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Struggling with your thesis on Julius Caesar? You're not alone.

Crafting a compelling and well-

researched thesis can be an arduous task, especially when dealing with such a complex historical
figure like Caesar. From delving into ancient texts to analyzing historical context, the process
demands time, effort, and expertise.

Understanding the intricacies of Caesar's life, his political maneuvers, and his impact on ancient
Rome requires a deep dive into historical records, literary works, and scholarly interpretations.
Moreover, synthesizing this information into a coherent and original thesis statement is no small feat.

Whether you're grappling with narrowing down your topic, conducting thorough research, or
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The powerful people make these plots seem beneficial to the common citizens in order to gain
support and justification but in the real sense there are hidden agendas. Then I, and you, and all of us
fell down” This addresses them as countrymen appealing to their socialist morals to come forward
and revolt but also he is naming himself a countrymen. Brutus seemed to be a leader and someone
who Rome could look up to. This is excusable however because they are no as educated as their
leaders. With only five questions, my students are able to complete this scavenger hunt in 30 minutes
or. Short Essay on Julius Caesar 150 Words in English Short Essay on Julius Caesar is usually given
to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. The play
continues with the rising civil wars after Caesar’s death, Cassius and Brutus’s battle against Antonio
and their eventual death. During one, Cassius committed suicide because he thought his army had
lost the battle. With remarkable clarity and brevity, Freeman shows how Caesar dominated a newly
powerful Rome and shaped its destiny. Pride on the other hand is a deep feeling of satisfaction
derived from ones previous achievements. The second rhetorical question is when Mark Anthony
asks the crowd “what cause withholds you then, to mourn for him. This is exemplified when Brutus
and Cassius are arguing about allowing Cicero joining the conspiracy. Afterwards, he led a private
army to fight the king of Pontus, which would see his status further elevated and see him work with
Pompey. This project is a great addition to any study of activism, social justice, social movements,
informational text, or just as a. Suetonius explains how the actions of Caesar led to changes in the
governing of Rome and gives insight on his effect on Roman democracy, or lack thereof, by telling
what Caesar did and the unrest these actions caused. This is stated by Cole and Symes, Caesar
returned to Rome in triumph literally. Question 2People are moved by Brutus speech about why they
killed Caesar and even wants to erect statues in Brutus to make him king which he declines by telling
them to listen to Anthony. Brutus was intellectual but gullible and lacked common sense, believing
that killing Caesar was noble. William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar The notable play, “The tragedy of
Julius Caesar” written by William Shakespeare is a canon of English literature. He does not take into
account any of what Calphurnia, an ignored soothsayer, or what the soothsayer in the streets of
Rome has said. He said that he had loved Caesar but he had loved Rome more. Antony, at Caesar's
corpse after being stabbed, says that he is sorry for being so gentle and kind to the men who killed
Caesar (conspirators). The son of Caius Julius Caesar and Aurelia became involved in politics after
participating in countless wars. Ribner believes that julius caesar is based on the tradition of an
English morality play with a tragic hero as he, Is faced with a choice. He is able to get the people to
question the rightness of killing Caesar. Ribner believes that julius Caesar is based on the tradition of
an English morality play with a tragic hero as he, Is faced with a choice. These are used when
questioning Brutus “Was this ambition. When Caesar is offered the crown he denies it three times.
This paper will examine part of the life of Julius Caesar, and some of the accomplishments that made
his name synonymous with Romans and people around the world.
Julius Caesar, to me, so far, has shown that it is a play of many different opinions. For him he has no
personal feelings against Caesar but he has to consider the entire Rome. The elites soon were
discontented towards his social reforms. Caesar was finally assassinated by a group of senators. This
is perfect to distribute to students and parents during an. Octavian, Mark Antony, and Marcus
Lepidus formed a triumvirate and seized control of Rome and the empire’s western territories.
Antony, in a well thought out speech says that the conspirators are noble and respectable men. The
play begins with the return of Caesar from a victorious conquest by defeating Pompey and the
beginning of a conspiracy against him among the senators. But Brutus, his friend, and Casius are
jealous of him and they lead a team of men to conspire and kill the rule of Rome, Julius Caesar. After
the death of the dictator, he moved back to Rome, but chose to study philosophy. Long and Short
Essays on Julius Caesar for Students and Kids in English We are providing students with essay
samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short piece of 150 words on the topic Julius
Caesar. Everything he says is a subtle plea to win the crowd, and Shakespeare’s audience, onto his
side. Cassius, envious of Caesar’s power incites Marcus Brutus whose high profile as a former
military commander and now a high judicial official who decides cases involving Roman citizens to
join him in the coup (Dehnert 50). Furthermore, Anthony’s examples give him an advantage over
Brutus because he backs up statements while Brutus leaves his statements more open-ended. More
than two thousand years after his death, Julius Caesar remains one of the great figures of history.
But Caesar dismisses him by claiming that he is a dreamer and leaves him.. The soothsayer is aware
of what Caesar and his close people don’t know and is even aware that the calamity will happen on
the Ides of March (Dehnert 60). See full terms and conditions and this month's choices. He is able to
get the people to question the rightness of killing Caesar. He shows people the Caesar body to stir the
crowd against the conspirators. Brutus seemed to be a leader and someone who Rome could look up
to. Mark Antony insists that Caesar is the greatest man ever and was certainly not ambitious whilst
Caesar himself firmly believes himself to be a brave and fearsome. This makes the play a good one
and the reason thousands of people would flock to see Shakespeare’s plays like they still do today.
Also, Antony thinks very highly of Caesar, as they were very good friends. Caesar has won a
number of great wars and respects his subjects which give him an upper hand when it comes to
governing his people (Shakespeare 10). During one, Cassius committed suicide because he thought
his army had lost the battle. Regardless of Brutus's assertion that he killed caesar because he loved
his country more yet, it is observed that he was also driven by negative emotions such as jealousy
and hatred for his best friend's imminent rule. When Caesar entered the hall of the meeting, he was
immediately surrounded by all the noblemen with their daggers. Some of the people wanted to make
him king, now that Caesar was died. William Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar,
centers on the assassination of Julius Caesar. Caesar would then go on to marry Calpurnia during his
travels and conquests over Gaul. In the famous words of Julius Caesar, “Veni, vidi, vici.” He went,
he saw, and he conquered.
He chose not to kill Antony and then let him speak at Caesar's funeral, which was a big mistake.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
In a tale of two cities and julius Caesar, murder is committed to articulate justice, and the theme is
promoted in the leading characters. But, as Philip Freeman describes in this fascinating new
biography, Caesar was also a brilliant orator, an accomplished writer, a skilled politician, and much
more. It also gives time for them to form a group opinion (one that is in his favour). His most
outstanding achievement was the invasion of Britain. Though the play is named Julius Caesar, it
mostly centres around Brutus. Later, he ignored the warnings of his wife, who told him of many
omens that would befall him were he to leave home on March. Yet, self-confidence was another vital
ingredient in becoming a good Roman leader. However, Caesar soon met striking oppositions from
the Roman Senate. Caesar’s first wife, Cornelia, died after he was elected quaestor (Freeman 79).
Caesar is supposed to be a practical politician; making sacrifices and asking for guidance from
elsewhere could be seen as being superstitious lacking self-confidence. Idi Amin died of multiple
organ failure in 2003 and was buried in Saudi Arabia. During one, Cassius committed suicide
because he thought his army had lost the battle. When Decius asked for an account he could give to
the senators as to why Caesar was non traveling, Caesar said, The cause is my will: I will non come;
that is adequate to fulfill the senate.”. This led to high opposition from the Senate and eventually
resulted in a conspiracy against Caesar and his assassination. Mazrui (37) He constantly changed
vehicles, bodyguards and homes. As stated by John Dalberg Acton, “Power tends to corrupt, and
absolute power corrupts absolutely. Later on when Caesars great grandnephew Octavius alongside
Lepidus and Antony have taken charge of the city as the Second Roman Triumvirate make plans
plotting to execute some senators in order to restore peace and order in Rome Dehnert (90). He is the
author of several books including Alexander the Great, St. Students were assigned to write a 5
paragraph essay in class comparing someone they know to Caesar, Brutus or Cassius, following
formal essay structure and using specifics from both the play and real life. This book will captivate
readers discovering Caesar and ancient Rome for the first time as well as those who have a deep
interest in the classical world. He is best known as the general who defeated the Gauls and doubled
the size of Rome’s territories. This makes the play a good one and the reason thousands of people
would flock to see Shakespeare’s plays like they still do today. This is very true Brutus was proud of
Caesar work and in fact he had high admiration of his achievement. Answer: No, Brutus was a man
of virtue who was driven by his passion for the wrong path. Question 2. Who succeeded Caesar.
After Caesar was allowed to return to Rome years later, he was granted permission to become a
prosecuting advocate, which was something like a lawyer at that time. Julius Caesar was a great
Roman general and senator born in 100 B.C. He has a married woman named Calphurnia but no
kids. Mazrui (34) wrote that from a small group Kakwa ethnic group, Dada managed to rise through
Ugandan armed forces from private to major general. Who was Pompey? Answer: Pompey was a
Roman politician who was first an ally of Caesar and his enemy.
Antony, at Caesar's corpse after being stabbed, says that he is sorry for being so gentle and kind to
the men who killed Caesar (conspirators). When he became dictator, Brutus became a part in Roman
Senate. The characters of Brutus, Mark Antony and Cassius are vital to finding out what sort a man
Caesar is. Brutus seemed to be a leader and someone who Rome could look up to. Despite his
assassination, Caesar had a long-lasting effect on Roman history. After the current dictator of Rome
demanded Julius divorce his wife, Caesar refused, and joined the army so as to avoid the death
punishment for not obeying orders. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Caesar
refused to believe the legion portents that have been happening in Rome and termed them as merely
being general marks that would impact everyone and non merely him, though the people beside him
are seeking to convert him non to travel to the Capitol on the ides of March for fright that something
ailment might bechance upon Caesar. Answer: This Latin phrase means, “You too Brutus?” Question
4. Most government funds were wasted on his safety and the military’s welfare neglecting important
areas like transport, food production, and manufacturing and foreign investments sectors. The
Romans were very patriotic people so by calling them Romans, he is flattering them. After defeating
Pompey in the Great Roman Civil War, Caesar earns the unique title of dictator for life. Three of the
characters show the human traits of being three-dimensional and dynamic, Anthony, Caesar's loyal
companion; Cassius, one of the conspirators; and Caesar himself. Brutus tries to pacify the crowd
with his oration, but Mark Antony soon turns the public against the assassins. This is an activity I
use each year to introduce my students to the concept of theme. There also critics who like to think
that it is indeed Brutus who is the protagonist as the whole play centres around his moral dilemma
and ends with his noble death. During his time as master, Caesar relieved debt, enlarged the senate,
and revised the calendar, all of which are among many more things he did to improve the Roman
Empire. He was non superstitious; for he dismissed the warning, the forecaster said to him. By
slaying Caesar in front of people could show that they felt they were doing nothing wrong or unjust.
The actor could put on a very alarmed expression and stress the word “ do ” to express concern and
fear. He left Rome, and began to make a name for himself. He also demonstrates generosity by
providing Elise Doolittle with speech lessons, a place to stay. Decius besides used Caesar’s aspiration
for the Crown and pride in him as a gambit to pull strings Caesar in to traveling to the Capitol. He
said he would not read it, because if the people heard it they would be very disappointed with Brutus
and Cassius. The first three acts showcase Brutus' internal struggle on whether or not to kill his
closest friend. For an optimal experience, please switch to the latest version of Google Chrome,
Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox. Two of the main characters in William
Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Julius Caesar and Marcus Brutus, could both arguably
be the tragic hero of the play. In fact he only joined the conspiracy for the good of the Rome citizens
when he realized that Caesar was planning to change the Roman Empire. As praetor, Caesar was a
tribune of the commons, (Suetonius 4). He takes the reader through every dizzying thrill and spill.
Christina Boggs states that although Caesar’s parents were a part of a noble class, they did not have
much money, thus they had very little influence in Rome. Brutus joins the conspiracy after Caesar
declares himself as the greatest dictator of the Rome. Pride on the other hand is a deep feeling of
satisfaction derived from ones previous achievements. He also seems very ungrateful of his wife who
has cared for him and tried to help him. In this splendid biography, Freeman presents Caesar in all
his dimensions and contradictions. Cassius, on the other hand, is a very clever person and he sees
how dangerous Antony can be. When. They started to call the conspirators traitors 1 and villains.
But instead Anthony disproves Caesar's ambition with three examples. From my perspective, this
choice shattered the lives of multiple characters. The line. Born into a noble family that had long
been in decline, he advanced his career cunningly, beginning as a priest and eventually becoming
Rome’s leading general. Caesar’s contemporaries included some of Rome’s most famous figures,
from the generals Marius, Sulla, and Pompey to the orator and legislator Cicero as well as the young
politicians Mark Antony and Octavius (later Caesar Augustus). He continued to rise in ranks and
served as governor of a province in Spain, and with close ties to Pompey; he was given a powerful
position in government to act as consul. He, despite the conspiracy not being his brainchild, is the
one who overrules the other conspirators. He thinks about payback and he influence the crowd that
he does not want any harm to murders. Irony comes in to the speech because if Brutus was truly
honourable then he would allow for Mark Anthony to speak freely, this shows the plebeians that
Brutus is obviously not honourable and that they were wrong in thinking he was. Antony, in a well
thought out speech says that the conspirators are noble and respectable men. Anyone who was
ambitious would never have done any such things. In performance on stage, the actor playing the
role of Brutus should be using a massive change in voice to emphasise Brutus’ views. Although by
this time, inflation had reached 1,000 per cent in Uganda. The Senate responded to these outbreaks
of madness by giving him the title The Divine Julius. The people seem to find it easier to accept
Anthony, an emotional and sincere speaker. He is best known as the general who defeated the Gauls
and doubled the size of Rome’s territories. For an optimal experience, please switch to the latest
version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox. Danger knows full
good that Caesar is more unsafe than he.” This showed the great assurance he had in himself and his
cocksureness that no 1 would make bold to harm him. Evidently, Cassius has hunger for revolution
and it was now boiling down because of his envy for Caesar but Caesar was so caught up ignorant
and proud that he did not pay attention to or notice the plot against his life. The journal includes
instructions, ideas for journaling topics, and a sample entry. Born in 100 BC in Rome, a time where
elite families had made a trend of engraving their family titles so that they would be considered as
elites, Julius Caesar would mark a turning point in the history of the Roman Empire. Marcus Tullius
Cicero the great orator who lived in the same era quite rightly defined julius caesar “A realist by his
fingertips, not led astray by ideals or ideologies. If you want a unique paper, order it from our
professional writers. Both have strong motives, Brutus for survival and Anthony for revenge, so
therefore both try very convincing persuasion in order to win the crowd.
Cassius, on the other hand, is a very clever person and he sees how dangerous Antony can be. When.
Even after everything Caesar had done for him, Brutus was a major component in plotting his death.
With only five questions, my students are able to complete this scavenger hunt in 30 minutes or. The
characters of Brutus, Mark Antony and Cassius are vital to finding out what sort a man Caesar is.
This is exemplified when Brutus and Cassius are arguing about allowing Cicero joining the
conspiracy. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
Immediately Mark Anthony states his reason for his presence this being that he “has come to bury
Caesar, not to praise him”, this is because the commons have turned against Caesar and so do not
want to hear good of him. In fact he only joined the conspiracy for the good of the Rome citizens
when he realized that Caesar was planning to change the Roman Empire. However, later he seems to
decide that revenging his death would be a better way. Do not consent that Antony speak in Caesar’s
funeral. Eventually, authority was granted to Octavian, Caesar’s adopted son, due to the writing in
Caesar’s will. He is able to get the people to question the rightness of killing Caesar. Anyone who
was ambitious would never have done any such things. Also, in the play, Brutus did everything for
the good of Rome because he actually cared about it but Cassius was being very selfish and did it
just because he was jealous about it. Despite this, he rose through the ranks due to his military
excellence. Those in power often tend to lose a sense of balance. Octavian used Caesar’s popularity
and former strategies as a ruler to become successful. Marcus Tullius Cicero the great orator who
lived in the same era quite rightly defined julius Caesar “A realist by his fingertips, not led astray by
ideals or ideologies. The latter part of the quotation, the main part of the quotation, “ I do fear the
people choose Caesar for their king.” clearly shows that Brutus fears Caesar becoming king. In the
play Cassius is the more submissive character and Brutus is the more authoritative. The powerful
people make these plots seem beneficial to the common citizens in order to gain support and
justification but in the real sense there are hidden agendas. Brutus joins the conspiracy after Caesar
declares himself as the greatest dictator of the Rome. In a way, I can feel almost sorry for the people
of Rome and in cases today when people are manipulated and their mind moulded into a certain way
of thinking by heartless or malicious politicians. Beware the ides of March” ) as being words said by
a dreamer and non deserving chew overing over. In this splendid biography, Freeman presents
Caesar in all his dimensions and contradictions. These are used when questioning Brutus “Was this
ambition. He explores these themes by depicting how they contribute to the tension and uncertainty
in Julius Caesar. This is very true Brutus was proud of Caesar work and in fact he had high
admiration of his achievement. Regardless, Julius Caesar is still arrogant and ignorant. Caesar was
asked by the Senate to step down, but he didn’t comply with the decision.

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