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Dvir Hakmon
052-6718999 | | Jerusalem and the surrounding area | Date of birth : 15/5/1995
Linkedin :

→ Junior Software Developer with studently experience in Python, Java, C, C++
→ I am looking for my first development job, and I am always open to learning new things in order to develop the
company in a better way and my personal skills.


→ Programing languages, technical tools and platforms: Java, C++, C, Python, Docker, HTML, CSS, MongoDB, OOP, SQL,
PostgreSQL, Swagger, Spring Boot, AWS, Linux, Regex, WebHooks, DialogFlow


B.Sc. Computer Science | Ariel University (2018-2023)

Backend Developer Bootcamp – Condingbc (2023)

Major Projects:
(1) 'Student Management System' Project:
→ A student data platform that provides students with secure, convenient, and reliable access to their academic
performance data. The platform is built on a foundation of modern technologies, including PostgreSQL, Spring Boot,
Docker, AWS, JWT, and Git/GitHub.

→ This platform is designed to help students track their progress over time, identify areas for improvement, and make
informed decisions about their academic careers.

(2) ‘Chatbot Project:

Created a chatbot, designed to search for jokes by specific keywords.
Implemented web scraping for data extraction from HTML and JSON sources, combined with Dialog Flow for natural language
Activated regex for pattern matching and webhooks for seamless integration with external services.
The project demonstrated data retrieval and chatbot development.


Computer science tutor | Freelance (2021-Present)

● Providing training sessions in Java, Python, C++ and C,.
● Conducting presentations of SW products development and programing applications.
● Instructing and emphasizing the fundamental concepts of data structures and object-oriented programming.
● Empowering students with problem-solving skills, through hands-on practice, assisting them in achieving academic
success in computer science courses.

English – Full Proficiency | Hebrew - Native

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