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3/27/24, 8:18 PM Quiz 02( Due on 27th March 2024, 11.

55 pm): Attempt review

ITE 1942 - ICT Project 2023S1

Image: ICT Project, by Sumudu Jayathissa


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Started on Wednesday, 27 March 2024, 4:58 PM

State Finished
Completed on Wednesday, 27 March 2024, 5:16 PM
Time taken 17 mins 14 secs
Grade Not yet graded 1/3
3/27/24, 8:18 PM Quiz 02( Due on 27th March 2024, 11.55 pm): Attempt review

Question 1


Marked out of 1.00

1. Identify a programmable problem that you are planning to design and develop
under this ICT project course.

2. List down all tasks and sub-tasks of the identified problem.

3. Identify what input will be given via GUIs.

4. Identify the output of your software-based solution.

1. Identified Problem:

We are developing a system to help guests reserve hotel rooms and assist hotel
staff in managing those reservations. The system aims to simplify the booking
process for guests and the reservation management process for hotel staff.

2. Tasks and Sub-tasks:

a. User Interface Development:

GUI design for guest registration login interfaces for room and date selection, and
an admin panel for staff to manage bookings and guest information.

b. Backend Development:

We need to design a database to store information about guests, room details, and
reservations. We also need to create algorithms to check room availability based on
selected dates. To enable online reservations.

c. Functionality Implementation:

Guest Registration: Allow guests to create accounts and log in securely.

Room Booking: Enable guests to select desired rooms, dates, and make

Reservation Management: Provide staff with tools to view, modify, or cancel


3. Input via GUIs:

Guest Registration: Input fields for personal information (name, email, contact

Room Selection: Dropdown menus or clickable buttons to choose room types and
Date Selection: Calendar interface to pick check-in and check-out dates.

4. Output of the Software Solution: 2/3
3/27/24, 8:18 PM Quiz 02( Due on 27th March 2024, 11.55 pm): Attempt review
Confirmation Messages: Notifications confirming successful reservations or
indicating any errors.

Reservation Details: Displaying booking confirmation with room details, dates,

and total cost.
Admin Dashboard: Providing staff with an overview of current reservations, room
availability, and guest information.

Payment Receipts: Generating receipts for successful transactions, including

reservation details.

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