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In Palestine's heart, where the olive trees weep,

Lies a land of turmoil, where sorrows run deep.
In the shadows of history, whispers still cry,
Of a people oppressed, beneath a troubled sky.

From Gaza's shores to Jerusalem's streets,

Echoes of anguish, where hope sometimes fleets.
In the rubble of homes, dreams shattered and torn,
Yet resilience rises, like the light of dawn.

In the eyes of the children, innocence fades,

As they navigate ruins, amidst barricades.
Their laughter muffled by the sound of strife,
Yet they cling to the promise of a better life.

Amidst the chaos, a longing for peace,

A yearning for justice, for conflicts to cease.
In the hearts of the weary, a flame still burns,
For freedom's embrace, for lessons to learn.

Palestine, land of ancient tales,

Where history's scars, like the wind, prevail.
Yet in the depths of despair, there's strength untold,
In the spirit of a people, resilient and bold.

So let the world hear their cries in the night,

And stand in solidarity, for what is right.
For in the struggle for justice, in Palestine's plight,
Lies the hope of a future, where love takes flight.

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