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-As a professional

I take a great satisfaction in my dedication to excellence and my active participation in different

aspects of teaching and school activities. Throughout my time as a teacher, I have consistently
demonstrated my dedication to my profession.
I have been an integral member of the French teaching team, actively participating in most of the
teams meeting , contributing to curriculum-related discussions. During my last replacement, despite
having to make less tests than during my previous replacement, I made sure that the evaluations were
relevant and did not contain any mistakes. I for example participated to the collaborative preparation
of a ‘schrijfdossier’ for the havo brugklass.

Beyond my regular teacher tasks, I have taken on additional roles and activities to enrich the pupils’
learning experience. I organized and supervised activities such as trips to Namur or Lille. The last trip
to Lille turned to be a trip to Liège as the border was blocked by tractors and last minute adjustments
had to be made, but I have always enjoyed preparing the students for these trips and accompanying

In addition, I gave 3 lessons to 8th group children during the open les middag, giving them a glimpse
into what learning French at Niftarlake College is.

I also played an active role during the school’s open days, at HNL and Niftarlake, where I interacted
with parents and children, answering all their questions and offering information about the school’s
educational approach and values. In addition, I also took part in the ‘studiedag’with my colleagues,
focusing on formative testing and made a contribution to the group discussion.

To further enhance my qualifications and broaden my knowledge as a teacher, I have earned my

DELF diploma in May 2023. This certification enables me to act as an examiner for DELF
examinations and a corrector. I can also conduct specialized DELF classes, which demonstrates my
dedication to professional development and ensure the highest standards of education for the students
(Institut Français Nederland, n.d.).

As a conclusion, my involvement in various aspects of teaching and activities, combined with my

continuous professional development shows my dedication for teaching. I am happy to be a
professional teacher contributing to creating a rich learning environment for the pupils.

Institut Français Nederland. (n.d.). DELF scolaire [Webpage]. Retrieved from

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