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Sunset Hollow
Tucked away between gentle slopes, Sunset Hollow gets its name from the
breathtaking view of the sunset that bathes the town in warm hues every
evening. The farmers here are skilled in cultivating unique and vibrant crops.
A gentle breeze brings the fragrant essence of freshly cut grass and the cozy
scent of chimney smoke. Rising prominently in the northern part of the town is
a circular watchtower, its flame burning brightly at the summit. To the
southwest, a thick and shadowed forest suggests a touch of magic concealed
within its foliage.
Landmarks Government Religion Taverns
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Lumina Watchtower
In the north of Sunset Hollow, a sturdy circular watchtower stands tall, offering
strategic views with arrow slits on each level. Its nightly flame in a brass
lantern serves as a beacon for travelers and symbolizes the town's
commitment to protection. Inside, functional living quarters a handful of
guards who ascend the central staircase. As night falls, the watchtower's
flame flickers, symbolising unity and resilience.
Plot Hook: Friendly ghosts of former watchmen appear at the
watchtower, seeking the party's help.

Everglen Woods
To the southwest of Sunset Hollow lies an enchanted forest that beckons with
an air of mystery and magic. Towering ancient trees, their branches intricately
intertwined, form a verdant canopy casting dappled sunlight on the forest
floor, illuminating vibrant flowers and mushrooms that carpet the ground. The
forest's heart holds a network of narrow pathways, tempting wanderers to
explore the secrets concealed within its emerald embrace.
Plot Hook: Mischievous pixies play pranks on the town, and the party is
hired to negotiate or ward off their tricks without causing harm.

Zarek Manor
Mayor's Home
The Mayors residence stands as a stately manor, its imposing facade adorned
with intricate carvings and adorned with banners bearing the town's crest.
Lush gardens and meticulously trimmed hedges surround the building,
providing a sense of serenity amidst the urban chaos. Tall, wrought iron gates
guard the entrance, attended by vigilant guards who ensure the mayor's
safety. The structure itself is a testament to the prosperity and stability that
the Mayor has brought to the community.
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Altar of Solace
The Altar of Solace, nestled within a secluded grove shrouded by ancient
trees is home to a small outdoor altar. Carved from obsidian, the altar stands
as a solemn monument, its surface etched with intricate runes that seem to
writhe in the dim light. A black disk, is centrally placed upon the altar,
encircled by a border.
Candles flicker dimly around the altar, their flames casting eerie shadows that
dance across the forest floor, invoking a sense of foreboding reverence to
those who dare to approach.
Religion: Shar (Neutral Evil) Goddess of darkness and loss. Shar's symbol
is a black disk encircled with a border.
Plot Hook: A cult prepares to perform a forbidden ritual at the altar,
threatening to unleash unspeakable horrors upon the world.


The Grubby Griffin

Lower-class Tavern
The exterior of The Grubby Griffin presents a humble and well-lived building,
its facade weathered by time and marked by character. The mingling scents of
fried onions and stale ale waft from within, hinting at the hearty offerings and
convivial atmosphere found within its walls.
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The Rusty Tankard

Lower-class Tavern
The exterior of The Rusty Tankard is bathed in the soft glow of dim lanterns,
casting a warm light upon worn tables and mismatched chairs that dot the
entrance. Sounds of laughter and clinking tankards can be heard from within.
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Fennel’s Emporium
General Goods Store
Fennel's Emporium stands quaintly amidst the pastoral backdrop of the small
town, its weathered wooden façade adorned with hand-painted signs
depicting various goods and wares. A colorful array of hanging baskets dangle
from the eaves, brimming with vibrant flowers that add a cheerful touch to the
otherwise rustic exterior. A wooden sign swings gently in the breeze, creaking
softly as it announces the shop's name to passersby.
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Ironforge Smithy
A humble wooden structure is on the end of the town's main avenue. Its
presence is signaled by a weathered sign, depicting a hammer meeting an
anvil, swinging gently in the breeze above the entrance—a clear indication of
the Ironforge Smithy. Approaching closer, the distinct aroma of smoldering
coal and molten metals permeates the surroundings, offering a tantalizing
preview of the craftsmanship within.
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The Arcane Nook

Arcane Shop
Down a narrow, neglected alleyway of the small town, the Arcane Nook stands
as a solitary figure, its weathered wooden facade bearing the weight of time.
A faded sign beckons passersby with promises of mystical wonders, its
lettering barely discernible against the weather-beaten surface. Through the
dusty windows, curious onlookers catch glimpses of a cluttered assortment of
magical oddities, hinting at the secrets contained within.
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Elara’s Enchanted Elixirs

Alchemist's Shop
You spot a quaint wooden cart adorned with colorful banners and intricate
symbols of alchemy fluttering in the breeze. A gentle aroma of herbs and
arcane essences wafts through the air, drawing you closer to investigate
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Notable Houses
Serenity Hearth
Middle Class Home
This modest home sits comfortably amidst the the area's middle-class
neighborhood. The house itself is a two-story structure, built in the style
common to the town, with a combination of brick and wooden elements. The
windows, adorned with simple but tasteful curtains, allow ample natural light
to filter into the home. A narrow pathway leads to the back, where a small
backyard offers a patch of greenery, perfect for a miniature herb garden or
hanging laundry to dry.
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Thatch Stables
Lower Class Home
This lower-class dwelling stands at the outskirts of town, a modest structure
constructed from a mishmash of salvaged wood and worn thatch. The roof
sags in places, revealing signs of wear and tear. A small, weathered sign
hangs askew near the entrance. The windows, covered in simple, tattered
curtains, allow a glimpse into the humble abode within. Surrounding the house
is a small, makeshift paddock where a couple of horses, presumably under
owner's care, graze on the sparse grass.
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Melody Cottage
Lower Class Home
This modest home stands at the corner of a bustling street. The exterior is
adorned with colorful fabrics and patches, echoing the eccentricity of the
resident within. The front door, painted in vibrant hues, features a small, hand-
carved lute as a door knocker. Potted plants and hanging baskets of flowers
add a touch of natural beauty to the surroundings, contrasting with the lively
chaos of the nearby marketplace. Passersby might hear the faint strains of
music wafting through the air, hinting at the artistic spirit within.
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Harmony Haven
Lower Class Home
The house, nestled on the outskirts, displayed a weathered charm with its
peeling paint, worn picket fence, and a front yard adorned with a mix of
wildflowers and weeds. The porch, supported by creaky wooden columns,
welcomed visitors with faded curtains offering glimpses of the simplicity
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Notice Board

Lost Heirloom Retrieval Wizard’s Apprentice Needed

Help Wanted: The noble House of Whitestone seeks Opportunity of a Lifetime! Renowned wizard seeks
adventurers to recover a precious family heirloom apprentice to assist with arcane research and
stolen by thieves. Reward offered for its safe return. spellcasting. Willing candidates must possess a
Inquire at the manor for more information. thirst for knowledge and a brave heart. Inquire at the
Tower of Sorcery for application details.

Mysterious Illness
Escort Mission
Notice: A strange illness has befallen the village,
causing crops to wither and livestock to sicken. Mercenaries needed to escort a caravan through
Seeking healers and alchemists to aid in finding a dangerous territory. Payment upon safe delivery of
cure. Inquire at the apothecary for more information. goods. Those interested should report to the
merchant's guild.

The Hourglass Sands

Time's sands shift and twist within the Hourglass

Chamber. Seek the Keeper of Time's cryptic sigil to
unveil the path to eternity

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