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2024W: EPM-1133-4 Instructor: Paul Wang

Date: 22.01.2024 Name: Suvetha Naveen Kumar

Topic: Development Approaches Student ID No: C0928811

Embarking on the reflective journey through the commonly used development approaches—
predictive, hybrid, and adaptive—offers an opportunity to delve into the intricacies of project
management within the dynamic landscape of software development. Throughout my career, I
have had the chance to engage with and reflect upon three commonly used development
methodologies: predictive, hybrid, and adaptive. Each of these approaches comes with its own
set of principles, advantages, and challenges. This reflective journal explores my experiences and
insights gained through working with these methodologies, shedding light on the dynamic nature
of software development.

Predictive Approach: Navigating the Waters of Certainty

The predictive approach, often likened to the waterfall model represents a structured and linear
path where the project team aims to define, collect, and analyze requirements at the project's
inception. Reflecting on my encounters with predictive methodologies, I am reminded of the
comfort of having a clear roadmap at the project's outset. The ability to define scope, schedule,
cost, resource needs, and risks early in the project life cycle seemed like a reassuring beacon of

The predictive approach proved its utility in a project centred around community centre
construction. The grounds and facilities were meticulously planned, and changes were minimal.
The project adhered to the predetermined blueprint, with templates from previous projects
providing a sense of familiarity. This adherence to a predefined plan undoubtedly reduced
uncertainty early in the project, allowing for efficient planning and execution.

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2024W: EPM-1133-4 Instructor: Paul Wang

However, the rigid nature of the predictive approach surfaced as a limitation when confronted
with the inevitability of change. The client's evolving needs in subsequent phases of the project
underscored the challenges of adapting to unforeseen circumstances. The absence of flexibility
within the predictive framework led to a reassessment of the approach's suitability for projects
marked by dynamic requirements.

Hybrid Approach: Navigating the Intersection of Structure and Flexibility

The hybrid approach emerged as a compelling alternative, offering a middle ground that blends
elements from predictive and adaptive methodologies. This approach becomes particularly
relevant when faced with uncertainty or risk around project requirements. As I navigated through
projects adopting the hybrid model, I realized that it strikes a delicate balance between the
structured nature of predictive methodologies and the adaptability of agile principles.

A significant advantage of the hybrid approach lies in its ability to modularize deliverables and
accommodate different project teams. This flexibility becomes especially valuable when dealing
with uncertain requirements. The iterative and incremental development approach, often
incorporated in hybrid models, provides opportunities to clarify requirements and explore
various options.

One noteworthy project exemplifying the efficacy of a hybrid approach involved the
development of a product with significant uncertainty surrounding the requirements. While an
adaptive approach was employed to develop the product, the deployment phase adhered to a
predictive framework. This dynamic combination allowed for flexibility in the development
phase while maintaining a structured approach during deployment.

The community centre project further demonstrated the adaptability of a hybrid model. The
establishment of senior services unfolded iteratively, with each service—Meals on Wheels,
transportation, group outings—complete on its own and deployable when available. This
modularized approach enhanced the project's adaptability while ensuring the completion and
deployment of individual services without waiting for the entire project to conclude.

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2024W: EPM-1133-4 Instructor: Paul Wang

Adaptive Approach: Embracing Iteration, Collaboration, and Change

The adaptive approach, commonly associated with Agile methodologies such as Scrum and
Kanban, starkly contrasts the linear nature of the predictive approach. Agile principles emphasize
iterative development, frequent collaboration, and responsiveness to change, acknowledging that
software development is inherently dynamic.

My experiences with Agile methodologies have been both enlightening and transformative.
Adopting an adaptive approach, the development team engages in short, iterative sprint cycles.
These sprints allow for continuous feedback, enabling the team to respond promptly to changing
requirements. Daily stand-up meetings, backlog refinement sessions, and sprint retrospectives
foster a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.

The agility inherent in adaptive methodologies introduces shorter iterations, often ranging from 1
to 2 weeks, with frequent demonstrations of accomplishments at the end of each iteration. This
contrasts sharply with the longer planning horizons associated with predictive approaches. The
engagement of the project team in collaborative planning, scope determination, and estimation
reflects the adaptive mindset permeating the development framework.

Reflecting on my experiences with adaptive approaches, the projects adopting agile principles
stand out as dynamic and responsive environments. The iterative cycles, rapid feedback loops,
and continuous improvement foster a culture of adaptability. The realization that the project team
can dynamically adjust the scope based on a prioritized backlog underscores the proactive nature
of adaptive methodologies.

Comparative Analysis: A Triangulation of Methodologies

Reflecting on my experiences with predictive, hybrid, and adaptive approaches, I am compelled
to draw a comparative analysis to discern the strengths and weaknesses inherent in each

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2024W: EPM-1133-4 Instructor: Paul Wang

With its structured and sequential nature, the predictive approach is well-suited for projects
with clearly defined and stable requirements. However, its rigidity hinders in environments
where change is constant, as witnessed in projects where evolving clients need to challenge the
initial plan.

The hybrid approach emerges as a pragmatic compromise, offering flexibility without

sacrificing the structured planning inherent in predictive methodologies. The modularized nature
of deliverables, coupled with an iterative and incremental development approach, enhances the
adaptability of the hybrid model.

The adaptive approach, rooted in Agile principles, shines in environments where uncertainty is
the norm. Agile methodologies thrive in projects where client requirements are subject to
change, fostering a culture of collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement. However,
the adaptive approach demands a paradigm shift in organizational culture and may face
challenges in more extensive, traditional settings.

Personal Growth: Lessons Learned and Insights Gained

Navigating these development approaches has been a continuous learning and self-discovery
journey. Each methodology has contributed to my growth, offering valuable lessons and insights
that shaped my project management and collaboration approach.

The predictive approach taught me the importance of thorough upfront planning and the clarity
it brings to project milestones. However, the inherent rigidity became apparent when confronted
with changing requirements. This realization catalyzed exploring alternative methodologies that
could accommodate dynamic project landscapes.

With its adaptive and predictive elements, the hybrid approach provided a nuanced
understanding of balancing structure with flexibility. Modularizing deliverables and
incorporating iterative and incremental development became tools for navigating uncertainty
without compromising the project's overall structure.

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2024W: EPM-1133-4 Instructor: Paul Wang

The adaptive approach catalyzes personal and professional growth, emphasizing collaboration
and responsiveness to change. It challenged my preconceptions about project management and
urged me to embrace change as a positive force. Working within an Agile framework honed my
communication skills, fostering an environment where the team collectively takes ownership of
project success.

Reflecting on the journey through predictive, hybrid, and adaptive approaches, I was reminded
that managing the project is not a one-size-fits-all endeavour. Each methodology has its time and
place, and the key lies in understanding the unique requirements of each project and tailoring the
approach accordingly.

With its upfront planning and stability, the predictive approach offers a sense of security in well-
defined projects. As a bridge between predictability and adaptability, the hybrid approach
becomes a versatile choice for projects with varying degrees of uncertainty. With its agile
principles, the adaptive approach embraces change as a fundamental aspect of software

The ability to choose the right approach based on the unique requirements of each project
emerges as a skill that transcends specific methods. As I continue to evolve as a software
developer, I carry the lessons learned from each approach, recognizing that adaptability,
collaboration, and a commitment to continuous improvement are the compass and sextant
guiding me through the ever-changing waters of project management.

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2024W: EPM-1133-4 Instructor: Paul Wang


1. South Carolina And Georgia Map - World Map With Time Zones.
2. Project management in IT: Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Waterfall.
3. How Do You Sharpen A Ceramic Knife At Home? 5 Easy Methods - Best Knife Review.
4. Project Management For Beginners: Ultimate Guide (2024).

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