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Woodstock 99:

Starter questions:
- What do you already know about Woodstock?
- Who performed?
- What was the atmosphere?
- When did it take place?
- Would you have liked to have gone? Why/Why not?
- How was it different to festivals nowadays?

Watch the 2 video’s about the Woodstock ’99 festival and take notes:


What does the man say about this Woodstock festival compared to the last one?

What was the weather like?

What was the price of water and why was this a problem?

What was the problem with the facilities?

What does the video say about the crowd?

How did people behave?


- Watch the first 35 seconds:

What was Woodstock ’99 going to be?

What does the first women in the video say she thought it seemed like at first?

What does the man with a hat say the music festival was like at first?

- Watch from 00.35:

What was the concern of some people after the festival had started?

What was bad about the atmosphere at the festival?

What do the journalists in the video ask the organisers of the festival?

What simile is used to describe the crowd?

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