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3 Units
Units of data storage
⮚ Bit (b)
Capital ‘B’ is bytes; lower case ‘b’ is bits
⮚ Nibble (4 bits)
1B is 8 times 1b
⮚ Byte (8 bits)

⮚ Kilobyte (1,000 bytes)

⮚ Megabyte (1,000 KB)

⮚ Gigabyte (1,000 MB)

⮚ Terabyte (1,000 GB)

⮚ Petabyte (1,000 TB)

Conversion into binary to be processed
⮚ Binary – only 2 states
- On (1) or off (0)
⮚ Advantages of having only 2 states
1. Easier to manufacture
2. Therefore cheaper
3. More reliable
⮚ Examples
1. RAM
2. Hard disk
3. Optical disk
4. Flash memory
Data capacity + calculations
⮚ Number of files that can be stored = size of storage ÷ size of file(s)

⮚ Text file size = bits per character × number of characters

⮚ Image file size = colour depth × image height (px) × image width (px)

⮚ Sound file size = sample rate × duration (s) × bit depth

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