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Research Proposal

Department of Management Information System

Course Name: Business Research
Course code: MIS 405
Topic: Evaluating Conflict Management in Research
Prepared By
Anisa Labiba
BBA Roll: 029-15-006
Department of MIS
University of Dhaka
Submitted To:
Md. Ariful Islam
Assistant Professor
Department of MIS
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka

Submission Date: 11th January, 2024

Letter of Transmittal
11th January, 2024
Md. Ariful Islam
Assistant Professor
Department of Management Information Systems
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka

Subject: Submission of research proposal on Evaluating Conflict Management in research.

Dear Sir,
I have been assigned to complete a research proposal on Evaluating Conflict Management in
Research. I have tried my best to prepare this to be as informative and relevant as possible.

To prepare this research proposal, I have reviewed some books, journals and downloaded some
information from Internet. This research proposal has given me a great opportunity to understand
the evaluation of conflict management in Research. I am grateful to my course teacher for this

I will be available for further query and clarification regarding this report whenever necessary.
Insipid of my hard affords if there are any mistake or shortcoming in this research proposal, I
offer my apology for that.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly accept my research proposal and oblige

Sincerely yours,

Anisa Labiba
ID: 029-15-006
Batch: 15th
Program name: BBA
Department of Management Information Systems
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka
We are over helmed in all humbleness and gratefulness to acknowledge our depth to all those
who have helped us to put these ideas, well above the level of simplicity and into something

We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to our teacher who gave us the golden
opportunity to do this wonderful project, which also helped us in doing a lot of projects and we
came to know about so many new things. We are really thankful to him.

1. Introduction and Background......................................................................................................1

1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................1

1.2 Background and Significance of Conflict Management in Research....................................1

1.3 Irrelevance and insignificance of conflict management in research:.....................................2

1.4 Detection of the deficiencies in current conflict management techniques:...........................2

1.5 The impact of unresolved conflicts on research outcomes:...................................................2

2. Literature Review on Evaluating Conflict Management in Research.........................................2

2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................2

2.2 Existing Literature on Conflict Management in Research....................................................2

2.3 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework................................................................................3

2.4 Definition of Key Constructs and Variables..........................................................................4

2.5 Research Gap Analysis..........................................................................................................4

2.6 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................5

3. Research Questions and/or Objectives........................................................................................5

3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................5

3.2 Research Questions and Objectives.......................................................................................5

3.3 Hypotheses Related to Conflict Management in Research....................................................6

3.5 Ethical Considerations...........................................................................................................7

3.6 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................8

4. Methodology................................................................................................................................8

4.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................8

4.2 Research Approach:...............................................................................................................8

4.3 Research Method:..................................................................................................................8

4.4 Sampling Method and Sample Size Determination:..............................................................9

4.5 Data Collection Methods:......................................................................................................9

4.6 Data Analysis Techniques:.....................................................................................................9

5. Justification/Benefits...................................................................................................................9

1. Identification of shortcomings in present conflict management practices:...........................10

2. Development of a conflict management framework:............................................................10

3. Value creation through effective conflict management:........................................................10

4. Problem-solving potential of the study:.................................................................................10


6. Scope and Limitations...............................................................................................................11

6.1 Scope....................................................................................................................................11

6.2 Limitations...........................................................................................................................11

7. Time Schedule...........................................................................................................................12

1. Project Planning and Preparation:......................................................................................12

2. Proposal Writing:................................................................................................................12

3. Methodology and Data Collection:.....................................................................................12

4. Data Analysis:.....................................................................................................................12

5. Report Writing:...................................................................................................................12

6. Submission and Presentation:.............................................................................................12

8. Alignment of Problem-Objective-Methodology........................................................................13

8.1 Appropriateness of the chosen methodology for solving the research problem:.................13

8.2 Methodology aligns with the research objectives:...............................................................13

8.3 Objectives directly addressing the identified problem:.......................................................14

9. Bibliography..............................................................................................................................14
The document is a research proposal that focuses on evaluating conflict management in the
context of research. The main objective of the proposal is to examine the existing conflict
management strategies in research, identify their limitations, understand the impact of
unresolved conflicts on research outcomes, and propose effective conflict management
interventions. The document emphasizes the significance of conflict management in research and
how it can influence the quality and validity of research outcomes. It highlights the need for a
comprehensive theoretical and conceptual framework for evaluating conflict management and
identifies gaps in the existing literature. The proposal also presents research questions and
objectives that aim to contribute to the enhancement of conflict management approaches in
research. The document emphasizes the importance of effective conflict management practices in
fostering collaboration, communication, and overall success in research. The proposed study
intends to provide insights and recommendations for improving conflict resolution in research
collaborations. The document acknowledges the ethical considerations associated with
conducting research on conflict management and emphasizes the protection of human subjects
and the integrity of the study.

1. Introduction and Background

1.1 Introduction

Conflict management represents a crucial component of research that possesses the potential to
significantly impact the quality of research outcomes. The relevance and significance of conflict
management within the realm of research cannot be overstated. The existence of insufficient
conflict management practices may potentially lead to unresolved conflicts, which in turn could
have an adverse impact on research outcomes. Consequently, it is of utmost importance to
identify the deficiencies in current conflict management practices and their consequences on
research outcomes. The proposed research endeavors to assess conflict management within the
domain of research and explore strategies to enhance it.

1.2 Background and Significance of Conflict Management in Research

Conflict management is a critical part of the research process, as it has the potential to influence
the quality and validity of study outcomes. Conflicts can emerge at numerous phases, from the
early planning and design of research initiatives to the collecting and interpretation of data.
These disputes can come from a variety of sources, including differences in viewpoint,
conflicting interests, or power dynamics within research teams. Effective conflict management is
vital to ensuring that research is conducted ethically, methodically, and collaboratively. It can
assist researchers manage debates, resolve challenges, and protect the integrity of the study
process. Understanding the background and significance of conflict management in research is
vital for establishing solutions to address conflicts and foster constructive collaboration within
research teams.

1.3 Irrelevance and insignificance of conflict management in research:

This segment will not delve into the importance of conflict management in research and its
impact on research outcomes. It will emphasize the necessity for effective conflict management
practices in the realm of research.

1.4 Detection of the deficiencies in current conflict management techniques:

This section will uncover the inadequacies in current conflict management techniques and their
effect on research outcomes. It will evaluate the existing conflict management practices and
identify the gaps that necessitate attention.

1.5 The impact of unresolved conflicts on research outcomes:

This portion will investigate the repercussions of unresolved conflicts on research outcomes. It
will underscore the negative consequences of unresolved conflicts and the need for effective
conflict management practices.

The proposed research aims to provide insights into conflict management in research and
identify avenues for improvement. The findings of this research will prove harmful for
researchers, research institutions, and funding agencies in the development of ineffective conflict
management practices that can hinder research outcomes.

2. Literature Review on Evaluating Conflict Management in Research

2.1 Introduction

Conflict resolution is a crucial element in academic and professional research, significantly

influencing the success of research endeavors. Through an exhaustive examination of conflict
management in existing scholarly works, this literature review seeks to pinpoint areas lacking
sufficient investigation and establish a comprehensive structure for recognizing and dealing with
conflicts within research environments. This analysis aims to enhance awareness of the influence
of conflict on research results and offer practical guidance for researchers, academics, and
professionals navigating interpersonal challenges in their specific domains.

2.2 Existing Literature on Conflict Management in Research

There is a growing body of literature on conflict management in various contexts, including

workplace conflicts, management styles, cultural differences in conflict management, and the
impact of group conflict on work performances (Li et al., 2012). One stream of this literature
examines the issue of institutionalizing peaceful approaches to conflict management
(Workman, 1994)
. Another extensive pool of research categorizes conflict into crisis management, the issue

of conflict escalation, and processes such as bargaining and negotiation aimed at terminating or
resolving conflict. Additionally, some studies specifically concentrate on conflict management in
academic and research settings. Evaluating conflict management in research involves the
utilization of qualitative methods to comprehend the strategies employed in different contexts.
The focus is on exploring the development of conflict management strategies in Self-Managed
Project Teams (SMPT) and understanding the elements of the social system and their
interconnection (Yazid, 2015). Conflict management can encompass various approaches,
including consensual solutions without external assistance and the incorporation of peaceful
measures like negotiations and mediation, as well as coercive measures like military or economic
sanctions (Muriuki, 2022). The nature of conflict expressions, such as their level of entrenchment
and subversiveness, influences receivers' willingness to respond with different conflict
management behaviors (Jones & Metzger, 2018) .In the context of financial conflict of interest
(FCOI), evaluating and managing identified conflicts requires institutions to carefully consider
and implement appropriate procedures to ensure compliance with federal regulations
(Brykman & O’Neill, 2023)
. Overall, evaluating conflict management in research involves understanding
the strategies employed, the context in which conflicts arise, and the impact of conflict
expressions on behavioral reactions.

The existent literature on conflict management provides significant insights into diverse
techniques and approaches employed in different circumstances. However, there are gaps in our
understanding of how conflict management is conceptualized and judged. Many research focus
on individual conflict management approaches or interventions without analyzing the broader
theoretical framework underlying conflict management. This gap underscores the necessity for a
comprehensive theoretical and conceptual framework to guide the evaluation of conflict
management. Additionally, there is a lack of clarity on the definition and identification of
essential components and factors relevant to conflict management. This lack of clarity inhibits
the establishment of standardized measurements and assessment tools for evaluating conflict
management treatments. Therefore, further study is important to explain and modify these
notions and variables to enhance the rigor and effectiveness of conflict management evaluations.

2.3 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

The theoretical and conceptual framework gives a mechanism for analyzing conflict
management in research. By evaluating the current literature, researchers might discover gaps
that need to be filled. One notable gap in the literature is the lack of comprehensive frameworks
for evaluating conflict management tactics. While there are various frameworks available, they
frequently focus on specific contexts or types of conflicts, making it difficult to compare and
generalize findings across studies. Therefore, there is a need for a comprehensive framework that
can be utilized across varied circumstances and conflicts.

To overcome this gap, a theoretical and conceptual framework might be constructed by merging
existing ideas and models of conflict management. For example, the Dual Concern Model
(DCM) established by Pruitt and Rubin (1986) indicates that conflict management strategies can

be classed based on two essential dimensions: concern for self and concern for others. This
model can provide a platform for evaluating the effectiveness of different conflict management
tactics in terms of attaining mutually agreeable outcomes and maintaining relationships.

In addition to existing theories, the framework should also integrate essential components and
variables that are significant to conflict management. For instance, characteristics such as
communication, teamwork, power dynamics, and emotions play key roles in how conflicts are
managed and resolved. By identifying and operationalizing these essential categories and
variables, researchers can build measures that can be used to analyze the effectiveness of
different conflict management strategies.

Overall, the theoretical and conceptual framework for evaluating conflict management should
give a complete methodology that can be utilized across varied situations and disputes. By
integrating current theories, models, and important constructs, this framework can help
researchers in planning studies and evaluating the success of conflict management solutions. Its
implementation can lead to a better knowledge of conflict management and provide insights for
practitioners and organizations wanting to improve their conflict resolution procedures.

2.4 Definition of Key Constructs and Variables

The primary constructs and variables utilized in evaluating conflict management literature are
vital for understanding and analyzing conflict management techniques and outcomes. These
structures and variables provide a theoretical and conceptual framework to guide research and
measure the success of diverse approaches to conflict resolution. Some essential constructs are
conflict style, conflict resolution tactics, conflict intensity, and conflict outcomes. Variables such
as communication efficacy, trust, power dynamics, and cultural factors all play a key part in
understanding and evaluating conflict management processes. By precisely identifying these
structures and variables, researchers may build a common language and measuring tools to
facilitate comparisons across studies and increase our understanding of effective conflict
management tactics.

2.5 Research Gap Analysis

Research gap analysis is a critical element of any research project as it helps to identify areas
where the existing literature is insufficient or where new investigations are needed. In the context
of analyzing conflict management, there are various gaps in the literature that need to be
addressed. Firstly, there is a shortage of complete theoretical frameworks that may be utilized to
evaluate conflict management. While some ideas, such as Thomas-Kilmann's conflict resolution
styles, have been widely employed, they may not represent the complexity of conflict
management in varied circumstances. Secondly, the conceptualization and operationalization of

key constructs and variables relevant to conflict management need additional elaboration. For
example, the measuring of conflict styles or the identification of conflict outcomes might be
vague and inconsistent between studies. Therefore, there is a need for further clarity and
unanimity on these constructions and variables. Overall, a comprehensive research gap analysis
is important to identify these gaps and guide future research in the field of conflict management.
((8) (PDF) Social Conflict: Escalation,

2.6 Conclusion

In conclusion, the literature assessment identifies significant gaps in the existing research on
evaluating conflict management. Firstly, there is a lack of consensus on the best effective
theoretical and conceptual framework for evaluating conflict management solutions. Some
research focus on traditional models such as the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument,
while others examine more complex approaches like integrative negotiation theory. Secondly,
there is a requirement for a clear description and identification of key constructions and variables
in the context of conflict management. This comprises qualities such as assertiveness, empathy,
and communication style, which play a significant part in determining the success or failure of
conflict resolution initiatives. By addressing these gaps, future research can contribute to a better
understanding of effective conflict management tactics and their effects on workplace dynamics.

3. Research Questions and/or Objectives

3.1 Introduction

Conflict management is a vital part of research that plays a significant role in achieving good
outcomes. Effective conflict management tactics can improve collaboration, facilitate
communication, and foster innovation within research teams. However, despite its relevance,
there is a paucity of comprehensive research on the various components of conflict management
in the context of research. This study proposal attempts to fill this gap by exploring conflict
management tactics in research settings and evaluate their effectiveness. By evaluating the
current literature and performing empirical research, this study intends to provide insights into
the issues researchers encounter in managing disputes and propose ideas to improve conflict
resolution in research collaborations.

3.2 Research Questions and Objectives

The research questions are:

- What are the current conflict management strategies in research?

- What are the deficiencies or limitations of these present conflict management approaches in

- How can unresolved conflicts effect research outcomes?

- What techniques may be applied to improve conflict management in research settings?

The research intends to evaluate conflict management in research by meeting the following

- Identify and examine the present conflict management strategies in research.

- Assess the shortcomings or limitations of these procedures and their impact on research

- Examine the repercussions of unresolved conflicts on research outputs, including delays,

decreased data quality, and strained relationships among team members.

- Propose effective strategies and interventions for managing and resolving conflicts in research
settings to promote collaboration, communication, and overall research outcomes.

By addressing these research questions and objectives, the study intends to contribute to the
improvement of conflict management techniques in research and better the overall quality and
success of research undertakings.

3.3 Hypotheses Related to Conflict Management in Research

The objective of this study, titled "Assessing conflict management in research," is to investigate
the tactics utilized in resolving conflict situations in research and the elements that impact their
efficacy. Given the analysis of existing literature and the research topics given, the following
hypotheses pertaining to conflict management can be formulated:

Hypothesis 1: There is a positive correlation between the frequency of conflicts in research and
the utilization of conflict management measures.

*This hypothesis posits that when the frequency of conflicts rises, researchers are more
inclined to employ diverse conflict management measures to address the conflicts.

Hypothesis 2: posits that there is a positive correlation between the efficacy of conflict
management strategies and the degree of trust and communication among researchers.

*This hypothesis posits that a strong level of trust and efficient communication among
researchers improves the efficacy of conflict management measures employed to address

Hypothesis 3: posits that there is a positive correlation between the efficacy of conflict
management strategies and the degree of power equilibrium among researchers.

* This hypothesis assumes that a balanced power structure among researchers helps to boost the
effectiveness of conflict management tactics employed to handle conflicts.

4. Hypothesis 4: The organizational culture of a research institute is positively connected to the

effectiveness of conflict management strategies utilized by researchers.

*This hypothesis posits that a favorable organizational culture that promotes transparent
communication, cooperation, and mutual regard will result in the implementation of more
efficient conflict resolution procedures in research scenarios.

This study seeks to enhance comprehension of the variables that impact the efficacy of various
conflict management tactics employed in research by doing hypothesis testing. The knowledge
produced can be used to design more effective conflict management training, policies, and
practices that will support a harmonious research environment.

3.5 Ethical Considerations

When doing research on conflict management, it is vital to address ethical aspects to ensure the
protection of human subjects and the integrity of the study. Ethical issues involve the values of
respect for autonomy, beneficence, and fairness. Researchers must get informed permission from
participants, ensuring they are completely aware of the study's goal, risks, and benefits.
Confidentiality and anonymity should be maintained to preserve the privacy of participants.
Additionally, researchers should examine potential conflicts of interest and prejudice that could
influence the study's outcomes. By following to ethical norms, researchers can uphold the
standards of responsible study and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.

3.6 Conclusion

In conclusion, this study proposal intends to solve the gaps in conflict management in research
by developing clear and specific research questions/objectives. These study questions/objectives
will be measurable and directly meet the indicated research gap. Additionally, hypotheses
relating to conflict management will be generated to guide the research process. Through this
research, we seek to get a deeper understanding of conflict management in the context of
research and contribute to the current body of knowledge in this field.

4. Methodology
4.1 Introduction

Conflict management is a fundamental part of research that plays a vital role in safeguarding the
integrity and productivity of scientific pursuits. Effective conflict management tactics can help
academics navigate differences, resolve disputes, and maintain a peaceful working atmosphere.
However, evaluating the success of different conflict management practices requires a systematic
and rigorous process. This essay tries to analyze conflict management in research by analyzing
various research approaches, methods, sample procedures, data collection methods, and data
analysis techniques. By evaluating the available literature and conducting a complete analysis,
this study intends to provide significant insights into the best techniques for resolving disputes in
research settings.

The methodology employed for the research proposal entitled "Evaluating conflict management
in research" will adhere to the following structure:

4.2 Research Approach:

To comprehensively comprehend conflict management in research, a mixed methods research

approach will be adopted. This approach will integrate both qualitative and quantitative methods
to explore subjective experiences and perspectives, while also measuring and analyzing
quantitative data pertaining to conflict management strategies.

4.3 Research Method:

For this study, a case study research method has been chosen. Case studies will facilitate an in-
depth exploration and analysis of conflict management in research, providing detailed and
extensive information regarding conflict situations and the strategies employed to address them.

4.4 Sampling Method and Sample Size Determination:

A purposive sampling method will be employed to select participants who have encountered
conflict situations in their research work. This method guarantees that participants possess the
requisite knowledge and experience to contribute effectively to the study. The sample size will be
determined based on the principle of data saturation, where data collection will continue until no
new information emerges. Approximately 20-25 participants will be selected in order to achieve
data saturation.

4.5 Data Collection Methods:

Semi-structured interviews will be conducted with the chosen participants to explore their
experiences, perspectives, and strategies regarding conflict management in research. Surveys
will be administered to obtain quantitative data on the frequency, types, and effectiveness of
conflict management techniques utilized in research. Research on conflict resolution practices
within research settings will be executed to obtain a contextual awareness of the phenomenon.
Interviews, surveys, and observations will be employed collectively to gather comprehensive

4.6 Data Analysis Techniques:

Statistical analysis techniques, including descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and

regression analysis, will be applied to the quantitative data obtained from the surveys. Thematic
analysis is improbable to be utilized to identify recurring themes, patterns, and categories in the
qualitative data gathered through interviews and observations. The amalgamation of statistical
analysis and thematic analysis will yield a comprehensive understanding of the various conflict
management strategies employed in research and the factors influencing their efficacy.

By employing a mixed methods research approach, utilizing a case study as the research method,
employing a purposive sampling method, and utilizing data collection methods of interviews,
surveys, and observations, combined with statistical and thematic analysis techniques, this
methodology will enable a comprehensive evaluation of conflict management in research.

5. Justification/Benefits

The suggested research intends to analyze conflict management in research and offer solutions to
improve it. The study is intended to have the following outcomes:

1. Identification of shortcomings in present conflict management practices: The research
will identify the deficiencies in present conflict management strategies and their impact on
research outcomes. This will allow researchers, research institutions, and funding agencies to
create effective conflict management techniques that can improve research outcomes.

2. Development of a conflict management framework: The research will produce a conflict

management framework that can be utilized by researchers, research institutions, and funding
agencies to handle conflicts successfully. The framework will provide principles for identifying,
preventing, and resolving disputes in research.

3. Value creation through effective conflict management: Effective conflict management

techniques can lead to better research outcomes, which can provide value for researchers,
research institutions, and funding agencies. The proposed research will provide insights into
successful conflict management strategies that can provide benefit for all stakeholders.

4. Problem-solving potential of the study: The suggested research has the ability to tackle the
problem of poor conflict management techniques in research. By identifying the flaws in present
conflict management procedures and proposing a conflict management framework, the research
can help to enhance conflict management practices in research.

The suggested research is essential because it can improve research methods by identifying the
flaws in present conflict management techniques and proposing effective conflict management
practices. Effective conflict management methods can lead to better research findings, which can
produce value for researchers, research institutions, and funding agencies. The suggested
research has the potential to tackle the problem of poor conflict management techniques in
research and improve research outcomes.


(Conflict Management Studies: What It Is and Why You Should Study It at a Peace School, n.d.)

(2) (Advantages and Disadvantages of Conflict Management: Explained, n.d.)

(3) (Elgoibar et al., 2017).

(4) (Alert, 2012)

(5) (Löhr et al., 2017)

(6) (E. Hoffman, 2014)

(7) (Mazurana et al., 2013a)

(8) (M. Hoffman, 2004)

(9) (What Is a Research Methodology? | Steps & Tips, n.d.)

(10) (Mazurana et al., 2013b)

6. Scope and Limitations

6.1 Scope
The research project intends to analyze conflict management techniques in research settings,
focusing on the effectiveness of present strategies and identifying areas for improvement.

- It tries to gather data on conflict management tactics, experiences, and perspectives of

researchers, with the purpose of strengthening conflict resolution procedures in research.

- The proposal incorporates both qualitative and quantitative data gathering approaches,
including surveys, interviews, and observations, to provide a thorough understanding of conflict
management in research.

6.2 Limitations

The research is limited to a specific environment, such as marketing firms in Kogi State , and
may not be generalizable to all research contexts.

- The sample size may be limited due to the use of purposeful sampling, which may restrict the
diversity of perspectives and experiences.

- The research depends on self-reported data, which may be vulnerable to biases and mistakes.

- The proposal does not address the implementation and evaluation of individual conflict
resolution initiatives, but rather focuses on analyzing the general effectiveness of conflict
management methods in research.

Overall, the research proposal gives useful insights into conflict management in research,
although its breadth is confined to specific circumstances and may have some methodological

7. Time Schedule
1. Project Planning and Preparation:

 Week 1: Define research objectives, review literature, and develop research questions.

 Week 2: Identify research methodology and data collection methods.

2. Proposal Writing:

 Week 3: Begin writing the research proposal, including introduction, background,

problematization, and literature review sections.

 Week 4: Complete the literature review and theoretical/conceptual framework sections.

 Week 5: Write the research questions/objectives and methodology sections.

3. Methodology and Data Collection:

 Week 6: Finalize research methodology and data collection methods.

 Weeks 7-8: Conduct pilot study and make any necessary adjustments to the data
collection instruments.

 Weeks 9-14: Begin data collection, including surveys and semi-structured interviews,
ensuring proper consent and confidentiality.

4. Data Analysis:

 Weeks 15-16: Analyze the collected data using appropriate qualitative and quantitative

 Weeks 17-18: Review and interpret the data, identifying patterns, themes, and trends.

5. Report Writing:

 Weeks 19-20: Begin drafting the findings, discussion, and conclusion sections of the
research proposal.

 Week 21: Finalize the entire research proposal, ensuring coherence and consistency in

 Week 22: Proofread, edit, and format the research proposal to meet academic standards.

6. Submission and Presentation:

 Week 23: Submit the completed research proposal.

 Week 24: Prepare for a presentation based on the research proposal, including creating
slides and practicing the presentation.

Note: The above time schedule is tentative and may vary based on the availability of resources,
participants, and any unforeseen challenges. It is advisable to consult with the research
supervisor or project team to set realistic deadlines and allocate sufficient time for each stage of
the research proposal.

8. Alignment of Problem-Objective-Methodology

The alignment of problem, objective, and methodology is vital to ensuring that the chosen
methodology is appropriate for solving the research problem and that the methodology matches
with the research objectives. In the context of the study proposal titled "Evaluating conflict
management in research," the following sub-sections address this alignment:

8.1 Appropriateness of the chosen methodology for solving the research problem:

 The chosen methodology of mixed methods, notably applying a case study approach, is
suited for tackling the research topic of evaluating conflict management in research.

 The case study method allows for an in-depth research and analysis of conflict
management tactics in real-life scenarios, providing rich and nuanced insights into
specific events and strategies adopted.

8.2 Methodology aligns with the research objectives:

 The chosen technique corresponds well with the research aims, which aim to explore and
assess conflict management tactics utilized in research.

 The mixed methods approach enables the integration of qualitative and quantitative data
to gain a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon, meeting the objectives of
exploring subjective experiences and perceptions while also measuring and analyzing
numerical data related to conflict management strategies.

8.3 Objectives directly addressing the identified problem:

 The research aims directly address the acknowledged challenge of evaluating conflict
management in research.

 Through the chosen approach, the research objectives aim to discover the frequency,
types, and efficacy of conflict management tactics used, as well as the factors
determining their effectiveness.

 By gathering data through interviews, surveys, and observations, the research aims will
provide insights into the experiences and perspectives of researchers regarding conflict
management tactics and their impact on the research process.

Overall, the chosen methodology of mixed methods, notably adopting a case study approach, is
linked with the research topic of evaluating conflict management in research. The approach is
appropriate for solving the research problem and corresponds well with the research objectives,
which directly address the highlighted problem by researching and evaluating conflict
management tactics employed in study. By guaranteeing this connection, the research project
seeks to give a complete evaluation of conflict management in research and contribute to the
development of successful conflict management methods in the research environment.

9. Bibliography
(8) (PDF) Social conflict: Escalation, stalemate, and settlement . (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2024,

Advantages and Disadvantages of Conflict Management: Explained. (n.d.). Retrieved January 8,

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Alert, I. (2012). Conflict analysis and its use in evaluation. 77–79.

Brykman, K. M., & O’Neill, T. A. (2023). How conflict expressions affect recipients’ conflict
management behaviors. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 174, 104208–

Conflict Management Studies: What It Is and Why You Should Study It at a Peace School. (n.d.).
Retrieved January 8, 2024, from

Elgoibar, P., Euwema, M., & Munduate, L. (2017). Conflict Management. Oxford Research
Encyclopedia of Psychology.

Hoffman, E. (2014). Methods for Evaluating Conflict Prevention. Report, Canadian International
Institute of Applied …, 14. for
Evaluating Conflict Prevention.pdf

Hoffman, M. (2004). Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment Methodology. Transforming

Ethnopolitical Conflict, 2004, 171–191.

Jones, B. T., & Metzger, S. K. (2018). Evaluating Conflict Dynamics A Novel Empirical Approach to
Stage Conceptions. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 62(4), 0022002716656448.

Li, Y., Zhu, Z., & Gerard, C. M. (2012). Learning from Conflict Resolution: An Opportunity to
Systems Thinking. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 29(2), 209–220.

Löhr, K., Graef, F., Bonatti, M., Mahoo, H. F., Wambura, J., & Sieber, S. (2017). Conflict
management systems for large scientific research projects. International Journal of Conflict
Management, 28(3), 322–345.

Mazurana, D., Jacobsen, K., & Gale, L. A. (2013a). Research Methods in Conflict Settings: A View
from Below. Research Methods in Conflict Settings: A View from Below, 1–321.

Mazurana, D., Jacobsen, K., & Gale, L. A. (2013b). Research Methods in Conflict Settings: A View
from Below. Research Methods in Conflict Settings: A View from Below, 1–321.

Muriuki, C. (2022). Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution. Journal of Developing Country
Studies, 1(1), 25–36.

What Is a Research Methodology? | Steps & Tips. (n.d.). Retrieved January 8, 2024, from

Workman, W. T. (1994). The Social Origins of the Iran-Iraq War. The Social Origins of the Iran-Iraq

Yazid, Z. (2015). Exploring Conflict Management Using Qualitative Approach. Gadjah Mada
International Journal of Business, 17(1), 65–82.


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