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NĂM HỌC 2017 – 2018 (Vòng 3)
Môn : TIẾNG ANH 9. Thời gian làm bài 150 phút


I. Choose the correct picture and put a tick (√) in the box below it. (7points)
0. What’s the time?

1. How did the film end?

2. What time does the train to Rome leave?

3. What is broken?

4. Where are the man’s shoes?

5. What will Paul get at the shop?

6. How were they told to do their homework?

7. What did Helen buy?

II. You will hear part of a radio program about a classical music. For each question, put a
tick (√) next to the correct answer. (6 points)
8. This week’s prize is
A. a music cassette B. two concert tickets C. a classical CD
9. The person who wrote music lived in
A. Italy B. Spain C. France
10. What else shares the title of this music?
A. a garden B. a play C. a park
11. What did people do when they first heard the music?
A. Some left before the end. B. Only a few clapped. C. Some asked for their money back
12. This piece of music has been
A. played in the cinema B. used in advertising C. used for a TV play
13. If you know the competition answer you should ring
A. 0108 937 224 B. 0018 739 242 C. 0018 937 224
III. You will hear a telephone message about a Business Studies course. For each question, fill in the
missing information in the numbered space. (7 points)
Course start date: (14) …………………….
Course begins with: (15) …………………… about business
What students mustn’t bring to class: (16) ……………….
Visitors’ car park: next to the (17) ………………………..
Language classes available: (18)………………and (19)………………
Name of Business Studies secretary: Sonia (20) …………………


I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D that best fits each space or has similar
meaning.(10 points)
1. Sorry that I can't join the picnic; I'm busy. _____, I don't have any money after buying all these stuffs.
A. Therefore B. Besides C. However D. But
2. The rain stopped and the sun came _______
A. down B. up C. in D. out
3. We’d better not waste water _______ we don’t have enough to drink sooner or later.
A. only if B. or else C. as soon as D. in case
4. Had he learned the lesson well, he _______ more confident now.
A. will feel B. would feel C. would have felt D. will have felt
5. _______ at the table when the phone rang.
A. Hardly we had sat down B. Hardly had we sat down
C. No sooner we had sat down D. No sooner had we sat down
6. Just keep ________ on the baby while I cook the supper, will you?
A. a look B. a glance C. an eye D. a care
7. As a millionaire who liked to show off her wealth, Mrs. Smith paid ____ we asked.
A. four times as much as B. four times much than
C. four times as many as D. four times much as
8. He didn’t bat an eye when he realized he failed the exam again.
A. didn’t want to see B. didn’t show surprise C. wasn’t happy D. didn’t care
9. He was _____ when I had those problems and said whatever I did he would stand by me.
A. supportive B. exciting C. busy D. dull
10. Tommy: ___________________ Alan: Thanks, I will.
A. Have a nice day B. Give your parents my regards
C. Congratulation on passing your exam D. With best wishes
II. There is ONE mistake in each of the following sentences. Find and correct it. (10
1. Lien together with her classmates have attended the Chinese class recently.
2. Let these clothes being washed after you finish your homework.
3. Louis got his sister read his class assignment, and then asked her to write the report for him
because he did not have enough time.
4. She was wearing dark glasses so as not to recognize.
5. Although the serious problem of pollution, many people prefer to live in big cities.
6. Writers like Williams Shakespeare and Edgar Allan Poe are not only prolific but too
7. Draft horses are the tallest, most powerful and heavy group of horses.
8. Working all night long, Jim felt extreme hungry and just wanted to have a sandwich.
9. Before diamonds can be used as jewels, they must be cut and polish.
10. Acting teacher Stella Adler played a vital role in the develop of the Method Schooling of
I. Read the following passage and choose the correct word to fill each gap. (10 points)
The combination of music and study has long been a source of disagreement between adults and
children. Parents and teachers alike maintain that silence is important when learning,
(1) _____youngsters insist that their favourite sounds help them concentrate.
Now a study shows that the grown-up have been (2) ____ all long. Psychologists in Florida
tested how fast students wrote essays with and without music in the (3) _____. They found that
the sounds (4) ____ progress down by about six words per hour. “This demonstrates clearly that
it is difficult to (5) ______ with listening and writing at the same time,” said Dr. Sarah Randall.
She also (6) ______ to the conclusion that it is a myth that instrumental music is less
distracting than vocals. “All types of music had the same effect,” she said in her report. “One’s
ability to pay attention and write fluently is likely to be (7) _____ by both vocal and
instrumental music,” she added.
Dr. Randall claimed the research (8) _____that the idea that music could improve performance
was wrong. “Writing an essay is a complex (9) ______. You are recalling information and
putting it in order. An additional stimulus in the form of music is bound to distract. But music is
not the only distraction. What is (10) ______ worrying is that more and more teenagers are studying
in front of the television.
1 A. whereas B. unlike C. besides D. despite
2 A. precise B. right C. valid D. true
3 A. setting B. background C. surrounding D. circumstances
4 A. slowed B. reduced C. lowered D. decreased
5 A. manage B. support C. cope D. stand
6 A. reached B. drew C. arrived D. came
7 A. disturbed B. interfered C. bothered D. shocked
8 A. pointed B. displayed C. demonstrated D. presented
9 A. project B. concern C. scheme D. task
10 A. partly B. largely C. particularly D. mainly

II. Read the passage carefully and fill in each of the blanks with ONE suitable word. (10
Air pollution is a well-known problem, but now light pollution is also causing concern. Light
pollution occurs because there are many electric lights around us which are so powerful (1)
_______ they stop us seeing the stars in the night sky. It is now (2)_________ a problem that in
some places people (3) _______ outdoor lighting is too bright could even (4)_______ given a
heavy fine. Business owners, supermarkets and even home-owners (5)_______ install security
lights may face legal action if their lights are so bright that they spoil their neighbours’
enjoyment of the night sky.
Amazingly, many children growing up in big cities today (6) ________never seen the night sky
properly because of the increase in light pollution. And it is (7) ________ only in cities – people
living in the country are also affected (8) _______ lights from nearby towns. It is a problem for
those simply trying to enjoy the stars, and for serious astronomers (9) ________ well.
One university in the UK has come up with an interesting solution. It has built a telescope in the
Canary Islands and allows schools to use this via the Internet. But it does seem ridiculous that
children can’t see the stars properly (10) ________ using their computers!
III. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-H for each part (1-5) of the article.
There are TWO extra headings which you do not need to use. (5 points).
by Chris Torney
 Ways to communicate
 Getting started
 Choose your category
 Speed and flexibility
 Making new friends
 Long-distance solution
 Personal identification
 What is instant messaging?

0. H
Despite the huge popularity of email, millions of computer users have discovered there’s an even
quicker way to keep in touch through the Internet: instant messaging. This lets you type a short note and

send it from your computer to another, where it pops up straight away on the screen. So if you and a
friend or relative are both online, you can “chat” away while using your computer for other tasks.
Instant messaging – or IM – is more immediate than e-mail as you don’t have to check your inbox for
new messages – they appear instantly. Another advantage is that more than two people at a time can
join in an IM conversation, so it’s ideal for, say, making social arrangements among groups of friends.
Communication by IM isn’t restricted to text. You can send pictures stored on your computer, and if
you have microphones and speakers you can talk – the advantage being that internet charges are usually
cheaper than phone calls. If you and a friend have webcams, you can also make a video call, in which
you can see as well as hear each other.
John Moran, 13, from Southport uses instant messaging to keep in touch with relatives on the other side
of the world. “When I go online I swap messages with my cousins in Australia,” says John “It’s much
cheaper than phoning them and means I can speak to them more often.” Carol Taylor, 24, who lives in
Argentina, agrees. ‘My parents live in the UK, and we prefer using an instant messenger to sending
emails or text messages as it’s more like a real conversation,” she says. “I’d rather chat online than call
them as it costs so much less.”
The first step in using IM is to download a piece of software from one of websites that offer the service.
If you already have friends who use IM, find out which program they have. It’s free, doesn’t take long
to download and the only costs you face are the standard call charges while you’re on line.
Once you’ve installed this software and connected to the Internet you can start exchanging
messages with your friends online. Each user of the service has their own user name. If you find
out the user names of people you know, you can create a friend lists. Then, when you go online,
the software tells you which of them are also connected to the Internet, and you can send them a
IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D. (5 points)
Steven Paul Jobs and Stephen Wozniak were the founders of Apple Computer. The company
gained a reputation for being the one that popularized the use of the computer in homes.
Steven dropped out of college but he attended classes sporadically including one in
calligraphy. It was in this class that his knowledge was widened, allowing him to develop the
different types of fonts for the Apple Computer later on.
However, the Apple Computer would not have materialized without Stephen. He was
enthralled by electronics when he was young. Stephen grew up in a home that encouraged
exploration. His father, who was also an inventor, inspired Stephen. He taught Stephen the
importance of scientific knowledge and finding creative solutions to problems. Today, Stephen
uses his father’s books to educate his children. He tells them how inventions can enrich a
person’s life.
His early attempts at building the computer failed but he later became the first one to
develop a computer that was fully assembled instead of just a circuit board. This led to further
improvements to the personal computer including the Macintosh with the addition of colors and
Today, the Macintosh is a powerful tool for playing games, producing and enhancing videos
and photographs.
1. The Apple Computer was well - known because it ______.
A. was the first computer that people bought for their own use
B. was founded by Steven Paul Jobs and Stephen Wozniak
C. produced photographs and videos
D. could be used to play games
2. According to the passage, Steven Paul Jobs was probably a person who ______.
A. came from a humble background
B. was lazy and did not like to study
C. did not like to learn electronic
D. applied what he learnt in school to his work
3. How did Stephen’s childhood help him to develop the Apple Computer?
A. His father told him about the importance of computers.
B. He was always experimenting with new things
C. He read books that told him how important inventions are.
D. He wanted to be wealthier than his father.
4. According to the passage, why are inventions important?
A. They allow people to make use of their scientific knowledge.
B. They help to build computers.
C. They can enrich a person’s life.
D. They prevent problems from happening.
5. When the Macintosh was first built, in what way was it probably different from other
A. It came with a circuit board.
B. It was fully assembled.
C. It could be used to play games.
D. It had colors and pictures.
I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that it has the same meaning as the first one.
Use the word given. (5 points)
1."I'm sorry" Lan said to Nam, "I used your mobile phone without your permission." (using)
Lan ___________________________ mobile phone without his permission.
2. Washing dishes after meals is my mission. (responsible)
I __________________________________ after meals.
3. Don't draw pictures on these walls. (to draw)
You are________________________________ on these walls.
4. We may come a bit late this evening. (likely)
It ________________________________ a bit late this evening.
5. It was reported that there were serious problems with the new design. (be)
There ________________________________ with the new design.
II. This is part of a letter you receive from an English pen friend, Peter. (10 points)

Now write a letter (80- 100 words), answering your pen friend’s questions. You MUST use
Nam as your name.
III. Your English teacher has asked you to write a story (100-120 words). The story must
END with the following words. (15 points)
… After that, Hoa promised herself that she would never make the same mistake again.


NĂM HỌC 2017 – 2018
Tổng điểm 75+ 25= 100/5 = 20.
( Mỗi câu 1 điểm). Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH


I: Choose the correct picture and put a tick (√) in the box below it. (7points)
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. B
II: You will hear part of a radio program about a classical music. For each question, put a
tick (√) next to the correct answer. (6 points)
8. C 9. B 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. C
III: You will hear a telephone message about a Business Studies course. For each question,
fill in the missing information in the numbered space. (7 points)
14. 12th (of) June/ June 12th
15. video/ film
16. (mobile) phone
17. entrance
18. Spanish
19. Italian
20. Ashleigh
I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D that best fits each space or has similar meaning.(10 points)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
II. There is ONE mistake in each of the following sentences. Find and correct it. (10 points)
1. have has 6. too also
2. being be 7. heavy heaviest
3. read to read 8. extreme extremely
4. recognize be recognized 9. polish polished
5. Although Despite / In spite of 10. develop development
I. Read the following passage and choose the correct word to fill each gap. (10 points)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
II. Read the passage carefully and fill in each of the blanks with ONE suitable word. (10 points)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
that such whose be/get who have not by as without
III. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-H for each part (1-5) of the article. There are TWO
extra headings which you do not need to use. (5 points).
1.D 2.A 3.F 4.B 5.G
IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D. (5 points)
1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D
I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that it has the same meaning as the first one.
Use the word given. (5 points)
1. Lan apologized/ apologized to Nam for using his mobile phone without his permission.
2. I am responsible for washing dishes after meals.
3. You are not allowed to draw pictures on these walls.
4. It is likely that we will come a bit late this evening.
5. There were reported to be serious problems with the new design.
II. This is part of a letter you receive from an English penfriend, Peter. (10 points)
Now write a letter, answering your penfriend’s questions. You MUST use Nam as your name.
 Style: 20% - Grammar and vocabulary: 25%
 Length: 25% - Ideas: 30%
III. Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. The story MUST BEGIN with
the following words. (15 points)
I was on the beach when my mobile phone rang
 Style: 20% - Grammar and vocabulary: 25%
 Length: 25% - Ideas: 30%

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