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Good morning, everyone. My name is Minh. May I have attention please?

y, we will explore an important topic that John F. Kennedy himself mentioned: “C
hange is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are ce
rtain to miss the future.”. How do you understand the sentence above?.
Please, tuan answers this question. Thank you for your answering.I agree
with your answering. John F. Kennedy emphasized that those who only focus
on the past or present will certainly miss out on future opportunities. This
idea encourages to face new challenges in order to grow and progress. The
theme of my presentation is that developing soft skills, exploring new areas,
and creativity are three factors to adapt changing in the context of digital tran
sformation. My presentation include three parts. Firstly, the explanation of
the saying of John F. Kennedy. Secondly, the case study of Iphone. Finally,
lessons learned from the saying. OK, my talk will be in 8 minutes. After my
talk there’ll be time for a discussion and any questions, so please save your
questions until the end of my presentation.
Now, let’s move to the first part of my part, which is about the explanation
of the saying of John F. Kennedy. The basic meaning of the saying is that people
who only focus on the past or present will easily miss future opportunities and chal
lenges. In the business sector, innovation and progress are the keys to sustain and g
row. In the context of digital transformation, this statement becomes even more
important. Therefore, businesses need to change to catch up with new trends and
opportunities. So now, we come to three factors to adapt in the context of digital
transformation. Firstly, this is developing soft skills. It helps us manage time and
complete work with higher efficiency. For example, we develop communication
skill, teamwork skill, critical thinking skill. These skills help us have opportunities
to contact many people, solve problems with a multi-dimensional view. Secondly,
this is exploring new areas. It helps us broaden knowledge and vision, develop
flexibility and adaptability to new environments. Thirdly, this is creativity. It helps
us promote progress and innovation, stimulate artistic thinking, and develop
problem- solving skills. So now we come to example. Project managers have the
ability to manage time and resources flexibly, adjusting work plans when changes
occur to ensure project progress is not greatly affected. That’s all.
Now we come to the case study of Iphone. The Iphone in 2007 opened a
new era in the mobile industry. Iphone is not just a regular phone but also a
multimedia device with a touch screen and Internet connectivity. This
innovation has fueled the growth of the smartphone market. It can be said that
the Iphone has made important contribution to creating a revolution in the
field of mobile internet. Here are some ways the Iphone revolutionized the
mobile internet. Firstly, this is mobile web browser. Iphone introduced
mobile safari web browser which opens many websites and online services
directly. Secondly, this is connectivity and 3G. Iphone support 2G and 3G
connections, providing faster data transfer speeds than previous mobile
phones. Finally, this is 2.0 Megapixel camera. The 2007 Iphone was equipped
with a 2.0 megapixel camera, opening the trend of integrating cameras on
mobile phones. Let’s move to outstanding performance. The Iphone has
contributed greatly to making Apple one of the most valuable companies in
the world such as: increasing sales ( sold 6 million phones in 2007), bringing
many sources of profit, building brand Apple with an image of being an
innovative and high-quality company, building credibility and bringing trust
to customers.That’s all. Now let’s turn on lessons learned from the saying. W
e come to the effect of developing soft skills, exploring new areas, and creavt
ivity to bussiness. Kennedy promotes positive and creative thinking, asserting
that we should not shy away from change but should seek to understand and
utilize it for progress and innovation. Now, we come to the importance of pro
gressive vision. Progressive vision is the ability to see ahead, evaluate trends
and predict change. Therefore, we need to have a strategic vision to face
constant changes and challenges.That’s all. Well, in conclusion, the three ele
ments of adapting changing are developing soft skills, exploring new areas, a
nd creativity. Elon Musk said: “ Change is never easy, but if we don’t seek out
new challenges, we won’t grow.”. Thank you for your attention. If you have
any questions, I’d be glad to answer them

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