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Angeles, California, in the 1980s” (Toledano, 2023). This shows a major problem in immigration

that is illegal, as people sometimes are forced into these groups; however, they commit illegal

behavior in America, putting their lives and security at risk. Meanwhile, it is important to

remember that at least those who seek asylum or other status at the port of entry are inspected by

checking them, doing background checks, and interviewing them. Thus, sometimes background

checks are not accurate as they never get charged with any crime in their countries, which means

that American officials cannot detect them. To add to the efforts to combat illegal immigration, it

is possible to provide working visas to those who want to work in the country or in industries

that are seeking employees. It is important to state that the United States has working visas;

however, those are for professionals who hold a college degree or advanced. Meanwhile, most of

the people who want to come to work in the country do not have a college degree, which makes

them eligible to apply.

Alternatives. In society, every social problem has solutions that can be found or enforced by

inspecting different methods of law that have been implemented before. However, in illegal

immigration, this theory does not completely apply, given that the socioeconomic landscape is

different among countries. For example, many illegal immigrants come to America because they

are not able to find a sustainable job in their home countries; others become targets of extremist

groups; and others flee their country due to government oppression. This has placed many in

danger as they try to come across different countries and as they are targets of organized crime

and street gangs. Extorsion, which is the act of gangs asking for money, is the number one

consequence, and the results are either paying with money or with the immigrant life. So an

alternative would be a system that allows those in communist countries to obtain visas to arrive

in the US and seek asylum; at the same time, this would curtail illegal immigration. The negative

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