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T 014/1 _ 022)
T E OW 2112 HO
: 1 BJ ECT COD : 05

, 'hi h 1t ment i ~orr t ,egarding alkenes and a1kynes?

1 ng r b nd lenglh and l s s rfacc area than aJkene •
B. of enes and alky1 s ar held toge her by weak inter-

Alk ne.. and alkyi. es are soluble in 110Ja • solvents.

D. A\k n are ~ bl .. in po ar so vent:., Phile alkyncs are not soluble in
polar sol ents.

2. What is the ger cral fonnula o alk.-yncs?

A. CnH 211 C. CnH~n-2 (n>2)
B. CnH2n+l 0, CnHn-2 (n>2)

3. Which functional group containing compound is named using the suffix

A. Hyd oxyl C. Carboxyl

B. Phenyl D. Aryl

4. Which of the following represents the general formula of monohydric

A. CnH2nOH C. CnH2n-2OH
B. CnH2n~10if D. C nHn-2 (OH)i

5. What is a Lewis acid? 1t is

A. an electron pair donor. C. a proton donor.
B. a proton acceptor. D. an electron pair acceptor.

In the first order decomposition of dinitrogen pentoxide at 335 K

N2Os (g) . ➔ 2NO2 (g) + ½ 0 2 (g)
A reaction was carried out wt!h 2.5 g ofN2O5 sample at 335 Kand after 109
seconds, 1.50 g ofN2Os remamed. What is the value of the rate constant?
A. 6.25 x 10-2 s· 1 C. 2.25 x 10-s s· 1
B. 7 .63 x 10"2 s-1 D. 4.69 x 10·3 s· 1
.•• ,_;J'.""'.......
7. Wha is the difference between reversible and irreversible reactions?
A. n re ersible reactions, the reaction goes to completion.
In irrevers1ble reactions, there is a mixture of products and eactants.
\n reversible reactions, there is equilibrium between reactant and
D. ln irreversible r act' ons,. there is equilibrium between reactant and

Con ider the reac ions aH given be low are in gaseous state For w ·ch of the
fo lo Ning reactions is Kp l ss than K,/?
_04 ◄ 2 0,
2 0 o,

c. H I
~ +o, ◄ .. 2 0

h he • g urv b s ub tan i e or d li "d

g pha e. Which scginent repre ·ents only the liqu 'd phase?

00 :-
10. The general forn1uta for sat uratcd ,no 1ocarboxy]ic acids is

11. What is enthalp

A. the an1ount. ) h · g1 out or absorbed in a reaction at constant
pressure·· d v u1 1 c.
B. the a 11ou1t ofhc, t absorr)ed in a ·eacllon.
C. the a1nount of ,e~ t 0 i 'en o rt i 1 a eaction.
D. the mnount of heat • ivcn out or aosorbed in a reaction at constant

12. Wba • oxidation? Oxidation i

A. the addition r electron(s) to the o, idizing agent.
the reduction u the o idation state of the oxidizing agent.
C. the addition of hydrogen to a substance and the removal of oxy en
fron1 a substanc .
D. ihe loss of electrons by a sp cies, accompanied by an in re m
oxida ion numb~r
t n
13. What i meant by prcfe enti I dischare:e if a number of i n
olution? It means tlu_1 the rn:, ,hi ch ;cquire
A. high nergy wilt )C iberated fir at, i
i n• - i.; I ibi.: i
1a t libi.;1at r
D. I a l lib .ih..:d l. st
4. ond L w tates:
th amount of a ub tance consumed or produced at an electrode is
directly proportional to the quantity of electricity pa sing through the
B. the amount of a ub tance consun1ed or produced at an electrode is
inver ely p1oportional to th quantity of electricity passing through
the solution.
C. pa-. ing the san1 quantity of electricity through solutions of different
electrolyte produces masses of substances that are directly
propo iona to their molecular masses.
D. pas ing the sa1ne qua tity of electricity hrough solutions of diffe ent
electrolyte p oduces mas 'es of substances that re direct]y
proportional to their equivalent mar.~ 'es.

15. Which of tl e o1 owing is u abou •Zn-Cu voltaic cell?

A. The elech·ons flow from r'gh to lelt through the external ir uit.
B. As he ce] operate , e h_· a continuou ly g nerated at th
cathod and consun ed at t e anod .
C. The anode half-cell consi ts of Cu ele trode dipped into
D. Aft r the cell runs for , ral hou , the Zn elc trod

hat i t s. gnificancc of electr n probabilir , distribut\

\ .
fi1 in th d tr n very • lll ti trn .
A. ·1·
thi.: pr ba 1 1t
n •

in th
Which of the follo,ving 1S a correct Lewis structure for diazomethane
(Cl-l2N2)'? H
'C N N:
N- -N :
H/ C.
N N:
"-c N N :
/c H/
H/ D.
19. Which of the fo Ho,ving is a property of covalent compounds? Covalent
A. i generally inso tub le- in water.
B. is crysta1'ine solids at room temperature.
C. is non-volatile.
D. has high me\ting and boiling points.

20. Which of the following is a covalent 111olecule?

A. [NH4 t C. PC}s
B. co/· D. NaCl
23. At 75°C, the vapor pressure of pu e water is 39 kPa. Which one of the vapor
pressure of a solution obtained by dissolving 34.2 g sucrose in 180 mL of
water? (Assume that the density of \Vatcr is 1.000 g/mL)
A. 41.1 kPa C. 31.2 kPa
B. 44.5 kPa D. 38.6 kPa

24. Which of the following state nent , is NOT true about the colligative
properties of electrolytes and non-electrolytes?
A. The effect of 11011-etectrolytcs on colligat \re properties is very low
con1pared to electrolytes.
B. The effect of non-c1cctroly1cs on co1 ligativc proper1ies is the same as
those of electrolytes.
C. The effect of electrolytes o colligative properties is very high
compared to non-electrolY1es.
D. The colligative properties of non-electrolytes are not considerably

25. For th r action shown bclo ~ which a t o o n is a conjuga e acid·

base pa.r?
HC..,O-1--(aq) + H~O(l) ◄ ► r~"' O 2-

A. H 3O+ and HC204·, C.

HC,0 D.
B. - 4- a d C20-t--
What i t 1 ~ p rpu e of synth~tic er .'o lite i I the ·ti n o
1 e Hall s process'1 .. .
A. olilc i c case lu: mdt 11 1i 11 l 1. f l
B. Ii • u ed a t • Ll
Ii t i )l r . lI
lil:I ti I

7 /
28. How is tanning carried out? In tanning the bides or skins are
A. treated with chromium salts.
B. treated with dilute hydrochloric acid to remove the lime.
C. soaked in water for several days.
D. soaked in lime and water for several days.

19. How can a project of establishing an industry that consumes coal affect th
A. Production of high le el of lead in the atmosphere
By changing the pH of water
C. Increment in concentration of nitric oxide
D. Rise in global temperature

30. Which of the following is a fundamental quantity SI unit?

A. Pressure C. Speed
B. Length D. Force

3 1. Wh'ch of the following postulates of Dalton's atomic th ry •

A the modem atomic theory?
by •
d' hlitl•lr n• •
• A oms are ne'ther created nor de troye m c h cJ,eriu:::~
B· Compound are formed , ,hen atom f m r an
Ato1n are the m n t p rti I ~ t 11 I ~n n
Aton1s ar indi i ibl n trU ti l •


The electron configuration of Cu (Z=29) is:

A. [Kr}4s23d9 C. [Ar]4s23p8
B. [Ar]4s 13d10 D. [Ar]4s24d9

34. What does Mendeleev's Periodic Law state? Properties of elements

periodic functions of their
A. electron configurations. C. atorruc numbers.
B. atomic radius. D. atomic masses.

3 5. Among the following reactions which one shows a coor~inate covalent bond

... H : Cl:

H- + • H --------1:.~ H : H
: N· "I'" 3H • _____
__._ /-'"N~
H ' ->-- H
ff .
C. F H
1 I
BF 3 -NH 3 ---11►
..,F-8: N - - H

36. What is the mole ratio of oxygen gas to carbon dioxide gas in the
C1Ha (g) + 502 (g) - - - - 3C02 (g) + 4H2
2 _ . oxyp,n gas to 3 mole carbon dioxi
1 • • oxyaeo gas to s mole carbon diam•
to6 I c..1<111
CODE: 113
31. Consider the following chen1ical equation for the combustion of
(C1lit;) in the presence of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water.
2C2~ (g) + 702 (g) _ _ __... 4C02 (g) + 6H20 (I)
In this reaction:
A. water is fonned at a rate equal to 2/3 the rate of formation of CO2
B. CO 2 is formed twice as fast as ethane is consumed.
C. the rate of consumption of ethane is 7 times faster than the rate of
consumption of oxygen.
D. the rate of formation of CO2 equals the rate of formation of water.

3 &. Which of the following factors DOESNOT affect the rate of a reaction?
A. Temperature C. Concentration
B. Enthalpy D. Surface area

39. How does a catalyst increase the rate of a reaction?

A. By lowering the activation energy
B. By changing the equilibrium constant
C. By forming an intermediate complex
D. By increasing the activation energy
. 1 d ·'bes Boyle's Law?
40. Whtch of the following statements correct Y escn . . rtional to the
A. The volume of a gas at a given temperature is propo
square root of the applied pressure.
• t . inverse
erature ,s • .~
1Y piupuau-r:
B. The volume of a gas at a given emp
to the square root of the applied pressure. 1S
. en te--ftPrature • ~ , -a■
C. The volume of a gas at gtv 8 uay----

the applied pressure- _.......... ._.,._..:

1'be vol\111lC of a ._. at •
What are intermolecular forces? They are forces due to
A. nuclei and electron pair.
B. cations and delocalized electrons.
C. molecules.
D. cations and anions.

42. Which of the following belongs to chemical bonding theories?

A. Molecular orbital theory and kinetic- molecular theory.
B. Valence bond theory and valence she J electron pair repulsion theory.
C. Kineti -n1olccular theory and va ence shell electron pair re ulsion
D. Valen e bond theory and 1nolccular orbita] theory.

43. Iu \\'hich oft 1e fo11owing molecules is~t e cen ral atom sp 2 hybridized?
A. S02 C. CO2
B. CO D. N20

44. For a Teaction:

½A ➔ 2B, tne rate of disapp arance of 'A' relat d to the
appearance of "B' by the c pres ion:

A. -i?=½·[~
- ~[A]_¼ l~]
46. For the conver ion of 3.5 yards into meter using the factor label method,
which of the following is the correct step?
1yard =3.S feet; l foot =12 inch; 1 inch=2.54 cm; Im ==100 cm
A. (3.5 yards/1)(3.5 feet/1 yard)(J2 in/1 foot)( l in/2.54 mJ(lm/100 cm)
B. (~.5 yards/1 )(3.5 feet/I yard)(l foot/112 in)( 2,54 cm/ in)(lm/100 cm)
C. (3.5 yards/1)(3.5 feet/1 ya d)(l2 in/1 foot)( 2,54 cm/1 in)(lm/100 cm)
D. (3.5 yards/I)( l yard/3.5 feet)(l 2 in/1 foo )( 2,54 cm/1 n)( mil 00 cm)

47. In the scientific 1 ~elhod, a predictive staten1ent that can be tested

experimental1y is:
A. proof. C. truth.
B. hypothes·s. D. evidence.

48. rb • h of the follo\\'ing is I OT true ?oou cathode rays? Cathode rays

A. contain particles, hich a e p s'tively charged.
B. are common consti ents of al1 matter and their m/e is constant for all
contain particles which are negatively charged.
D. tra eJ in straight lines from cathode to the anode.
h n'.
49. Which of the following statement is correct abo~t the ener _r of
It is directly related to the intensity of the hght.
B. It i d'rectly proportjonal t the • ve len , f h
It i d' redl prop rti na1 to the ob e e fr
1t • inver e proporti n I to th
t in d es represent a general property of a base?
s rel ase hydronium ion in aqueous solution.
u lU Jiu lion of bases turns methyl orange in to red.
luliot s cf trong ba es are good conductors of e1ectricity.
o s :olutio 1 of h . e.: turns blue Jitmu paper to red.

1 ,ls ar
ni cl npoun t, tl at derive their cations from a base and their anion
f'HU· i.' L

io1 ir c )I 1pt c form --d hy partial replacement of ionizable

1 y fr 1. id . . b n1ct l catim s.
i) • • l 1pound. fonned by comple e replacemen of ionizable
1 yd·) 1 n b_ anion~ f the acid.
iot i • co 11pound' th, t result from the react1on between metal
ydro •• de 1d at ..

r e , •n which a con1pound absorbs electrical nergy and decompo es

to ·ts lcrn nt i
C. e ectro y is.
hy roty is.
D. olvoly ·s.
le tr pl ting.

5 Whic o follc wing i true bout gaJvan· c d ·n '

to . h le d to age batteries, .
A lls re onn c
n up f Pb
. .
in l.

What is the effect of a common ion •

A• It decreases the olubility of ainsoalnuteelectrolytic solution?
B. 1t bas no effect o~ t~e pH of a soluti~n.
C• It suppresses the h imitation
• . of a weak act'd and raises
. the pH
D. lt suppresses t e imitation of a weak base and lowers the pOH.

58. Sodium carbonate is a basic salt because it is a sal of

A. a weak acid and a weak base and the cation of the weak base can be
hydrolyz d.
B. a strong ac •d and a weak base and the anion of the strong acid can be
C. a strong base and a weak acid and the anion of the weak ac •d can be
hydrolyzed. .
D. a strong base and a strong acid and the anion of the strong aCJd can be
59 un..~ h • t ~ an acid-base titratfon.
• ~ ntc of tbe fol\owing statements ts rue or . ti an l -•
A. An acid-base titration is a inethod_ of quanttta ve •
d • fan acid or ba e. . T
etermjning the concentratton o • f ualitati ,e arr \_1 1
B An 'd . • is a method o q
• ac1 -base tltranon 'd base
determining the concentration of~ ac.1 ort h~ th int f n
C• Ind1cators
• catalyze an act·d,- base tttratwn °
of the titration curve. •ed out i1 th
D. Acid-base titrations cannot be earn
. . . l n rg ( r
1 the change 1n 1nt n 1a J 1t ,. rk i
•-~..- ab rb 650 J o heat • nd 1 -J
-775 J
s J
OOKL T OD : 11
62. How do th I 1n nt, l ro p I IA fo , i m ?
A. y losing 2 cl ctron
B. By gainin 2 clc t 011.'
By gainin) m c clc ·1ron
D. By lo ing one t ctr n

63. How is hydroge bo 1d'n c me('/ It i. form <l w n · ydro en

1 • t mi
bonded to
A. h"ghl I tronega me1t c lorirc txyrc ad n.
B. highly e ctro1 cga I neut., 1110··11 , oxygen an n·t .
C. big electronegative clc , nt. , flu rinc, (.;h lorin · d x
D. "ghly electrone 1 ative elem n ,', n tl • 1 h

64. Wh • h on of the follow ·ne fo1 m. cha cur from the

combu . tion of carbon ·11 oxygc1 ,;
heat e1 ergy.
8. oa nergy.

65. What i the molar olu e of a ga 'l

A. The olume of a gas at P ( t nd rd temp r tur 0°C nd
pre ure whi • equal to 22. 4 L/mol.
B. h ga P (. ndard mp ratur
pre , • • eq t 22. 4 Lim I.
h P n

TCODE: 113
Consider a bottle containing water, water vapor and air in equili
temperature decreases slightly, the amount of water vapors;
A. will decrease and the vapor pressure will incre~~e.
B. and vapor pressure will decrease.
C. and vapor pressure will increase.
D. will increase and the vapor pressure will decrease.

68. Why do water droplets collect on the outside of a glass of water on a hot
A. There ill be a condensation of water vapor on the glass.
B. There will be a sublimation of \Vater vapor on the outside of a glass.
C. There is heat exchange between the water in the glass and the
D. Water from the glass starts to vaporize.

69. What are hydrocarbons? Compounds that contain

A. benzene rings only.
B. benzene and its derivatives only.
C. hydrogen and carbon with no benzene rings.
D. hydrogen and carbon only.

70. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT regardino the boiling

points of alkanes?
A. Boiling points of traight chain alkanes is greater than that o
branched chain alkanes.
B. The boiling point of cycloalkan i' l igh r than that of lin r ,uJLn..cu_......,.
C. Boiling po'nt increas ith tronger 'an r ) 6........ ,~
D. Surface area i the onl fa t r that d t nnin th
alkan s.
TCO E: 113 SU

72. Why i CaCli added to NaCl in a 1: 1.!. ratio in the Down's c II for th
manufacturing of sodium metal?
A. CaCh is used to lo,ver the density of the mixture.
B. CaCh is used as an electrolyte.
C. CaC1 2 is used as a catalyst.
D. CaCh is used to lower the melting te1nperature of NaCl

73. Which of the following is NOT a major step in metall urgical proce , es?
A. Pretreatment
B. Extracting the metal and refining
C. Mining the ore
D. Concentrating the ore

74. Which monomers are used for the synthesis of Teflon?

A. Styrene and Phenol C. Isoprene
B. Tetrafluoroethylene D. Propylene
~LET OD : 11
75. Wbidl of the folto,ving represents the structure of a disaccharide?

HO - - + - - H

HO - - - t -- H

H - - - t -- Ot

H- - + - - OH

Cti_O H


1 HO


H ot-t

1--10 1-1

H Ot-f

C. CH :!OH

'• ' R
li i
f; 11 in
77 • What is the IUP AC name of an ester having the molecular formula C6H 1202?
A. Ethy} butyrate C. Ethyl butanoate
B. Pentyl butyrate D. Methyl butyrate

78. What is the formula of pentanoic acid?


79. What is the rate of dissolution? It is

A. the rate at which a solid dissociates.
B. the speed at which a solid sublimes.
C. the rate at which a solid turns to liquid.
D. the speed at which a solid substrate goes into solution.

80. Which one of the following is correctly stated regarding solubility as an

equil ibriun1 process?
A. Supersaturated solution is a solution that contains mo e than the
equilibrium amount of dissolved solute.
B. Supersaturated solution is more stable than saturated so1ution.
c. Unsaturated solution is a solution that is in quiHbrium with re pect to
a given dissolved substance.
o. Saturated solution is a solution in whfoh more of the olut an e


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