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Question 2.

A Case Study

A mining firm proposed a 1-billion-peso investment for a mercury processing plant. The local
church, however, opposed the proposal, arguing that it would be an environmental hazard. The
investor countered by saying that the investment would generate jobs. If you were the mayor,
would you give a permit to the plant? Why?

If I were the mayor, I would give the plant a permit because it can provide people with

jobs. Though it would or might be an environmental hazard, I will first consult the mining

engineers if it would be suitable to permit the plant and if the area is good for it. I will ensure

everything before the final decision. But then the local church or other church can only give

their opinions. Still, they cannot order the government anymore because the church and

government are now separate and prohibited from involvement. And, if I would allow the

mining firm to do so, it also has advantages in which investing in mining stocks can be highly

volatile, and they often make suitable long-term investments. Aside from supporting thousands

of jobs, the mining industry provides raw materials, minerals, and metals critical to our

economy. They provide the foundations for modern living, innovation, and engineering


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