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Title: A Literary Study of Realism: Understanding

the Movement's Origins, Characteristics, and


Realism emerged as a significant literary movement
in the 19th century, challenging the prevailing
Romantic ideals and focusing on portraying life as
it is, without idealization or exaggeration. This
study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of
Realism, exploring its origins, key
characteristics, notable authors, and impact on
literature and society. By examining prominent
works and themes of Realist literature, this study
seeks to deepen our understanding of this
influential movement and its lasting legacy.

Realism emerged as a response to the idealized and
often fantastical portrayals of life found in
Romantic literature. Realist authors sought to
depict the realities of everyday life, including
the struggles of ordinary people, the impact of
industrialization, and the complexities of human
relationships. By focusing on the mundane and the
ordinary, Realism aimed to provide a more accurate
and honest portrayal of the world.
Origins of Realism:
Realism has its roots in the Enlightenment period,
which emphasized reason, science, and observation
as the basis for understanding the world. The rise
of industrialization and urbanization also played
a role, as writers began to explore the social and
economic changes brought about by these

Characteristics of Realism:
Realist literature is characterized by its
attention to detail, its focus on the everyday
lives of ordinary people, and its use of plain
language and realistic dialogue. Realist authors
often sought to provide a social critique,
highlighting issues such as poverty, inequality,
and the struggles of the working class.

Key Authors and Works:

Some of the key figures of Realism include Gustave
Flaubert, Honore de Balzac, Leo Tolstoy, and
George Eliot. Flaubert's novel "Madame Bovary,"
Balzac's "The Human Comedy," Tolstoy's "War and
Peace," and Eliot's "Middlemarch" are among the
most notable works of the Realist movement.
Impact of Realism:
Realism had a profound impact on literature and
society, influencing later movements such as
Naturalism and Modernism. Realist literature is
credited with helping to usher in a new era of
literary realism, which continues to influence
writers and readers to this day.

Realism remains a vital and influential literary
movement, challenging us to see the world as it is
and to confront the complexities of human
existence. By examining the origins,
characteristics, and impact of Realism, we gain a
deeper appreciation for its enduring relevance and
its contribution to the rich tapestry of literary

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