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Last weekend, the chemistry extra classes will be be held on Friday morning.

On Friday morning, I woke

up on 6.30 a.m to establish subuh prayer and after that, I packed my chemistry book and print the
worksheet that teacher Haiyu gives. Before going to class, my mom brought me and my younger sister to
have breakfast at a shop nearby our house. Then, my mom dropped my younger sister at her school for
the Silat classes before sending me to school. After finishing chemistry class, we all walked to wetex to
have our lunch there as usual. Then, we ordered a grab to go to the gym at Bakri. After spending almost
3 hours there my father picked me up at 5 p.m and straight away went to Melaka for my father’s friend
ceremony. Then, we all went back to Muar at 8.00 p.m. I was very tired that day and straight away went
to sleep when we got home.

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