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| WORLD [iil Save for Later Pl aT WUC at 3 on WORLD TIMES INSTITUTE Wl Y MERE ines rw: POLITICAL Super PACs Independent political action committees that can raise unlimited funds in order to campaign for candidates but are barred from directly coordinating with either candidates or parties. Transaction Theory A political theory, espoused by Robert H. Salisbury, that argues that political actors are not influenced by groups that have mobilized to enact change so much Zit ae: Wl as they are responding to the interests of narrowly focused elites, and that the relationship between interest groups and government is that of an exchange. Two-Party System An electoral system where two main oe parties control power in government. Vote Of No Confidence A way for a legislative body to indicate that they no longer support the leader of the government (such as a prime minister) and their cabinet. Voter Fatigue A phenomenon in which the demands of Zia mes Wl multiple elections leave voters feeling apathetic or disengaged. Voter Registration Requirements A set of conditions voters must meet and J be able to prove in order to be eligible to vote. Voter Suppression A strategy or in some instances local laws that work to prohibit certain groups from voting. (Ss seen |

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