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Nursing Care Plan

Assessment Data Nursing Diagnoses Client Centered Strategies Rationale Evaluation

Objective: Imbalanced Nutrition Patient will achieve 1. Access ideal weight for 1. Monitoring weight After a week, patient
related to change in adequate nutrition age and height. ensures progress States he has added 3
1. Older gay male.
financial situation intake to meet daily 2. Consult a dietitian for a towards health goals. kilograms worth of
2. Appears sad.
dietary requirements full nutrition assessment. 2. Dietitian consults weight and is utilizing
3. Recent loss of a
within the next three 3. Involve social workers to provide tailored the community
loved one.
months. assist the client in nutritional guidance. resources offered to
4. Lives alone.
accessing financial aid 3. Social workers him.
and community resources facilitate access to

Subjective: for addressing nutritional resources.

needs within budget 4. Budget-friendly meal
1. “ I am so sad, i
constraints planning promotes
don't know if I can
4. Assist patient in making nutrition despite
go on without him”
budget-friendly meal financial constraints.
2. “sometimes i am
plans that prioritize
so depressed ”
3. States he came in
due to fatigue and
weight loss
4. States he has
trouble coping due
to the recent loss of
a loved one.
5. “I feel so isolated”
6. “I can't go out at
night as we used to
7. “I don't have the
energy to reach out
to friends though”

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