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Data Interpretation [Mensuration]

Directions: Read the data carefully and answer the following questions.
A factory ordered two cylindrical containers X and Y. Each container has five
concentric cylindrical sections of different radius and same height in which five
different fluids are filled. Container X contains A, B, C, D and E fluids and container
Y contains P, Q, R, S and T fluids respectively. The total Volume of fluids in
container X is “(a + b)2 + 3ab + 2a + 9b” m3 and total volume of fluids in container
Y is “3(a + b)2 - 4a - 8b” m3.

निर्दे श: डे टा को ध्यािपू र्वक पढ़ें और निम्ननिखित प्रश्ोों के उत्तर र्द़ें ।

एक फैक्ट्र ी िे र्दो बे ििाकार कोंटे िर X और Y का ऑडव र नर्दया। प्रत्ये क कोंटे िर म़ें अिग-
अिग निज्या और समाि ऊोंचाई के पाों च सों क़ेंनित बे ििाकार िों ड होते हैं नििम़ें पाों च
अिग-अिग तरि पर्दार्व भरे होते हैं । कोंटे िर X म़ें A, B, C, D और E तरि पर्दार्व हैं और
कोंटे िर Y म़ें क्रमशः P, Q, R, S और T तरि पर्दार्व हैं । कोंटे िर X म़ें तरि पर्दार्ों की कुि
मािा "(a + b)2 + 3ab + 2a + 9b" m3 है और कोंटे िर Y म़ें तरि पर्दार्ों की कुि मािा
"3(a + b)2 - 4a - 8b" m3 है ।
Q1. Which of the statements given below are true?
I. Difference between Volume of Fluids A and P is 17 m3.
II. Difference between Volume of Fluids C and R is 40 m3.
III. Difference between Volume of Fluids E and T is 172 m3.

िीचे नर्दए गए कर्िोों म़ें से कौि सा सत्य है ?

I. तरि पर्दार्व A और P के आयति के बीच अों तर 17 m3 है ।

II. तरि पर्दार्व C और R के आयति के बीच का अों तर 40 m3 है ।
III. तरि पर्दार्व E और T के आयति के बीच का अों तर 172 m3 है ।

A. Only I
B. Only II
C. Both I & II
D. Both I & III
E. None of these

Q2. If the fluid from outermost two sections is removed, then what is the
difference between the total volume of the fluids in container X and Y?\

यनर्द बाहरी र्दो िों डोों से तरि पर्दार्व हटा नर्दया िाए, तो कोंटे िर X और Y म़ें तरि पर्दार्ों की
कुि मािा के बीच क्या अों तर है ?

A. 12m3
B. 24 m3
C. 36 m3
D. 48 m3
E. None of these
Q3. If volume of fluid R is 'r'% more/less than volume of fluid C and volume of
fluid S is 's'% more/less than volume of fluid D, then find the value of 's ÷ r'.

यनर्द िर् R का आयति िर् C के आयति से 'r'% अनिक/कम है और िर् S का आयति

िर् D के आयति से 's'% अनिक/कम है , तो 's ÷ r' का माि ज्ञात कीनिए।

A. 2
B. 3/2
C. 3
D. 4/5
E. None of these

Q4. If fluids E and Q together can fill 70% of a conical container of height 30 m
and radius 'R' m, then find the value of 'R'.

यनर्द तरि पर्दार्व E और Q नमिकर 30 मीटर ऊोंचाई और 'R' मीटर निज्या र्ािे एक
शोंक्वाकार कोंटे िर का 70% भर सकते हैं , तो 'R' का माि ज्ञात कऱें ।

A. 3m
B. 4m
C. 5m
D. 6m
E. None of these

Q5. Height of cylinders X and Y are 1.75 m and 7 m respectively and outermost
diameter of cylinder Y is 12 m. If outer radius of section which contains fluid A is
'x' m and inner radius of section which contains fluid T is 'y' m, then find the
average of values 'x + 3' and 'y + 4'.

नसि़ें डर X और Y की ऊोंचाई क्रमशः 1.75 मीटर और 7 मीटर है और नसि़ें डर Y का सबसे

बाहरी व्यास 12 मीटर है । यनर्द उस िों ड की बाहरी निज्या निसम़ें िर् A है , 'x' m है और
उस िों ड की आों तररक निज्या निसम़ें िर् T है , 'y' m है , तो माि 'x + 3' और 'y + 4' का
औसत ज्ञात कीनिए।
A. 10
B. 9
C. 12
D. 8
E. None of these
Answer Key:

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. D


2ab + a2 + (b2 + ab) + 20b + 6a = (a + b)2 + 3ab + 2a + 9b

3ab + a2 + b2 + 6a + 20b = a2 + b2 + 2ab + 3ab + 2a + 9b
4a + 11b = 2ab
(a2 - b2) + 3ab + 8(a - b) + 4b2 + 2a2 = 3(a + b) 2 - 4a - 8b
3a2 + 3b2 + 3ab + 8a - 8b = 3a2 + 3b2 + 6ab - 4a - 8b
12a = 3ab
4a + 11 × 4 = 2a × 4
8a - 4a = 44
4a = 44
a = 11

Fluid A = 2 × 11 × 4 = 88 m3
Fluid B = 112 = 121 m3
Fluid C = 42 + 4 × 11 = 16 + 44 = 60 m3
Fluid D = 20 × 4 = 80 m3
Fluid E = 6 × 11 = 66 m3
Fluid P = 112 - 42 = 121 - 16 = 105 m3
Fluid Q = 3 × 11 × 4 = 132 m3
Fluid R = 8 × (11 - 4) = 8 × 7 = 56 m3
Fluid S = 4 × 42 = 64 m3
Fluid T = 2 × 112 = 2 × 121 = 242 m3


From Statement I
Difference between Fluid A & Fluid P = 105 - 88 = 17 m3 (True)
From Statement II
Difference between Fluid C & Fluid R = 60 - 56 = 4 m3 (False)
From Statement III
Difference between Fluid E & Fluid T = 242 - 66 = 176 m3 (False)
Only I.


After removing two outermost section of containers,

Volume of container X = 88 + 121 + 60 = 269 m3
Volume of container Y = 105 + 132 + 56 = 293 m3
Difference = 293 - 269 = 24 m3


r% = (60 - 56)/60 × 100 = 20/3%

s% = (80 - 64)/80 × 100 = 20%
s ÷ r = 20 ÷ (20/3) = 3


1/3 × 22/7 × R2 × 30 × 0.7 = 66 + 132

R2 × 10 = 198/0.7 × 7/22 = 90
R2 = 9


22/7 × x2 × 1.75 = 88
x2 = 4 × 4
22/7 × (62 - y2) × 7 = 242
36 - y2 = 11
y2 = 25
Average = (x + 3 + y + 4)/2 = (4 + 5 + 7)/2 = 16/2 = 8

Data Interpretation

Directions: Read the data carefully and answer the following questions.
Three boxes were put in a gambling machine and each box has three balls. All the
balls were numbered from 1 to 9 and no two balls have the same numbers. No
box contains two balls with digits summing to 11. Further sum of the numbers of
three balls in boxes 1, 2, and 3 are in the ratio 5 : 6 : 4. No box has balls that are
numbered such that all three numbers are a factor of their total sum. A person
picks one ball from each box and he will get a prize whose worth will be thirty
times the sum of numbers on the balls he picked. He got a prize worth Rs. 240 but
he didn't get the ball which was numbered 5 which was not in box 2.

निर्दे श: डे टा को ध्यािपू र्वक पढ़ें और निम्ननिखित प्रश्ोों के उत्तर र्द़ें । एक िुआ मशीि म़ें तीि
बक्से रिे गए र्े और प्रत्ये क बक्से म़ें तीि ग़ें र्द़ें हैं । सभी ग़ेंर्दोों पर 1 से 9 तक क्रमाों क र्े और
नकसी भी र्दो ग़ें र्दोों पर समाि क्रमाों क िही ों र्े । नकसी भी नडब्बे म़ें 11 अों कोों र्ािी र्दो ग़ेंर्द़ें िही ों
हैं । इसके अिार्ा नडब्बे 1, 2 और 3 म़ें तीि ग़ेंर्दोों की सों ख्याओों का योग 5: 6: 4 के अिुपात
म़ें है । उिके कुि योग का एक कारक. एक व्यखि प्रत्ये क बॉक्स से एक ग़ेंर्द चुिता है और
उसे एक पु रस्कार नमिेगा निसका मू ल्य उसके द्वारा चुिी गई ग़ेंर्दोों पर सों ख्याओों के योग का
तीस गु िा होगा। उन्ह़ें 500 रुपये का पु रस्कार नमिा. 240 िेनकि उन्ह़ें 5 िों बर र्ािी ग़ेंर्द
िही ों नमिी िो बॉक्स 2 म़ें िही ों र्ी।
Q1. What can be the lowest possible worth of the Prize?

पु रस्कार का न्यूितम सों भानर्त मू ल्य क्या हो सकता है ?

A. Rs.180
B. Rs.210
C. Rs.240
D. Rs.270
E. None of these

Q2. What can be the maximum possible worth of the Prize?

पु रस्कार का अनिकतम सों भर् मू ल्य क्या हो सकता है ?
A. Rs. 630
B. Rs. 660
C. Rs.690
D. Rs. 720
E. None of these

Q3. Choosing which of the combination of three balls is impossible for the man?
तीि ग़ेंर्दोों के सों योिि म़ें से नकसका चयि करिा आर्दमी के निए असों भर् है ?
A. [4, 5, 6]
B. [9, 8, 7]
C. [3, 4, 5]
D. [5, 6, 7]
E. None of these

Q4. The ball which is numbered 6 is in which box?

निस ग़ेंर्द का क्रमाों क 6 है र्ह नकस नडब्बे म़ें है ?
A. Box 1
B. Box 2
C. Box 3
D. Either Box 2 or Box 3
E. None of these
Q5. Quantity 1: If balls from box 1 were placed in box 2, then what is the
probability of picking an odd - numbered ball?
Quantity 2: If balls from box 2 were placed in box 3, then what is the probability
of picking an even - numbered ball?

मािा 1: यनर्द बॉक्स 1 से ग़ें र्दोों को बॉक्स 2 म़ें रिा गया र्ा, तो नर्षम सों ख्या र्ािी ग़ेंर्द को
चुििे की सों भार्िा क्या है ?
मािा 2: यनर्द बॉक्स 2 से ग़ें र्दोों को बॉक्स 3 म़ें रिा गया र्ा, तो सम सों ख्या र्ािी ग़ें र्द को चु ििे
की सों भार्िा क्या है ?
A. Q1>Q2
B. Q1>=Q2
C. Q1<Q2
D. Q1<=Q2
E. Q1=Q2
Answer Key:

1. B
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. C


Sum of number on Balls that a person pick = 240/30 = 8

Possible number on Balls =(1, 2, 5), (1, 3, 4)
But he didn't get the ball of number 5 so possible numbers on Balls =(1, 3, 4)
Pair of number on balls that can't be in 1 box= (2, 9), (3, 8), (4, 7), (5, 6)
Sum of numbers on Balls = 1 + 2 + _ _ _ + 9 = 45
Sum of number on Balls in Box 1 = 45 × 5/15 = 15 (Factor = 1, 3, 5)
Sum of number on Balls in Box 2 = 45 × 6/15 = 18 (Factor = 1, 2, 3, 6, 9)
Sum of number on Balls in Box 3 = 45 × 4/15 = 12 (Factor = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
If Ball number 1 in Box 1= (1, 5, 9), (1, 6, 8)
If Ball number 1 in Box 2 = (1, 8, 9)
If Ball number 1 in Box 3 =(1, 2, 9), (1, 5, 6)
If Ball number 3 in Box 1 = (3, 5, 7)
If Ball number 3 in Box 2 =(3, 6, 9), (3, 7, 8)
If Ball number 3 in Box 3 = (3, 2, 7)
If Ball number 4 in Box 1 =(4, 2, 9), (4, 5, 6),
If Ball number 4 in Box 2=(4, 5, 9), (4, 6, 8)
If Ball number 4 in Box 3 = (4, 2, 6)
Underlined Combinations are not possible,
Number of Ball in Box 3 = (3, 2, 7)
Number of Ball in Box 2 = (4, 6, 8)
Number of Ball in Box 1 = (1, 5, 9)

Least possible worth of price = (1 + 4 + 2) × 30 = 7 × 30 = Rs. 210
Maximum possible worth of price = (9 + 8 + 7) × 30 = 240 × 30 = Rs. 720
Combination of three balls which is impossible = [9, 8, 7]
9 + 8 + 7 = 24 (Which is not possible)

6 number ball is in = Box 2

Quantity 1,After placing balls from Box 1 in Box 2,
Probability of picking odd numbered ball = 2/6 = 1/3
Quantity 2, After placing balls from Box 2 in Box 3,
Probability of picking even numbered ball = 4/6 = 2/3
Quantity 1 < Quantity 2

Data Interpretation

Directions: study the passage given below and answer the following questions.

There are 5 online delivery apps which have different number of employees who are
given daily targets based on the number of packages to be delivered. The number of
employees in these companies is equal to that of the speed of the bikes provided by
them to these employees for delivery.

In Company A, one of the employees delivered a package on his bike in 4 hours

covering a distance of 100 km. Whereas an employee in company C could cover only
96 km in the same time as the employee of company A and the ratio of time taken
by a bike of company C and D to cover similar distance is 2:3. The ratio of speed of B
and E is 23:18. The Speed of a bike of company E is 12.5% more than that of the
speed a bike of company D.

Total 5400 packages were delivered by these 5 companies in a day. Pie Chart shows
the percentage of packages delivered by an individual company on that day. You
have to assume that each employee of a particular office has similar efficiency.

निर्दे श: िीचे नर्दए गए गद्ाों श का अध्ययि कऱें और निम्ननिखित प्रश्ोों के उत्तर र्द़ें । 5 ऑििाइि
नडिीर्री ऐप हैं नििम़ें अिग-अिग सों ख्या म़ें कमव चारी हैं निन्ह़ें नडिीर्री नकए िािे र्ािे
पै केिोों की सों ख्या के आिार पर र्दै निक िक्ष्य नर्दए िाते हैं । इि कोंपनियोों म़ें कमव चाररयोों की
सों ख्या उिके द्वारा इि कमव चाररयोों को नडिीर्री के निए उपिब्ध कराई गई बाइक की गनत के
बराबर है ।
कोंपिी A म़ें , एक कमव चारी िे अपिी बाइक पर 4 घोंटे म़ें 100 नकमी की र्दूरी तय करके एक
पै केि पहों चाया। िबनक कोंपिी C का एक कमव चारी कोंपिी A के कमव चारी के समाि समय म़ें
केर्ि 96 नकमी की र्दूरी तय कर सकता है और कोंपिी C और D की बाइक द्वारा समाि र्दूरी
तय करिे म़ें िगिे र्ािे समय का अिुपात 2:3 है । B और E की गनत का अिुपात 23:18 है ।
कोंपिी E की बाइक की गनत कोंपिी D की बाइक की गनत से 12.5% अनिक है ।

इि 5 कोंपनियोों द्वारा एक नर्दि म़ें कुि 5400 पै केि नडिीर्र नकए गए। पाई चाटव उस नर्दि
नकसी व्यखिगत कोंपिी द्वारा नर्तररत पै केिोों का प्रनतशत नर्दिाता है । आपको यह माििा
होगा नक नकसी नर्शेष कायाव िय के प्रत्ये क कमव चारी की कायव कुशिता समाि है ।

% of packages delivered by individual


20% 25% A
22.22% 12.78% D

Q1. If Company F delivers 75% of packages delivered by Company D and E in a day

and efficiency of each employee is 33.33% of each employee of Company C, then
find the number of employees in office F.

यनर्द कोंपिी F एक नर्दि म़ें कोंपिी D और E द्वारा नर्तररत पै केिोों का 75% नर्तररत करती है
और प्रत्ये क कमव चारी की र्दक्षता कोंपिी C के प्रत्ये क कमव चारी की 33.33% है , तो कायाव िय F
म़ें कमव चाररयोों की सों ख्या ज्ञात कऱें ।
A. 114
B. 95
C. 107
D. 112
E. None of these

Q2. What will be the number of days taken by company C to deliver 1296
assignments, if 16.66% of the employees are left?

यनर्द 16.66% कमव चारी बचे हैं , तो कोंपिी C द्वारा 1296 असाइिम़ें ट नर्तररत करिे म़ें नकतिे
नर्दि िग़ेंगे?

A. 7.5
B. 6.20
C. 6.44
D. 7.2
E. Cannot be determined

Q3. If salary is given according to efficiency/output of each individual, then an

employee of which office gets the highest salary?

यनर्द प्रत्ये क व्यखि की कायव कुशिता/उत्पार्दि के अिुसार र्े ति नर्दया िाए तो नकस कायाव िय
के कमव चारी को सबसे अनिक र्े ति नमिता है ?

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Q4. If 10 employees from each of office E, D and C are taken, then in how many days
they would deliver 3600 packages?

यनर्द प्रत्ये क कायाव िय E, D और C से 10 कमव चाररयोों को निया िाए, तो र्े नकतिे नर्दिोों म़ें
3600 पै केि नर्तररत कऱें गे?

A. 1.4
B. 2.6
C. 2.5
D. 1.6
E. None of these
Answer Key

1. A
2. D
3. D
4. E



Number of employees in a company = Speed of bike in that company

Speed of Bike in A = 100/4 = 25km/hr

Speed of Bike in C = 96/4 = 24km/hr

Time taken by Bike in D = 4*3/2 = 6 hr

Speed of bike in D = 96/6 = 16km/hr

Speed of bike in E = 16*9/8 =18km/hr

Speed of bike in B = 18*23/18 = 23Km/hr

Now, Number of packages delivered by A = 5400*25% = 1350

Company Total Packages to be Number of employees Package delivered by one
delivered employee in a
A 1350 25 54 =(1350/25)
B 690 23 20
C 1080 24 45
D 1200 16 75
E 1080 18 60
Q1. Total packages by F = ¾*(1200+1080) = ¾*2280 = 1710

Efficiency of individual employee in F = 45*33.33% = 15

Employees in F = 1710/15 = 114

Q2. Number of employees available = 24-16.66% = 4

So number of days taken to deliver 1296 packages = 1296/(4*45) = 7.2

Q3. In D efficiency is highest, which is 75 packages per day

Q4. Number of days = 3600/ [10*(45+60+75)] = 3600/1800 = 2days


Arithmetic Based Questions

Q1. The question given below consists of a question and 3 statements given below it.
You must decide whether the data provided in the statements is sufficient to answer
the question.

The cost price of a chair is Rs. 500. Aditya marked it up at Rs.x above its cost price
and gave ‘r%’ discount on the marked price. If he earned 20% profit then find the
value of ‘x’.

I. A sum of Rs. 8000 amounts to Rs.12500 after 2 years at r% rate of

compound interest.
II. R=25%
III. 500r+xr = 20000

िीचे नर्दए गए प्रश् म़ें एक प्रश् और उसके िीचे 3 कर्ि नर्दए गए हैं । आपको यह तय करिा
होगा नक कर्िोों म़ें नर्दया गया डे टा प्रश् का उत्तर र्दे िे के निए पयाव प्त है या िही ों।

एक कुसी का िागत मू ल्य रु. 500. आनर्दत्य िे इसे िागत मू ल्य से x रुपये अनिक पर अों नकत
नकया और अों नकत मू ल्य पर 'r%' की छूट र्दी। यनर्द उसिे 20% िाभ अनिवत नकया तो 'x' का
माि ज्ञात कीनिए।

I. रुपये की रानश चक्रर्ृ खि ब्याि की .r% र्दर पर 8000 की रानश 2 र्षव बार्द 12500
रुपये हो िाती है ।
II. R=25%
III. 500r+xr = 20000
A. Only I & II
B. Only I
C. Only II
D. All I, II & III alone can answer the question
E. All I,II & III together are required

Q2. The question given below consists of a question and 3 statements given below it.
You must decide whether the data provided in the statements is sufficient to answer
the question.

There are 4 friends A, B C and D respectively. The ratio of efficiency of C and D to

complete a piece of work is 3:4 and that of A and B is 1:2. Then find the time taken
by D to complete the work alone.

I. The time taken by A and D together to complete the same work is 10 days.
II. A, B and C together can complete the same work in 6(2/3) days.
III. B and D together can complete the work in 7.5 days

िीचे नर्दए गए प्रश् म़ें एक प्रश् और उसके िीचे 3 कर्ि नर्दए गए हैं । आपको यह तय करिा
होगा नक कर्िोों म़ें नर्दया गया डे टा प्रश् का उत्तर र्दे िे के निए पयाव प्त है या िही ों।

4 नमि A, B C और D हैं । नकसी कायव को पू रा करिे म़ें C और D की र्दक्षता का अिुपात 3:4 है

और A और B की र्दक्षता का अिुपात 1:2 है । तो D द्वारा अकेिे कायव पू रा करिे म़ें निया गया
समय ज्ञात कीनिए।

I. समाि कायव को पू रा करिे म़ें A और D द्वारा नमिकर निया गया समय 10 नर्दि है ।
II. A, B और C नमिकर उसी कायव को 6(2/3) नर्दिोों म़ें पू रा कर सकते हैं ।
III. B और D नमिकर काम को 7.5 नर्दिोों म़ें पू रा कर सकते हैं ।
A. All together
B. Only I & III
C. Only II & III
D. Only II and I
E. Any II together

Q3. The question given below consists of a question and 3 statements given below it.
You must decide whether the data provided in the statements is sufficient to answer
the question.

There are 2 boats X and Y. Both started their journey from point P towards point Q.
Speed of the stream is 10 km/hr less than that of the speed of the boat Y. the ratio
between the speeds of boat X and boat Y in still water is 4:3. Find the distance
between P and Q.

I. Total time taken by boat X and Y to travel from P to Q is 13.5 hours.

II. Total time taken by boat X and Y from Q to P in upstream is 25 hours.
III. Average speed of boat X and y in still water is 17.5km/hr.

िीचे नर्दए गए प्रश् म़ें एक प्रश् और उसके िीचे 3 कर्ि नर्दए गए हैं । आपको यह तय करिा
होगा नक कर्िोों म़ें नर्दया गया डे टा प्रश् का उत्तर र्दे िे के निए पयाव प्त है या िही ों।

र्दो िाऱ्ें X और Y हैं । र्दोिोों िे नबोंर्दु P से नबोंर्दु Q की ओर अपिी यािा शुरू की। िारा की गनत
िार् Y की गनत से 10 नकमी/घोंटा कम है । िार् X और िार् Y की गनत के बीच का अिुपात
खथर्र िि म़ें 4:3 है । P और Q के बीच की र्दूरी ज्ञात कीनिए।

I. िार् X और Y द्वारा P से Q तक यािा करिे म़ें निया गया कुि समय 13.5 घोंटे है ।
II. िार् X और Y द्वारा Q से P तक िारा के नर्परीत नर्दशा म़ें निया गया कुि समय 25
घोंटे है ।
III. शाों त पािी म़ें िार् X और Y की औसत गनत 17.5 नकमीघोंटा है /
A. All together
B. Only I & II
C. Only III
D. None is sufficient
E. Any two statements together

Q4. A sum of money Rs.__ was invested in a scheme to earn simple interest at the
rate of 20% per annum for 4 years. 2/3 rd of the total amount was taken and
deposited in a scheme to earn interest at the rate of 10% per annum for 2 years such
that the interest was Rs.___.

Which of the following options satisfies the two blanks in the questions respectively?

4 र्षों के निए प्रनत र्षव 20% की र्दर से सािारण ब्याि अनिव त करिे के निए एक योििा म़ें __
रुपये की ििरानश का निर्े श नकया गया र्ा। कुि रानश का 2/3 भाग निया गया और 2 र्षों के
निए 10% प्रनत र्षव की र्दर से ब्याि अनिवत करिे के निए एक योििा म़ें िमा नकया गया,
तानक ब्याि रु.___ हो।

निम्ननिखित म़ें से कौि सा नर्कल्प क्रमशः प्रश्ोों म़ें र्दो ररि थर्ाि को सों तुष्ट करता है ?

I. Rs.30000 and Rs.75600

II. Rs.50000 and Rs.12600
III. Rs.22500 and Rs.5670
IV. Rs.75000 and Rs. 16340

A. Only I and II
B. Only I, II and IV
C. Only I, II and III
D. None of these
E. All of them
Q5. In the following question, Variables P, Q, R and S are used to denote different
quantities. 4 statements (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given which give the value of P, Q,
R and S. The value may or may not be correct. Solve for the variable and choose
the option with all correct values.

A boat with still water speed of 'P' km/hr was travelling in a stream of speed 'Q'
km/hr. If it was going downstream for 6 hours, it covers a distance of 180 km. If it
was going upstream for 2 hours, it covers a distance of 40 km. The boat travelled
with still water speed 2P km/hr for 'R' hours upstream covering 135 km and then it
travelled with still water speed 1.2P km/hr for 'S' hours downstream covering 140

निम्ननिखित प्रश् म़ें , चर P, Q, R और S का उपयोग नर्नभन्न मािाओों को र्दशाव िे के निए नकया

िाता है । 4 कर्ि (ए), (बी), (सी) और (डी) नर्दए गए हैं िो पी, क्यू , आर और एस का माि र्दे ते
हैं । माि सही हो भी सकता है और िही ों भी। चर को हि कऱें और सभी सही मािोों र्ािा
नर्कल्प चु ि़ें।

शाों त िि म़ें 'P' नकमी/घोंटा की गनत र्ािी एक िार् 'Q' नकमी/घोंटा की गनत की िारा म़ें यािा
कर रही र्ी। यनर्द यह 6 घोंटे तक िारा के अिुकूि चिती रहे , तो यह 180 नकमी की र्दूरी तय
करती है । यनर्द यह 2 घोंटे तक िारा के प्रनतकूि चिती रही, तो यह 40 नकमी की र्दूरी तय
करती है । िार् िे 'R' घों टे तक शाों त पािी की गनत 2P नकमी/घोंटा से िारा के प्रनतकूि 135
नकमी की र्दूरी तय की और नफर इसिे 'S' घोंटे तक शाों त पािी की गनत 1.2P नकमी/घों टा से
िारा के अिु कूि 140 नकमी की यािा की।

i. 20
ii. 10
iii. 3
iv. 4

A. I, IV
C. I, II
Answers key:

1. D
2. E
3. E
4. C
5. B


Q1. CP = 500, MP = 500+x

SP = 500*6/5 = 600 = (500+x)*[(100-r)/100] ----Equation 1

From I,

We can determine the value of r by using the compound interest formula. Putting
that in equation 1 we can find the value of x

Similarly we can do the same from II.

From III,

500r+xr = 20000

r(500+x)= 200*100

r/100 *MP = 200

So, 200 is the discount on MP. So MP is 800 and x is 300

Thus, I, II & III are alone sufficient to answer the question.


Let A do ‘a’ units work and B does ‘2a’ units work

Similarly let C do ‘3b’ units work and D do ‘4b’ units work

From I

A and D do work in 10 days. ---- eq1

Total work = 10(a+4b)

But this has no direct usage as link between A and D not given.

From II

Total work = (3a+3b) 20/3 ----eq 2

Equating 1 & 2 we can get a and b and thus find individual efficiencies and time.

Similarly we will get a equation From III

Thus any two statements together are required.


Let the speed of Boat X and Y in still water is 4a km/hr and 3a km/hr.

So speed of steam is (3a-10) km/hr (given)

From I

Downstream Speed of X = 7a-10 and Y = 6a-10 ---- eq1


d/(7a-10 )+ d/(6a-10) = 13.5

But we cannot eliminate the variable from this.

From II

Upstream speed of X = a+10 and Y = 10


d /(a+10) + d/10 = 25 ----eq2

From eq I and II we can cancel out d by dividing them and thus determine a.

So statement I and II are together required to answer the question.

From III


3a+4a = 2*17.5

7 a= 35


But after that we have no time or distance given to calculate further.

So, III with either I or II is required.

Thus any two statements together are required.


Amount after 4 years at SI = P + 20%*4*P = 9/5P

Interest after 2 years of CI = 9/5P *2/3*21% = 6/5P*21/100

Now Put the values of P from the 4 options and check if the Interest earned matches
the option, I.e.

From I,

6/5*30000*21/100 = 7560

Similarly checking we get that I, II and III satisfy the blanks.

Q5. P + Q = 180/6 = 30 km/hr

P - Q = 40/2 = 20 km/hr
P = (30 + 20)/2 = 50/2 = 25(Incorrect)
Q = (30 - 20)/2 = 10/2 = 5 (Incorrect)
R = 135/(2 × 25 - 5) = 135/(50 - 5) = 135/45 = 3 (Correct)
S = 140/(1.2 × 25 + 5) = 140/(30 + 5) = 140/35 = 4 (Correct)
Thus only C, D fills in the blank.

Number Series & Quadratic Equation

Q1. Below given are three quadratic equations numbered as 1, 2 and 3. Read the
data carefully and find the Sum of the roots of all three equation which are
greater than other root.
1.3ax = 40 – ay
2. b2 = 2b + p
3. c2 + c = q
One root of equation 1 is - 8. One root is common in equation 1 and 2, whose
value is more than zero. One root is common in equation 2 and 3. Difference
between the roots of the equation 3 is less than 6. All the roots are real numbers
and integers.

A. Sum is a negative integer

B. Sum is a prime number
C. Sum is 12
D. Sum is a perfect square
E. None of these


I) w2+y2+z2 =315
II) y2+ x2 = 261
III) w>z
IV) w>x
V) W, x, y, &z are integers.
Q2. What is the value of z?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

Q3. What is the average of all 4 numbers?

A. 7.5
B. 8.5
C. 11
D. 8.75
E. None of these


Study the following information and answer the following questions.

Series I: x-1, x+3, 26, 42, 67, y+30

Series II: z-18, 90, w, 130, w+56, w+96

Series III: y+1, 86, y+25, z, z+12

Q4. What is the difference in averages of 1st three terms of series II and series III?

A. 6.5
B. 6
C. 6.66
D. 6.25
E. None of these
Q5. The 4th term of series I is what percentage of last term of series III?

A. 45%
B. 28.56%
C. 7.14%
D. 37.5%
E. None of these


I. x2-11x-840 = 0
II. {[y7/10/12]}2 = 96/y1.6

A. x>y
B. x<y
C. x≥y
D. x≤y
E. x=y or no relation can be established.

I. 16(𝑥−1) ∗ 256(2𝑥+3) = 256(8𝑥−8.5)
45 22
II. + =3
𝑦2 𝑦
A. x>y
B. x<y
C. x≥y
D. x≤y
E. x=y or no relation can be established
Answer key

1. C
2. C
3. E
4. C
5. D
6. E
7. E


Equation 1, 3ax = 40 - ay
Case 1) x = 1, y = 2
3a = 40 - a2
a2 + 3a - 40 = 0
At a = - 8
(- 8)3 + 3 × (- 8) - 40 = 0
64 - 24 - 40 = 0
Other root of Eq. 1 = (- 40)/(- 8) = 5
Greater root = 5
Case 2) x = 2, y = 1
3a2 = 40 - a
3a2 + a - 40 = 0
At a = - 8
3 × (- 8)2 + (- 8) - 40 = 0
3 × 64 - 8 - 40 = 0
192 - 48 = 0
144 ≠ 0
Equation 2, b2 = 2b + p
b2 - 2b - p = 0
1 root of equation = 5 (common root of equation 1 & 2 and greater than 0)
Other root = 2 - 5 = - 3
- p = 5 × (- 3)

p = 15

Greater root = 5
Equation 3, c2 + c = q
c2 + c - q = 0
If common root of equation 2 & 3 is 5, then other root of equation 3 = (- 1) - 5 = -
Difference = 5 - (- 6) = 11 > 6 (Not possible)
If common root of equation 2 & 3 is - 3, then other root of equation 3 = (- 1) - (- 3)
Difference = 2 - (- 3) = 5 < 6 (Possible)
Root of equation 3 = 2, - 3
Greater root = 2
Sum of Greater root of 3 equation = 5 + 5 + 2 = 12
Sum is 12

Q2. Since w>x, so y>x

So, 261/2<y<261

Then 112<y2 <162

Y can be 12,13,14,15

Now if Y is 12, x = 261-144 = 117 (not a perfect square)

Only Y= 15 and X=6 fits (as 225+36 = 261)


W2+Z2 = 315-225 = 90

Since w>z,


So, 62 <W<102
W can be 7, 8, 9

Only W = 9 fits, thus z = 3

Q3. Average = 33/4 = 8.25

Q4. Series 1

42-26 = 16 = 42

67-42 = 25 = 52


Term previous to 26 is = 26-32 = 17

Term previous to 17 is = 17-22 = 13

Term next of 67 is = 67+62 = 103

So x -1 = 13 & x = 14

Also, y+30 = 103, So, y = 73

Thus series I is: 13, 17, 26, 42, 67, 103

Series III

y+1 = 73+1 = 74

y+25 = 98

So pattern is as follows:

98-86 = 12

86-74 = 12

Term next of 98 is = 98+12 = 100 = z

z+ 12 = 100+12 = 112

Thus series III is: 74, 86, 98, 100, 112

Series II

z-18 = 100-18 = 82

90-82 = 8

In such series we check through assumptions and check which fits correct.

Here the assumption that fits is multiplicative table of 8.


82+8 =90

90+16 = 106 = w

106+24 = 130 (as in the question so our assumption was correct but we should
still check for all terms to get a definite answer)

130+32 = 162 = w+56

162 +40 = 202 = w+96

Thus series II: 82, 90, 106, 130, 162, 202

Difference = [82+90+106]/3 – [74+86+98]/3 = [278 – 258]/3 = 20/3 = 6.66

Q5. Required % = 42*100/112 = 37.5

Q6. x2-11x-840 = 0

(x-35)(x+24) = 0

X = 35, -24

{[y7/10/12]}2 = 96/y1.6

Y14/10/144 = 96/y8/5

Y (7/5+8/5) = 144*96
Y3 = 24*24*24

Y = 24

Thus no relation can be established.

X= 2
Y= 9, -5/3
So, no relation can be established

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