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Shade tolerant

Dense and compact growth

Low maintenance

2 climate-specific compositions

Lawn grass for shady areas Specifications
Shadow is very tolerant to shade, e.g. from trees and buildings. The mixture gives a
dense and compact growth. Shadow is very well suited for low input of water and
fertiliser. For hot & dry composition, drought tolerant grass is included. Lawn grass for shady areas

Turfline Shadow
Cold & Temperate

Mixture Composition

Strong creeping red fescue 40 %

Slender creeping red fescue 25 %

Perennial ryegrass 20 %

Hard fescue 10 %

Rough-stalked meadow-grass 5%

DLF Global Head Office

Side 1 af 2
Ny Oestergade 9 | 4000 Roskilde | Denmark
Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

No ratings

DLF Global Head Office

Side 2 af 2
Ny Oestergade 9 | 4000 Roskilde | Denmark

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