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Meanwhile, a solution to illegal immigration is the actions that Ronald Reagan gave every illegal

immigrant that was admissible to the United States. It is important to understand that illegal

immigration has economic costs for the United States, like securing the border and legalizing

efforts in the long term. This can be a method of legalizing everyone that is inside the country,

and they can pay taxes so that there are future investments in the country. After that, it is

important to secure our borders and provide aid to the international community to be able to give

them a chance for a better life. In this way, people do not have to illegally immigrate to the

United States. This will allow the principal to solve the illegal immigration problem in the

country, as most of the people who immigrate are due to work conditions. In 2023, it is important

to continue to provide legal immigration status to citizens originally from countries that are at

war, face unprecedented conditions, or face government oppression. The relief provided to

Cubans is a policy that could be implemented in Venezuela, Nicaragua, and elsewhere, as these

countries are under the same government ideology. From my point of view, it is important to fix

this issue, as this can fix the problem there is with national debt in the United States, as this will

allow the country to slow inflation as it has more funds to work with. This allows the opportunity

for a better life in the long term, given that their incomes will have more purchasing power in the

long term. Illegal immigration will keep the United States on the watch; however, it is important

to mitigate problems through policy and actions at entry ports.

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