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To me, real happiness is tied to the comfort that abundant wealth can provide.

Money, in
my perspective, is a transformative tool that empowers individuals to make their life comfortable.
The prospect of becoming rich excites me, as it opens avenues to give my family the life they truly
deserve. It involves not only acquiring the possessions that were absent in my own upbringing but
also investing in items that will shape a more secure and promising future.

By becoming rich, I envision myself to start a life in comfort, not just for my immediate
family but also for the succeeding generations. The wealth accumulated will serve as a foundation,
allowing my descendants, including my kids' kids, to fully explore their potential. It involves
providing them with the means to engage in various hobbies and activities that would be otherwise
out of reach without financial resources.

Moreover, the aspiration for richness is not confined to personal satisfaction; it extends to
a wider goal. I see wealth as an opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those less
fortunate. My vision involves extending a helping hand by providing them with financial
assistance or essential goods, facilitating sustainability and a chance for a more secure existence.

To achieve this kind of happiness; having money in abundance, I will be willing to venture
out on all possibilities available. Another reason why I am pursuing Mechanical Engineering is
because I believe that this program can serve as a solid foundation towards my goal. As cliché it
may sound, but every time I feel down or tired from the things that I am busy with, I always think
of the future at hand, and it is enough to excite me back to work. I believe that becoming rich is
part of my destiny and it is only a matter of when.

In the question of what the implications would be if we will “follow rules so you can be a
good person” rather than “be a good person by flourishing the individual’s character”, my answer
is that we will be robots. Robots in the sense that we are only following patterns set by society
instead of acting based on our own conviction, of our own conscience, and of our own heart. It is
because when we follow rules instead of acting based on our own conscience, we are not fulfilled
and thoughts such as “I should/shouldn’t have done it” will always linger in the back of our minds,
cancelling the main thought of becoming a good person.

A good person embodies courage, temperance, and generosity. These qualities find
relevance in situations like having a disagreement with someone you hold dear, whether it's with
your parents, younger sister, or significant other. Courage comes into play as you confront the issue
head-on, initiating a dialogue. Expressing your concerns or problems requires courage, as you face
uncertainty about their reaction, potentially causing anxiety. So, speaking out is a display of

Following courage is temperance, or patience in an argument. It involves actively listening

to the other person, refraining from interruptions, and withholding conclusions until they've
expressed their entire viewpoint. Lastly, there's generosity in an argument, where setting pride
aside and letting love lead the way. Offering forgiveness shows the understanding that you're
addressing the issue, not attacking the person. This generosity nurtures the relationship and
provides an opportunity for growth.

Among the three, temperance is very important to me because it is crucial in pursuing my

dream of becoming rich. Understanding that this goal takes time, I refrain from rushing,
recognizing that each moment contributes to its manifestation. I've seen others achieve their
dreams only to wonder "what's next?". My dream will live up until I die and given that it will be
long time till then, I need to have patience. Additionally, I believe that courage without patience is
foolish, and generosity without patience is being fooled.

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