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Struggling with your thesis on asthma research paper topics? You're not alone.

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such a complex subject can be incredibly challenging. From conducting extensive research to
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attention to detail and critical thinking.

Asthma is a multifaceted condition that requires a thorough understanding of its causes, symptoms,
treatments, and impact on individuals and communities. Navigating through the vast array of
literature and data available on asthma can be overwhelming, leaving many students feeling lost and
unsure of where to begin.

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The symptoms are thought to be caused by changes in the temperature and moisture of the air they
breathe. Hence, a person displaying these symptoms needs to see a doctor for proper diagnosis using
the lung function test and a physical examination. Which medications are administered depend on
the severity of the patient’s symptoms and their clinical appearance. Four Clinical Manifestations
and Structural and Functional Changes. Busse, W.W., Calhoun, W.F., Sedgwick, J.D. (1993)
Mechanism of airway inflammation in asthma. A patient with well-controlled asthma can lead a
normal, productive life and maintain exceptional lung function. Spirometry is usually performed in
pulmonary function laboratories and primary care facilities; it is essential to perform the test within
strict protocols. As a mother, there is no need to be too worried or over protective of their asthmatic
child. Among patients with exercise induced bronchospasm, exercise spirometry remains to be the
standard method for patient assessment. But the NHLBI website, on the other hand, provided more
average explanation than the two, thus making it the most reader-friendly article. Adults tend to
exhibit persistent symptoms, with medication required to keep the condition under control. A stuffy
nose can also create problems. People’s nose warms and moistens the air and the inhale. Financial
support for the publication of this series has been provided, in part, by the Canadian Thoracic
Society. Asthma is a complex syndrome characterised by airway hyper-responsiveness and is caused
by a multicellular inflammatory reaction that leads to airway obstruction. At each visit, compliance,
inhaler technique, triggers, environment and comorbidities should be assessed. Further research is
required to prospectively define the role of these emerging tests in optimizing the diagnosis and
management of asthma. It is also recommended that proper breathing techniques and relaxation is
important in preventing future recurrence of asthma and is used by a large proportion of individuals
who suffers from asthma (Ernst, 2000). Although the risk of dying from asthma is low, this risk
increases with age. Mononuclear cell and eosinophil infiltrates the bronchioles when surrounding
blood vessels leakleading to hypersecretion of mucus-producing cells (Morris, 2011, n.p.). Mucus
plug consisting of exudate of cell proteins and debris formed at the respiratory epithelium and
obstruct the air flow which explains the manifestation of cough in asthmatic patients. Efforts to
reduce mite allergens — including encasing mattresses, replacing carpet with hard-surface flooring,
removing as many dust-gathering objects as possible and using high-efficiency particulate air
filtration systems or chemicals — have been disappointing 11 and should not be broadly
recommended in isolation. At that follow-up visit, the clinician should assure compliance and proper
inhalation technique, assess parameters of asthma control, review possible triggers for worsening of
symptoms and review the components of the written action plan. As Jason suffers from asthma,
various structural and functional changes may occur such as airway disturbance, filling of mucous
plugs in the airways, larger and numerous mucus-producing cells, edematous bronchioles, increasing
number of inflammatory cells infiltrating airways, thickened connective tissue, denuded respiratory
epithelium, and increased amount of smooth muscles surrounding the airway. These are short-acting
bronchodilators inhalers, such as Proventil, Ventolin, Xopenex, and others. I am doing a research
paper in Asthma, but I don't know how to start a thesis statement. Signs of recurrent asthma may
include wheezing when exhaling, allergic rhinitis, and a dry cough. The prevalence of status
asthmaticus accounts for about 5 to 10% of adult asthmatics. They mostly turn off the transcription
genes that encodes for inflammatory proteins such as cytokines. The prevention of asthma symptoms
can be substantially reduced by avoiding known triggers and substances that irritate the airways. The
action of catecholamines and vagal stimulation increases transport. If the patient experiences frequent
and recurrent wheezing, coughing, difficulty in breathing and chest tightness, are worse at night or
early in the morning and occur in response to exercise or exposure to pets, cold or with emotions
increase probability of asthma.
There are some individuals who developed asthma during their childhood; this condition can recur
later in life. Some of the commonly used inhalational steroids are beclometasone, budesonide,
fluticasone, monetasone and ciclesonide. The TH2 lymphocyte cells protect us from allergic
parasites. Non- Invasive Markers of Airway Inflammation: The measurement of sputum eosinophilia
or other inflammatory markers provides a useful way for the diagnosis of asthma. The test is
performed by requesting the patient to breathe deeply and exhale forcefully into a spirometer. Here
are some things that they can do to avoid asthma symptoms while people work out. Start slow. The
physiologic mechanism of expiration is due to the “natural elasticity of the lungs,” and if they are
not held against the walls in the thorax, would collapse with resultant release of the gas to the
atmosphere (University of Leicester, undated). The major characteristic of allergic asthma is high
serum level of immunoglobulin E (IgE). Blood tests to measure eosinophil count a type of white
blood cell and a type of immune system protein called an immunoglobulin. They also feel that
because a nebulizer takes substantial more time to administer than the MDI that the child is receiving
a better treatment. Based on Jason’s history, possible triggering stimuli of asthma exacerbation are
history of recurrent cough when he was 6 months old, family history of hay fever and eczema, and
history of respiratory infections.Jason’s exposure to triggering stimuli will cause the initial release of
inflammatory mediators from bronchial mast cells, epithelial cells, and macrophages and will lead to
the activation of other inflammatory cells. In Community organization to reduce the need for acute
care for asthma among African American children in low-income neighborhoods: the Neighborhood
Asthma Coalition, the researchers used NAC, which included educational programs, promotional
activities, and individualized support provided by trained neighborhood residents, to determine
whether a community-based research conducted in St.Louis could improve asthma awareness. All
remaining trials will be considered to be of low risk of bias. Although large randomized trials
assessing interventions for multiple allergens in adults have not been performed, avoidance of
identified allergens is usually recommended for adults with allergic asthma. After a question has
been decided on, the next steps are to define the search terms, identify the databases that will be
utilized for the search, determine which filters to apply for inclusion and exclusion criteria, and
decide what articles to utilize from search results. It is possible that part of this increased risk in
remote areas can be attributed to the distance people are located in relation to acute medical facilities
and, hence, their access to prompt treatment for severe attacks which may result in death. In between
the alveoli and the blood, oxygen diffuses from the alveoli to the blood through the process of
simple diffusion and vice versa, the carbon dioxide from the blood towards the alveoli (Ritchison,
2010). Asthma ranges in severity from intermittent mild symptoms to a severe, incapacitating, and
life-threatening disorder. Use the flow meter to see if an asthma attack is responding to your
medication. Hence, a person displaying these symptoms needs to see a doctor for proper diagnosis
using the lung function test and a physical examination. She smokes a half package of cigarettes
daily and has done so for 20 years. Sometimes a combination of steroids and bronchodilators are
used. While children may not be the best monitors of their asthma, it is still. Asthma ranks among the
top ten reasons for visiting a doctor. On further enquiry, she revealed that she had repeated episodes
of this kind in the past and she was diagnosed to have bronchial asthma. Asthma causes lungs to
react in an extreme way when irritated. Asthma al Affiliation Background: Asthma is an
inflammatory disease of the airways that causes narrowing of the airways causing to obstruction of
airflow leading to symptoms such as wheezing, dyspnoea, chest tightness and coughing. This
requires your deliberate actions in adopting the asthma management strategies we have just discussed
and acquainting yourself with the various asthma medications. The late phase asthmatic response is
characterised by further inflammation of the airways and an increase in the bronchial
hypersensitivity. Serial peak expiratory flow (PEF) is helpful in asthma diagnosis and follow up.
She was then educated about preventive measures for asthma and self-management. We use cookies
to create the best experience for you. These mediators include histamine, eicosanoids, and reactive
oxygen species. It shows the way in which consumers purchase any good as a result of change in
his. They are difficult to control and impossible to eliminate. And, some otherwise healthy
individuals can establish asthma signs just when working out. The researcher of this essay aims to
pay special attention to asthma. The direct cause of the release of these mediators is the contraction
of the airways’ smooth muscle, mucus secretion, and vasodilation. The development of allergic
asthma is mediated by genetic factors due to which the individual’s susceptibility to precipitating
factors and extracts of airborne antigens is increased. Asthma is in the top five problems referred to
hospital by GPs. The bronchial narrowing is usually either totally or at least partially reversible with
treatments. Several studies have revealed that the severity of asthma is subject to change during
gestation. It is best to create your brand strategy and identify your distribution channels before you.
Affectations of Jason’s nervous system includes mental state of being anxious and the ability to
respond only in single words. The criteria for diagnosis of asthma are not reliably understood and
effectively applied. Montelukast in the treatment of allergic rhinitis: an evidence-based review. It is
imperative when teaching patients and families, that teach back demonstrations are utilized and the
first few administrations be supervised. Nurses should allow this by letting the preschoolers do the
manageable parts of the treatment process. In pill form, the medicine goes directly into the
bloodstream and stays in the body longer, having a more lasting effect than an inhaled drug does.
Smoking cessation and avoidance of second-hand smoke are also important. Nebulizers are used
more often than an MDI with spacer in the acute care setting, however, there has been a push to
change this statistic (Prieto, Rucker, and Payne, 2018). If people keep getting good results, meaning
they're breathing easily, they may not have to use the inhaler as often or at all. Controllers are the
drugs that are aimed to treat the underlying inflammation. Andrew McIvor Find this author on
Google Scholar Find this author on PubMed Search for this author on this site. However,
developmental inability of these Tregs leads to the growth of allergy and asthma condition, methods
which promote the generation of preventive Tregs or the methods which help in the introduction of
these preventive Tregs in the patient could be a therapeutic progress in contrast to the conventional
asthma treatment involving bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory. In asthma, numerous exogenous
and endogenous stimuli results to an exaggerated hyperresonsiveness of the airways or
hyperreactivity of the bronchus and the involved mechanism includes direct airway smooth muscle
stimulation and indirect pharmacologically active substances stimulation (Morris, 2012). In the health
context, promotion involves improving, advancing, and placing the health status of people higher on
both personal and public levels. The majority of deaths from asthma occurred in people aged 65
years and over. At each visit, compliance, inhaler technique, triggers, environment and comorbidities
should be assessed. These drugs keep the defense cells that stay in their airways from overreacting
and causing an attack.
People who smoke are generally from low socio-economic backgrounds and as such at greater risk of
developing and mismanaging asthma leading to impaired lung functioning. Well controlled asthma
minimizes an individual’s reliance on quick-relief medicines such as inhaled short-acting beta-2-
agonists, which quickly act to relax muscles around airways during an attack (What Is Asthma? -
NHLBI, NIH). Use of regularly scheduled albuterol treatment in asthma: genotype-stratified,
randomised, placebo-controlled cross-over trial. However, there is currently no way to predict which
approach will work best in an individual patient. Locations with poorly ventilated homes or carpets
facilitate the occurrence of asthma, as dust mites and dander from domestic pets tend to adhere more
easily to carpeted surfaces. Directly measured second hand smoke exposure and asthma health
outcomes. The impairment in mucus transport is due to an exudative inflammatory process and the
clearing of epithelial cells that are present in the airway lumen. The Australian Institute of Health and
Welfare (2008) note that the Centre for Epidemiology and Research reported that in 2007, sometime
in their lives, an estimated 3, 979, 476 or an equivalent to 20.3 percent Australians were diagnosed
by doctors or nurses with asthma based on the data gathered in the surveys. The essay aims address
the following objectives: (1) toexplain the process that leads to the structural and functional changes
resulting from Jason’s asthma; (2) to explain how four of Jason’s clinical manifestations are related to
the structural and functional changes; and (3) to select and discuss two drugs that have been used in
the treatment of Jason’s asthma. The diagnosis is mainly based on clinical presentation (NAEPP,
2007). Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Asthma,
COPD with COVID-19: What should HCPs need to know. Ketamine may also be useful in
treatment of bronchospasm during mechanical ventilation. Suggested questions for an indoor
environmental history are listed in Table 1. Lastly, upon reflection on the overall findings and clinical
assessment, conclusions, and recommendations of a module for effective management of the patient
shall be put forth in the case study. The medicine is held in this reservoir until ready to be inhaled.
Chronic inflammation with remodelling of the bronchial tree leads to airway obstruction. These
drugs keep the defense cells that stay in their airways from overreacting and causing an attack. Most
agencies helping to spread the awareness about asthma are non-profit. EIA is quite prevalent among
adolescents and it can also exist in patients who are suffering from conventional asthma. Parents,
patients, partners, friends, relative and caregivers need to learn to identify symptoms and signs of
asthma, what medications to given at home and when to bring the patient to the hospital. Nair, P.,
Pizzichini, M.M., Kjarsgaard, M., et al. (2009) Mepolizumab for prednisone-dependent asthma with
sputum eosinophilia. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 32(6): 483-496.
Research has shown that there is an overlap between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and
asthma. This will help prevent an infection in the mouth, a rare side effect of the drug. Ipratropium
Bromide was used in the case of Jayson to dilate the inflamed and obstructed bronchioles and
promote effective gas exchange. She reports that she has been using the salbutamol daily for dyspnea
and when she wakens during the night with similar symptoms; the latter is still a weekly occurrence.
The airways produce extra mucus and breathing becomes difficult. Statistics show that 47.5 percent
of children under the age of 18 suffer from asthma. Oral or systemic steroids are used to treat acute
severe asthma.
Asthma shows up before the age of 18 for about half of the people who develop the condition. The
stress of my job manifested itself on my health first with a simple cold, then with flu-like symptoms,
then allergy, and last asthma. During these sessions, the educator reviews the patient’s knowledge
about asthma and provides a written action plan outlining how and when to adjust treatment. The
goal of the treatment is to optimise long term control so that quick relief medications which have
many side effects may be minimised or eliminated. The hallmark of status asthmaticus is the
thickening of the basement membrane and smooth muscle hypertrophy. GERIATRIC
PHARMACOLOGY Geriatric pharmacology is a specialized field focusing. As Jason suffers from
asthma, various structural and functional changes may occur such as airway disturbance, filling of
mucous plugs in the airways, larger and numerous mucus-producing cells, edematous bronchioles,
increasing number of inflammatory cells infiltrating airways, thickened connective tissue, denuded
respiratory epithelium, and increased amount of smooth muscles surrounding the airway. It has not
been proven that severe RSV infections cause asthma. There are. In Australia, asthma is a common
condition that affects up to 25 per cent of all children. An additional symptom that may be
associated with this disease is abnormal breathing pattern breathing out takes more than twice as long
as breathing in. In managing asthma in the children, partnering with the doctor where parents are
also taking an active role in their children’s ordeal is very important (National Heart Lung and Blood
Institute, 2011). These three problems make airway openings very small. Namburi phased spot test -
NPST To identify bhasma and sindhura - A Qualitat. Continuous narrowed airways brought by
asthma exacerbation eventually affect oxygen supply to the vital organs of the body especially the
brain. During an asthma attack the person have an acute episodes when the airways in their lungs
become narrow and becomes more difficult to breath. To understand asthma better, literatures that
talks about asthma and its pharmacological management, as well as inflammation and bronchospasm
are reviewed and noted in the next paragraphs. The use of information dissemination is essential in
helping every affected individual to fully understand disease that is Asthma. The management of
asthma is based on step-wise strategy. The goal of treatment is to avoid the substances that trigger
your symptoms and to control airway inflammation. Effective control of asthma averts chronic and
bothersome signs such as coughing and shortness of breath, which prevent serious asthma attacks
that can lead to hospitalization. Our group of knowledgeable medical thesis authors at comprehends this well and makes every effort to eliminate you from the tension.
These allergens may include house dust mite, cat, dog, cockroach, moulds and pollens. Bursitis is
inflammation or irritation of a bursa sac. The clinical manifestations of asthma vary and ranges from
mild, to severe episodes of asthma and are discussed by below. Educating both staff and patients
regarding the pros and cons of both delivery method will help them to choose the best method on a
case by case basis. Circulatory shock Cardiogenic Shock Hypovolemic Shock Sepsis, Septic Shock
an. GIFs Highlight your latest work via email or social media with custom GIFs. Inflammation and
constriction of the airways often cause many symptoms. Blood tests to measure eosinophil count a
type of white blood cell and a type of immune system protein called an immunoglobulin. A cascade
of immune mediated events resulting in the development of chronic airway inflammation is triggered
by various allergic and non allergic agents.

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