry from the Mount Kinabalu
Ag mineralization is accompanied by the overlapping Sb area as well as the least altered Mamut adamellite por-
mineralization at the latest stage of the hydrothermal sys- phyry. In addition, the sulfur isotopic compositions of
tem. Quartz sometimes appears as chalcedonic-porcerane- pyrrhotite (+1.1‰) and chalcopyrite (+1.4‰) of the sul-
ous. These mineralogical and textural observations sug- fide globules, associated with felsite sheet/dike that were
gest that these overprinting of the NE-trending quartz- formed by the sulfide melt immiscibility (Imai, 1994), are
dolomite veinlets associated with Pb, Zn and Sb mineral- also similar.
ization enveloped in phyllic to argillic assemblage formed The sulfur isotopic composition of stibnite associated
in epithermal environment, at the waning stage of the with the overlapping mineralization in the stage 4
hydrothermal system. ranges from -1.0 to +0.6 ‰. This can be explained by
Primary fluid inclusions found in the gangue quartz of the isotopic fractionation between stibnite and associat-
these mineralization stages are polyphase inclusions, liq- ed pyrite (e.g., Ohmoto and Rye, 1979), whose isotopic
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vol. 50, no. 1, 2000 Mamut Porphyry Cu Deposit, Sabah, East Malaysia 19

Table 11 Sulfur isotope composition. porphyry magma is enriched

Sample ID δ34S(‰) stage mineral description in K, the melt composition of
040306a +1.9 1 cp+po disseminated ore in biotitized adamellite porphyry the post-ore “granodiorite”
040306b +1.6 2 cp+py quartz veinlet stockwork in biotitized adamellite porphyry porphyry magma is alumi-
03411 +2.1 1 cp+po disseminated ore in biotitized adamellite porphyry nous. Thus, after the extrac-
04411 +1.8 1 cp+po disseminated ore in biotitized adamellite porphyry
01418A +1.4 1 cp+po disseminated ore in biotitized adamellite porphyry tion of the Mamut adamellite
05813a +1.8 1 cp+po disseminated ore in biotitized adamellite porphyry porphyry magma which was
05813b +2.2 2 cp+py quartz veinlet stockwork in biotitized adamellite porphyry enriched in K, the residual
040305b +2.0 2 cp+py quartz veinlet stockwork in biotitized serpentinized peridotitemagma remained in the
13428B +2.3 1 cp+po disseminated ore in biotitized serpentinized peridotite reservoir is thought have
16428a +0.6 1 cp+po disseminated ore in biotitized sandstone
16428b +2.0 2 cp+py quartz veinlet stockwork in biotitized sandstone become aluminous. Vapor
04825 +1.9 2 cp+py quartz veinlet stockwork in chloritized adamellite porphyry transport has been experi-
02407a +3.1 3 py dolomite veinlet in chloritized serpentinized peridotite mentally demonstrated by
02407b +1.9 3 cp dolomite veinlet in chloritized serpentinized peridotite Sakuyama and Kushiro
02407c +1.9 3 sph dolomite veinlet in chloritized serpentinized peridotite (1979) for alkaline elements
03407 +2.3 3 py dolomite veinlet in chloritized serpentinized peridotite
12410 +2.3 3 py dolomite veinlet in chloritized serpentinized peridotite such as Na and K transported
05425a +2.1 3 py quartz veinlet in sericitized sandstone by vesicles of exsolved aque-
05425b +2.0 3 cp quartz veinlet in sericitized sandstone ous vapor migrating upward
01408Da +2.0 3 cp veinlet in sericitized sandstone through a magma column.
01408Db +1.7 3 sph veinlet in sericitized sandstone This mechanism is supposed
01409a +1.7 3 cp veinlet in sericitized sandstone
01409b +1.8 3 sph veinlet in sericitized sandstone to be a probable cause for the
02428a +2.8 3 py veinlet in sericitized sandstone enrichment of alkalines in
02428b +1.8 3 cp veinlet in sericitized sandstone the Mamut adamellite por-
08421 +1.8 3 py veinlet in sericitized sandstone phyry, which intruded earli-
03826 +2.3 3 py veinlet in sericitized sandstone er. Depletion of Na com-
02429B +2.2 3 py veinlet in sericitized sandstone
05428Ba +2.8 4 py dolomite-quartz veinlet in sericitized sandstone pared with K in the Mamut
05428Bb +0.6 4 sb dolomite-quartz veinlet in sericitized sandstone adamellite porphyry may be
01820a +3.0 4 py dolomite-quartz veinlet in sericitized sandstone due to differential partition
01820b -1.0 4 sb dolomite-quartz veinlet in sericitized sandstone of Na into the aqueous fluid,
01812 -0.3 4 sb dolomite-quartz veinlet in sericitized sandstone that is demonstrated by
03820 +1.9 — whole rock least altered adamellite porphyry at Mamut (M1 site)
03901 +1.5 — whole rock least altered ”granodiorite” porphyry at Mamut (-24L west) experimental studies (e.g.,
05824 +1.7 — whole rock least altered adamellite porphyry boulder from Kinabalu Shinohara, et al., 1989).
Abbreviation; cp: chalcopyrite, po: pyrrhotite, py: pyrite, sph: sphalerite, sb: stibnite. The upper part of the
δ34S of composite sulfides were detemined for the disseminated ores (stage1: chalocpyrite+ magma column becomes
pyrrhotite) and the stockwork quartz veinlets (stage 2: chalcopyrite+pyrite). enriched in alkalines and
halogens as well as ore met-
composition is relatively heavier compared to other sul- als transported by vesicles
fides in the earlier stages. This suggests the uniform sul- exsolved at deeper parts of the magma. Chlorine and
fur isotopic composition regardless the stages. subsequently Cu are more strongly partitioned into the
aqueous fluid phase from the melt at higher pressure
6. Discussion: Magmatic Process Generating Por- (e.g., Kilinc and Burnham, 1972; Candela and Holland,
phyry Cu Mineralization 1984; Cline and Bodnar, 1991), that can enhance the
efficiency of the vapor transport. Urabe (1984, 1985)
Petrographic observation revealed that, for example, estimated that the partitioning of Cu, Pb and Zn into the
the adamellite porphyry (Fig. 5B) at Nalumad indicate aqueous phase from the peraluminous granitic magma is
quenching, whereas the adamellite porphyry at Poring higher than from the peralkaline magma. The melt com-
may have cooled slowly. Equilibrium is supposed to position of the melt becomes aluminous at deeper part
have been maintained in the slow cooled adamellite por- of the magma column, due to removal of alkaline ele-
phyries, while disequilibrium seems probable in the ments by the vapor transport. The post-ore “granodior-
quenched porphyries. The high K contents of the ground- ite” porphyry at Mamut containing normative corundum
mass of the Mamut adamellite porphyry can not be contents in the groundmass, is thought to have been
formed by simple magmatic differentiation under equilib- derived from residual magma which is considered to be
rium condition. depleted in water, halogens, alkalines and chalcophile
Whereas the melt composition of the Mamut adamellite metals. These elements are transported to top of the stock,
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Fig. 15 Histogram of sulfur isotopic composition of the Mamut deposit. See text for the mineralization stages.

forming porphyry-type Cu mineralization. aggregates of shredded biotite and clinopyroxene after

Compositional gap is significant between the core of hornblende phenocrysts in the barren intrusives imply
phenocryst of hornblende and their tremolitic rims in the lower water fugacity and decreasing in water fugacity,
Mamut adamellite porphyry, that was attributed to the respectively.
decreasing in pressure. The decreasing in pressure can Tremolitic amphibole rims of hornblende phenocrysts
cause aqueous vapor exsolution by first boiling (Candela, and those in the groundmass in the Mamut adamellite por-
1989). The occurrence of tremolitic amphibole rims on phyry have higher XMg values than the other barren
hornblende phenocrysts and in the groundmass of the adamellitic rocks (Fig. 9A). In addition, the difference in
Mamut adamellite porphyry indicates that the magma the XMg values of the core of hornblende phenocrysts
coexisted with exsolved aqueous fluids at pressures less between the Mamut adamellite porphyry and the other
than 2 kbar, considering the stability of Ca-amphibole that barren adamellitic rocks indicate that a slight difference
can exist only in the magma which is nearly if not, saturat- in oxygen fugacity has been encountered from the time of
ed with respect to H2O (Naney and Swanson, 1980) at 2 crystallization of hornblende phenocrysts. This early
kbar or lower pressure. In contrast, the occurrences of stage differentiation is also suggested by the F content in
clinopyroxene microphenocrysts and pseudomorphic the cores of hornblende phenocryst and by the composi-
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vol. 50, no. 1, 2000 Mamut Porphyry Cu Deposit, Sabah, East Malaysia 21

tion of apatite inclusions. disseminated ore, converted to the present assemblage of

The higher Cl contents in biotite of the Mamut adamel- chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite during cooling.
lite porphyry than those of the other barren intrusives sug- Subsequent to biotitization associated with the forma-
gest high Cl activity in the Mamut adamellite porphyry tion of disseminated ore, quartz veinlet stockworks
magma. Halogen contents and estimated OH contents in formed associated with retrograde chlorite alteration. The
apatite suggest that the fugacity ratio of halogens/water of Cu-Fe sulfides associated with quartz veinlet stockworks
the Mamut adamellite porphyry magma is low, since the are chalcopyrite and pyrite. Polyphase inclusions found in
apatite composition in the Mamut adamellite porphyry is veinlet quartz stockworks usually homogenize at above
rich in halogens. That is consistent with the observation of 450°C by dissolution of daughter halite crystal. This fluid
hypersaline brine inclusions. Aqueous fluid immiscibility inclusion evidence suggests that the mineralization
is encountered at pressures at 1.4 kb at temperature less occurred in the two fluids immiscible region.
than 800°C, the mineralization occurred at a pressure less Overlapping Pb and Zn and subsequent Sb mineraliza-
than 1.5 kb. This is consistent with estimates from the tions are spatially controlled by NNE-trending fractures
hornblende geobarometry. which traverse the orebody. These mineralizations are
accompanied by a phyllic alteration halo surrounding the
7. Summary and Conclusions advanced argillic envelope. These fracture-controlled
mineralizations are supposed to have occurred subse-
The Mamut porphyry Cu-Au deposit which is geneti- quently at the waning stage of the hydrothermal system.
cally related to an adamellite porphyry stock of uppermost Sulfur isotopic compositions of ore sulfides are quite
Miocene age (7.0±0.2 Ma). Among the high-K suite homogeneous (about +2 ‰) through out the mineraliza-
adamellitic intrusive rocks in the Mount Kinabalu area, tion stages. These are also identical to those of the mag-
the groundmass of the Mamut adamellite porphyry is sig- matic sulfides of the Mount Kinabalu adamellitic rocks.
nificantly rich in K, compared with barren intrusives. This Acknowledgments: I would like to express my sincere
suggests vapor transport of elements, and the upper part of gratitude to the Mamut Copper Mining Sdn. Bhd., the
magma column became enriched in alkaline and halogen Sabah Development Co. Ltd., and the Mitsubishi Mate-
as well as chalcophile metals. The post-ore “granodiorite” rial Co. Ltd., for permission to this work and for the
porphyry at Mamut whose groundmass contains small valuable support extended to me. I am sincerely thank-
amounts of normative corundum is thought to have been ful to Y. Akiyama, K. Itoh, K. Wakita, S. Ondo, L. R.
derived from the aluminous residual magma of the deeper Lakile, P. Godwin and J. Salip for their assistance and
part of the magma reservoir which is depleted in water, discussions. I am also grateful to J. T. Iiyama, H. Shi-
halogens, alkalines and chalcophile metals, that were mazaki, N. Shikazono, K. Fujimoto, S. Aramaki, H.
extracted by the mineralizing porphyry through vapor Matsueda, S. Ishihara and T. Urabe for valuable discus-
transport. sions and suggestions. Constructive comments by
The compositional gap between the core of hornblende Resource Geology reviewers (S. Ishihara and H. Shino-
phenocrysts and the tremolitic amphibole rims in the hara), and warm encouragement by Resource Geology
Mamut adamellite porphyry suggests a decreasing in editors (Y. Morishita) are appreciated.
pressure, from 4-5 kb to less than 2 kb. The abundant
occurrence of tremolitic amphibole rims on hornblende References
phenocrysts and in the groundmass of the adamellite por- Ahmad, S. N. and Rose, A. W. (1980) Fluid inclusions in por-
phyry at Mamut indicates that the mineralizing magma phyry and skarn ore at Santa Rita, New Mexico. Econ.
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