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Тест за проверка на знаењето - Unit 9

Група: Б

Датум: Име и презиме:

1. Напиши го англискиот превод на зборовите.

Џемпер Чорапи
Граден кош Соблекува
Главоболка Пижами

2. Заокружи го точниот одговор.

You should / shouldn’t drink too much coffee.
You should / shouldn’t play with wild animals.
We should / shouldn’t sleep at night to be fresh.
It’s very cold outside. You should/ shouldn’t wear your hat and a scarf.
You should / shouldn’t visit a dentist twice a year to have healthy teeth.

3. Напиши must или mustn't.

You wash your hands before lunch.
You break the windows at school.
You listen to your parents.
You eat fruit and vegetables every day.
You play football in the classroom.

4. Преведи го текстот.
Why are you home so early, Eddy?
What's the matter?
Oh, Mum! I feel terrible! I've got a sore throat!
You should take an aspirin, then! Go upstairs
and put on your pyjamas!

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