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Unit B - CH 2 - Types of Plants

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8. angiosperm: a vascular plant that produces flowers

10. anther: the part of the stamen of a flower that produces pollen grains
2. asexual reproduction: the form of reproduction in which a new organism is produced without the joining of a sperm cell and an egg cell
6. conifer: a plant that grows cones that produce seeds
17. dicotyledon: a seed that has two seed leaves
20. embryo: the tiny plant that forms from the fertilized egg
4. fern: a vascular plant that has feathery fronds and reproduces without seeds
19. fertilization: the process in which a sperm cell joins with an egg cell to produce a new organism
22. grafting: a form of asexual reproduction in which parts of two plants are joined together to make a single plant
5. gymnosperm: a seed-bearing plant whose seeds are not surrounded by a container
18. monocotyledon: a seed that has only one seed leaf
1. moss: a very short green plant that does not have true leaves, stems, and roots
15. ovary: the base of the pistil of a flower, containing ovules
13. petal: the part of the plant that is usually the largest and most visible part of a flower and helps protect the other parts of the flower
11. pistil: the female reproductive part of a flower
7. pollen: the powderlike male spores that develop into two male sex cells
16. pollination: the process by which pollen from the anthers of a flower lands on the stigma of a flower
21. runner: a stem that grows close to the ground and puts out roots and shoots
3. spore: a structure that contains cells that can grow into a new plant without joining with other cells
9. stamen: the male reproductive part of a flower
12. stigma: the tip of the pistil of a flower where pollen grains land and stick
14. style: the stemlike part of the pistil of a flower that connects the stigma to the ovary

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