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The role of fores forest, afforestation, forest protection

From past to present UP to now, the forest has been considered the leading precious property that
nature has bestowed on human. In fact, the forest has brought many great benefits. First, the forest
is supplies many essential forest products for people life (should be called the four species of wood
of construction) is material to build temples, pagodas, mausoleum, have durable thousands of years
or used to make house wares, handicrafts items and normal woods used to make houses. So, from
one log of wood prop a pit in mine to branch wood, pieces of coal all of which from the
forest. ????? Nowadays, with advanced science and technology, modern, people has manufactured
synthetic materials, from chemical products but it cannot replace the role of wood in our life.
Besides, it is also provide for us many rare products, a lot of plants of in the forest are medicinal
herbs for health and human life. Can not mention all the source of income that the forest brings
about us. The most important thing that many countries all over the world are interesting and there
are many support programs that is a forestation because the role of the forest are climate control,
protect life. Furthermore, the forest is also giant lung which air purification, provide air and
maintain life for people. There are many kind of the forests such as wind-break forests, salt-break
forests and sea, prevent flood forests from the mountains, helps people mitigate natural disasters.
Especially, the forest also invaluable conservation nature area of thousands of birds, rare animals.

At present, most countries in the world are interesting and have budgets for the afforest and protect
forest. Therefore, the rate of disappearance of forest world-wide has slowed. Most thank to change
from deforestation to reforestation, build belts protect forest and animals are being extinct.
Everybody should awareness importance of the forest through organizations or take part protect
activities. Each individual can become a wise customer through choice to buy friendly products
with environment

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