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Exercises Of Try Out

Ki Hajar Dewantara

His real name is Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat. He was born on May 2nd, 1889, in
Yogyakarta.As a part of an aristocratic family, Soewardi was quite free to enjoy his education.
He had studied in Europeesche Lagere School, Kweekschool and STOVIA. However, he did not
finish at STOVIA due to an illness. He always thought that education was one of the most
important factors in freeing the Indonesian people of their sufferings from colonization. Then he
started working as a journalist, writing for several newspapers.
On July 13th, 1913, Ki Hajar was arrested by Netherlands because ‘De Express’ media,
Ki Hajar Dewantara wrote with a titled “If I were a Dutchman, he would give his colonies
freedom. He did that with calm and full of spirit. On July 3rd, 1922, Ki Hajar and with his
friends in Sloso Kliwonan Association, established the Nationaal Onderwijs Instituut
Tamansiswa, or “Taman Siswa” This school was opened to Indonesian people who wanted to
study. Ki Hajar Dewantara had three important principles. His principles were Ing Ngarso Sung
Tulodo, Ing Madyo Mangun Karso, and Tut Wuri Handayani. These wise principles are still a
guiding principle and an orientation in the world of Indonesian education.
Ki Hajar got appreciation as “Bapak Pendidikan Indonesia” because of his ideas in the
world of education. His opinions were modern although he lived in colonial times. He was
chosen also as Minister of Indonesian Education under President Soekarno’s administration. Ki
Hajar Dewantara still tried to develop the educational system in Indonesia by his brilliant ideas.
When President Soeharto commanded, Ki Hajar Dewantara was bestowed as “Bintang
Mahaputera”. He was also called as a pioneer of the Indonesian Press. His birthday was
celebrated as Education Day. He passed away on April 26th, 1959.

Adapted from Buku Simulasi Kompetensi SMP/MTs 2019_Soal HOTS_Tim Cendikia

1. What was Ki Hajar Dewantara when he was arrested by Netherlands?

A. He was a college student
B. He was a journalist
C. He was a principal
D. He was a teacher

2. Which characteristics best described Ki Hajar Dewantara?

A. He was diligent, smart, and kind
B. He was diligent, spirited, and kind
C. He was brilliant, smart, and hard working
D. He was brilliant, spirited, and hardworking
Source:Buku Pemantapan Persiapan Ujian Bahasa Inggris, Akasia 2018.
3. Why did the writer write the text above?
A. To invite the customers to give them advice about food preparation.
B. To convince that their restaurant serves complete and hygienic menu.
C. To inform that their food is not suitable for people with food allergy.
D. To tell people with food allergy not to worry about their ingredients.

Good Luck !!!

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