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Much ado about nothing

In act 1, scene 1 Shakespeare familiarizes the play characters to his audience, who are
LEONATO of Messina, his daughter Hero, his niece Beatrice, and a fellow Messenger.

During this scene Beatrice, Hero, Leonato, and the Messenger are displayed chattering about a
battle and how many men have been lost during it, as the conversation gradually extends, the
name Benedick appears in between the discussion and we come to find out how much Beatrice
dislikes signor Benedick and full-heartedly abominates him and his existence, however, the
Messenger mentions to lady Beatrice that he's a good soldier and is "a lord to a lord and a man to
a man. Stuffed full of honorable virtues" even with such words Beatrice continuous harming the
image of signor Benedick, describing his atrocious actions by how he changes his best friend
now and then and how "he wears his loyalty like he wears his hats, always changing with the
latest fashion" these words parade lady Beatrice's feelings and emotions to signor Benedick.

As the debate about benedick proceeds between Beatrice and the Messenger, Shakespeare
introduces new characters who are, prince Don Pedro of Argon, Claudio, Benedick, Balthasar,
and Don John.

In the process of the new characters entering the play and forming a communication with each
other, lady Beatrice and signor Benedick cross each other and the cat and mouse chase begins,
the tension occurs in the air between those two, and arguments have never been so interesting to
observe, Benedick nor Beatrice hold back with the harsh words they are shooting at each other,
and fully experience their best skills on who can make a fool of the other better "you'd be great at
teaching parrots, you say the same things over and over again" proclaims Benedick, " better a
bird that talks like me than a beast that talks like you, unable to say anything at all" declares
Beatrice. It's like Lyssa (Greek god of fury and rage) has made his wishes and commands upon
them, this tense brawl was then put to the side when prince Don Pedro announces that he,
Benedick, and Claudio were all invited by Leonato to stay for a month after the announcement
was made everyone leaves the room except Benedick and Claudio.

In this scene, we get to know a different, more emotional side of sir Claudio and the reason
behind that is his curiosity about Leonato's daughter, lady Hero. Claudio suddenly starts shooting
question to Benedick about Hero, questions like "did you notice sir Leonato's daughter?" or "isn't
she a well-mannered young lady?" and the questions continue until Claudio dives deep into his
feelings and reveals a romantic, loving gentleman with soft, heart-touching words about Hero,
"in my eyes, she seems like the sweetest lady I've ever seen" says Claudio. "why are you asking
about here, do you want to buy her?" asks Benedick, "could anything in the world be enough to
buy such a jewel?" answers Claudio. As his confession extends Don Pedro overhears the
situation and asks Claudio if he truly loves Hero and is willing to marry her, and when Claudio
gave a positive answer, Don Pedro promises Claudio to help him get acceptance of Leonato to let
him marry his daughter.

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