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London Central.

Episode 4
Discuss these questions before you watch:

 What does Leo have in his list of “things to do in London”?

 Where does he work?
 Who does he work with?
 Who helps Leo and Anna to study English?

Watch the episode 4. Choose or write the correct answer.

Leo likes Georgina’s:

a) Brown hair d) Dry skin g) He likes everything about her.

b) Short legs e) Pretty face
c) Blond hair f) Soft skin

In Leo’s dream Georgina says:

Leo, you have bad _______, you have thin _______, you _______, a weak body, you _____ short, no
more_____ Leo, no _______ help!

In the morning, Leo asks Anna:

a) What does Anna like?

b) How to talk to Georgina?
c) What do girls like?

Anna replies:

Well, I like…dark_____, brown eyes, average height, no______, maybe some little ______ muscles.

What does Anna like?

a) Cinema or a nice _______

b) She really likes ________ in the park.

Discuss the questions:

 Where does Leo want to invite Georgina?
 What does Anna feel about Leo? Does Leo know this?

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