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Module: Managing People- S1

Code: BSS006-1.S1


Student’s full name: NGUYỄN LÂM PHƯƠNG

Student ID: 2042219229
Cohort: K60BF-C
Semester: I Academic year: 2023-2024
Lecturer: Gv. Lê Sơn Đại
Ho Chi Minh City, April 2023

Except where reference is made in the text of the end-module assignment, this
assignment contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part
from an assignment that I have submitted or qualified for or been awarded another degree
or diploma.
No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgment in the end-module
This end-module assignment has not been submitted for the evaluation of any other
modules or the award of any degree or diploma in other tertiary institutions.
Ho Chi Minh City, April 2023

Nguyễn Lâm Phương

Mục lục
I. Project Proposal.................................................................................................................................3
II. Project Charter..............................................................................................................................3
2.1 Project and product overview...................................................................................................3
2.2 Reasoning (Why?)......................................................................................................................4
2.3 Extent..........................................................................................................................................4

2.4 Timeline Considering Standards:.............................................................................................4
2.5 Materials:...................................................................................................................................5
2.6 Budget.........................................................................................................................................5
2.7 Risk Management......................................................................................................................5
2.8 Communication Plan.................................................................................................................6
2.9 Approval.....................................................................................................................................6
2.10 Conclude.....................................................................................................................................7
III. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).............................................................................................7
3.1 The work breakdown structure (WBS) is a key component...................................................7
Task package 1: Organization and setup:...........................................................................................7
Task package 2: Planning seminars:...................................................................................................7
Task package 3: Synopsis and assessment:........................................................................................7
3.2 Assessment..................................................................................................................................8
3.3 Take note:...................................................................................................................................8
IV. Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM): Allocating Roles.....................................................8
4.1 Divide the work for the "Soft Skills Workshop" project equally among the seven
4.2 Suppose:.....................................................................................................................................9
4.3 Detailed Work Assignment Table:...........................................................................................9
V. Project Schedule and WBS: Planning the timeline and tasks for the event................................10
5.1 Proposed project progress:.....................................................................................................10
5.2 Utilize arrows to visually depict tasks and relationships between them..............................11
5.3 Analysis of AOA diagram:......................................................................................................12
5.4 In conclusion............................................................................................................................13
VI. Risk Analysis and Mitigation Strategies....................................................................................13
6.1 Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques:.............................................................................13
6.2 Risk Coefficient Set:................................................................................................................13
6.3 Discuss concerning Project Termination:..............................................................................14
6.4 Method for Mitigating Risk:...................................................................................................14
6.5 Conclude:..................................................................................................................................14
VII. Conclude.......................................................................................................................................14
Tài liệu tham khảo.....................................................................................................................................15

I. Project Proposal.
Soft skills are crucial in determining an individual's success, particularly in the highly
competitive learning and job world of today. Understanding the significance of this, we offer the
project "Soft skills development workshop for students" to provide students with the
fundamental soft skills they need to succeed in life and face challenges head-on.
The session will concentrate on developing participants' communication, teamwork, time
management, problem-solving, and critical thinking abilities. Based on what the students really
need for study and job, these subjects have been chosen.
Theory and practice are combined in the workshop's innovative teaching methods.
Students will participate in games, discussions, group projects, and presentations led by seasoned
educators with a focus on soft skills.
Students who attend the "Developing Soft Skills for Students" workshop will benefit from:
 Increase understanding of the value of soft skills.
 Gain the soft skills required for both job and study success.
 Boost self-assurance and clear communication.
 Boost your capacity for cooperation and teamwork.
 Develop your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
I think that the project "Soft skills development workshop for students" will help create
an effective learning and working environment, assisting students in developing
comprehensively and succeeding in the future, with benefits that are both practical and highly

II. Project Charter.

2.1 Project and product overview.
 The "Soft Skills Development Workshop for Students" project was developed with the
intention of giving students access to an engaging and practical learning environment so
they may acquire critical soft skills that will be invaluable in both their academic and
professional endeavors. In addition to being a regular event, this conference offers
students a priceless chance to grow, learn, and develop personally.
 Assuming agreement and backing from pertinent stakeholders, the initiative will take
place in a venue big enough to accommodate lots of pupils. The workshop is scheduled to
run for one day, which is just long enough to cover all the material and skills while yet
allowing students to have ample free time.
 The information and soft skills that students acquire by taking part in the workshop will
be the project's final output. This involves more than just academic knowledge—it also
involves real-world experiences, such as group projects and face-to-face interactions with
instructors and fellow students.

2.2 Reasoning (Why?).

 This workshop's structure stems from a keen understanding of the real-world
requirements students have when it comes to acquiring soft skills. The competitive nature

of today's work and learning environments means that soft skills are essential for students
to succeed in both their personal and professional lives.
 Soft skill development receives less attention in traditional educational programs, which
frequently concentrate on teaching theoretical knowledge. This makes it difficult for
pupils to communicate effectively, collaborate well in groups, or come up with flexible
solutions to challenges.
 Therefore, setting up this workshop is a significant step toward giving students a real-
world opportunity to acquire and practice the soft skills they will need. In addition to
serving as a venue for information transfer, the conference offers students a dynamic and
engaged atmosphere in which to put what they have learned into practice.

2.3 Extent.
 The three primary objectives of the project "Soft Skills Development Workshop for
Students" are to: increase awareness of the value of soft skills; impart information and
practical skills; and establish a setting where students may interact, learn, and practice.
 Through a variety of workshop activities, including group games, talks, and small-group
discussions, this goal will be accomplished. Despite the workshop's narrow emphasis, we
will concentrate on a few fundamental soft skills that students must acquire in the modern
world. This guarantees the project will be as successful as possible.

2.4 Timeline Considering Standards:

Provide a revised and detailed timeline for the "Soft Skills Development Workshop for
Students" project in order to guarantee its viability and increase efficiency:
 Weeks 1-2: During this stage, precise planning and the identification of project
requirements are the main priorities. This phase is crucial for precisely defining the
project's objectives, identifying the resources required, and creating a strict work plan.
 Weeks 3-4: In this stage, the project group will decide on a venue and finalize an
agreement with the instructor. In parallel, they will create reference materials and
workshop content according to the criteria that have been determined.
 Weeks 5–6: The main objectives of this phase will be recruitment and promotion in order
to draw a sizable student body to the workshop. The team will set up the workshop's
supplies and facilities concurrently.
 Week 7: This stage is the culmination of the event, when the workshop is successfully
organized and executed. The success of this project was largely dependent on the active
engagement of the staff and students.
 Week 8: Lastly, a review of the workshop outcomes will be conducted, and instructor and
student input will be gathered. To encapsulate the outcomes and lessons discovered
during the project, a project summary report will also be written.
 Week 2: Assemble a project team and finish the project plan.
 Week 4: Choose a place and sign the lecturer's contract.
 Week 6: Finish the workshop material and advertise and enlist more participants.
 Week 7: The workshop's equipment and facilities are finished.
 Week 8: Run a productive session and get input from participants.
 Week 9: Finish the report on the project summary and assess the outcomes.

 Techniques for monitoring advancement:

A project progress monitoring sheet that is updated on a regular basis will be utilized to
monitor the project's progress. Furthermore, there will be regular briefings to provide updates on
the status and quickly address any concerns that may arise.

2.5 Materials:
Suggest optimizing resource utilization and looking for extra resources to guarantee the
project is carried out efficiently and effectively:
Human resources: You should plan on using a project team consisting of five people: the
project team leader, the person in charge of managing the budget, the person in charge of
enrollment and promotion, the person in charge of facilities and equipment, and the person in
charge of event planning. About $2000 is expected to be spent on human resources for this
project, including compensation and incidental expenses for things like stationery and cell
Finances: The project is expected to cost $5,000 in total. Of which, $2,000 is set aside for
expenses related to human resources, $1,000 for marketing and enrollment efforts, $1,000 for
buildings and equipment, and $1,000 for unforeseen and contingency expenses.
Equipment and facilities: A $1000 estimate is made for these items. This covers the price
of renting a location, as well as the cost of projectors, lighting, sound system, and other
conference-related necessities.
Promotion and Recruitment: $1000 is the estimated cost of the promotional and
recruitment efforts. To get students interested in the event, this money will be used to print fliers,
posters, and advertisements on social media.

2.6 Budget.
Suggest cautious budget management and look for extra funds to guarantee the project is
carried out successfully and stays within the allocated budget:
Total projected budget: Suggest a $5,000 total for the project's duration. This sum should
be adequate to cover all required expenses and guarantee the project's success.
Details of the budget: The budget will be broken down into distinct sections for each of
the project's three components—human resources, buildings and equipment, and enrollment and
promotion—as mentioned above.
Extra financing Sources: Look for extra financing options from nearby companies,
charitable groups, or government funding initiatives in addition to school money. This lessens
the project's financial load and increases the opportunities for its implementation.

2.7 Risk Management.

An essential component of guaranteeing project success is risk management.
Notwithstanding the established objectives and strategies, enhancements are essential to
guarantee efficacy and prompt adaptation to modifications in the workplace.
We can take the following actions to enhance this item:
 Boost Risk Analysis: To more precisely determine the amount of risk and its influence on
the project, we need incorporate innovative techniques like Monte Carlo analysis in
addition to more established ones like SWOT, Brainstorming, and Delphi.

 Flexible Contingency Plan: To be able to react flexibly to various scenarios, we should
think about having a variety of flexible contingency plans rather than just one fixed one.
 Integrate Risk Management Throughout the Process: Risk management should be
continually integrated throughout the project's execution, not merely as a component of
the project charter. The creation of processes to continuously assess and manage risk, as
well as the dedication of the entire project team, are necessary for this.

2.8 Communication Plan.

The target community's interest and involvement in the project are greatly influenced by
the communication plan. But in order to improve the efficacy of this plan, a few changes are
 Enhance the Effectiveness of Communication Channels: To reach a wider audience, we
need to learn how to leverage new channels of communication like TikTok, LinkedIn, or
industry-specific forums, rather than merely concentrating on established ones like
websites and Facebook fan pages.
 Optimize the Communications Schedule: To better reflect the important project
processes, the communications schedule needs to be modified. The effectiveness of
communication can be increased by sending the appropriate message at the appropriate
 Improve Results Evaluation: It's critical to track and assess communication initiatives'
outcomes. To make adjustments to plans based on real facts, we must establish precise
indicators and evaluate the success of communication efforts on a regular basis.
 Encourage Interaction and Participation: We can plan interactive events, social media
minigames, or competitions to draw in participation and foster good community
engagement. draw the intended audience's attention and boost engagement.

2.9 Approval.
It is necessary to modify the Project Charter approval procedure to guarantee adaptability
and effectiveness in winning over stakeholders. There are various ways to make changes for this
 Increased Diversity of Approvers: To guarantee representation and openness in the
decision-making process, think about forming an approval team in place of a single
 Online Approval Process: By utilizing technology to establish an online approval process,
time and expenses can be cut while also improving flexibility in reaching consensus and
negotiating viewpoints across all stakeholders. connect with.
 Give stakeholders time to examine and provide comments before making a final choice
by providing flexible approval deadlines. Stakeholder satisfaction is raised and delays are
reduced as a result.
2.10 Conclude.
The soft skills workshop project for students at FTU University was built in an organized
and detailed manner from the initial goals to the approval process. Defining the goals, scope, and
implementers, along with providing a project management plan and approval documents, created
a solid foundation for project success. By applying SWOT analysis, Delphi and brainstorming
methods, the project identified and assessed potential risks and developed appropriate
contingency plans. A careful and diverse communications plan will also help increase

engagement and interest from students and stakeholders. Clear approval procedures and set
deadlines guarantee agreement from pertinent parties prior to project implementation. To put it
briefly, meticulous planning and careful consideration of every detail will contribute to the
creation of an event that is both successful and significant for the business community and
student body.

III. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

3.1 The work breakdown structure (WBS) is a key component.

The project's objective is to successfully plan a soft skills workshop for FTU University
Task package 1: Organization and setup:
 First task: decide on the workshop's goals and subject matter.
 Task 2: Planning a budget is task number two.
 Task 3: Look for and choose lecturers.
 Task 4: Choose a place and reserve a space.
 Task 5: Create and print written materials.
 Task 6: Arrange for promotion and communication.
 Task 7: Gather registrations for attendance.

Task package 2: Planning seminars:

 First task: Set up facilities and equipment.
 Task 2: Greeting and assisting visitors.
 Task 3: Organize the activities of the workshop.
 Task 4: Respond to inquiries and assist guests.
 Task 5: Ask participants for their opinions.

Task package 3: Synopsis and assessment:

 First task: Examine the feedback findings.
 Task 2: Assess the workshop's effectiveness.
 Task 3: Learn from your experiences.
 Task 4: Write a report summary.

Standard Sequence Standard Description of Translation Work

of Tasks
1 Plan and prepare
Determine the objectives and content of the
1.2 Budget planning
1.3 Search and select instructors
1.4 Determine location and make reservations
1.5 Design and print documents

1.6 Plan communication and promotion
1.7 Collect attendance registrations
2 Workshop
2.1 Prepare equipment and facilities
2.2 Welcoming and guiding guests
2.3 Coordinate workshop activities
2.4 Answer questions and support attendees
2.5 Collect feedback from attendees
3 Evaluation and summary
3.1 Analyze feedback results
3.2 Evaluate the success of the workshop
3.3 Draw lessons from experience
3.4 Prepare a summary report

3.2 Assessment
The project team was able to produce a thorough plan for the event and a clear
understanding of the work that needed to be done thanks to the present WBS structure.
Nonetheless, enhancing execution and guaranteeing project success can be achieved by adding
and modifying tasks.

3.3 Take note:

Ensure that every activity is divided precisely to guarantee that it is completed effectively
and with care.
To guarantee the event works well and as efficiently as possible, including crucial
subtasks such equipment inspection and collection in addition to the quickest response time.

IV. Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM): Allocating Roles

4.1 Divide the work for the "Soft Skills Workshop" project equally among the
seven members:
i. Project Manager (PM): Responsible for organizing and supervising the project's
whole plan.
 Observe developments and make sure objectives are completed on schedule.
 Control spending and budgets.
 Engage in dialogue with interested parties.
ii. Marketing Team Lead (MTL): Responsible for organizing promotion and
 Create and print written materials.
 Control social media and websites.
iii. Operations Lead (OL): Responsible for: Setting up facilities and equipment.
 Greeting and assisting visitors.
 Assist in organizing the workshop's activities.
iv. The final three members are:
 Every individual is responsible for one of the following areas:

 Assist PM in organizing and getting ready.
 Assist MTL with outreach and marketing.
 Assist OL with planning and directing seminars.
 help in obtaining input and assessing outcomes.

4.2 Suppose:
Project Manager (PM) Emily Johnson
Marketing Team Lead (MTL) David Smith
Operations Lead (OL) Jessica Brown
Hỗ trợ PM & MTL Michael Williams
Hỗ trợ PM & OL Samantha Davis
Hỗ trợ MTL & OL Christopher Wilson
Hỗ trợ MTL & OL Sarah Thompson

4.3 Detailed Work Assignment Table:

Work Emily David Jessica Michael Mantha Christ Sarah

package Johnson Smith Brown William Davis Wilson Madison

Planning & Determine goals &

Preparation content
Budget planning R C A I I
Recruitment of
Determine location R A C I
Design & print
Media planning &
Collect attendance
Workshop Prepare equipment
Execution & facilities
Welcoming and
guiding attendees
workshop activities
Answer questions
& support attendees
Collect feedback
from attendees
Evaluation Analyze feedback
&Wrap-up results
Evaluate the level
of success
Draw lessons from R A C I I I

Prepare a summary

In which:
 R - Responsible: Carry out tasks.
 A - Responsible for results: Own the results of the task and ensure completion.
 C - Consulting: Providing information and expertise for the task.
 I - Be informed: Be updated on the progress of the task.

This work assignment table is an illustrative example only. Can be adjusted based on
each member's abilities and preferences

V. Project Schedule and WBS: Planning the timeline and tasks for the event
5.1 Proposed project progress:
 Start time: 2024-03-20
 End time: 2024-04-14
 Total time: 55 days

Task The shortest time Intend time Longest time

Determine goals &
2 3 4
Budget planning 3 4 5
Recruitment of lecturers 4 5 6
Determine location &
2 3 4
make reservations
Design & print
3 4 5
Media planning &
4 5 6
Collect attendance
2 3 4
Prepare equipment &
2 3 4
Welcoming and guiding
1 2 2
Coordinate workshop
5 6 7
Answer questions &
2 3 4
support attendees
Collect feedback from
1 2 3
Analyze feedback
2 3 4
Evaluate the level of 2 3 4

Draw lessons from
2 3 4
Prepare a summary
2 3 4
Total 39 55 70

5.2 Utilize arrows to visually depict tasks and relationships between them.

Determine goals &

The name of the job Duration (days) Previous job
Budget planning A 3
Recruitment of lecturers B 4 A
Determine location &
C 5 A
make reservations
Design & print
D 3 B
Media planning &
E 4 B
Collect attendance
F 5 B, C
Prepare equipment &
G 3 F
Welcoming and guiding
H 3 G, E, D
Coordinate workshop
I 1.5 H
Answer questions &
J 6 I
support attendees
Collect feedback from
K 3 J
Analyze feedback
L 2 K
Evaluate the level of
M 3 L
Draw lessons from
N 3 L
Prepare a summary
O 3 N
Determine goals &
P 3 M, O

The ideal moment for the same cost is 40 days before cutting, as the ideal time frame
without reduction is 40 days, which is less than the anticipated 15 days.

5.3 Analysis of AOA diagram:

Based on the analysis of the AOA diagram and the critical path (A -> B -> F -> G -> H -
> I -> J -> K -> L -> N -> O -> P), we have A detailed look at the key activities and
compression/damping capabilities in the "Soft Skills Workshop" project:
 Crucial actions and the critical path:
The sequence of tasks with the longest anticipated total length (55 days) is known as the
critical route. Any delay in one of the key path activities will cause the project as a whole to be
 Operations involving compression:
The time of key path operations should be shortened as carefully as possible, and tasks
that may be parallelized or utilize more resources should be prioritized.
One way to reduce the quality of selection is to compress "Faculty selection" (which is on
the critical path).
 Activities for damping:

To provide redundancy for key operations, think about dampening (extending) some
non-critical path activities. And to generate a reserve for the action "Media planning &
promotion" (on the critical path), for instance, extend the time for the activity "Design & print
documents" (which is not on the critical path).
 Notes when compressing and damping:
To evaluate the projected time and risk of each task, think about utilizing the PERT tool.
Activities that are not vital, high risk, or reliant on the results of other activities should be
the main focus of compression/damping.

5.4 In conclusion.
planning efficient compression/damping and concentrating resources on the most crucial tasks
are made possible by analyzing AOA charts and key routes. To guarantee that the project is
finished on schedule and with the appropriate quality, it is vital to take into account cutting down
on time and reducing risks.

VI. Risk Analysis and Mitigation Strategies

6.1 Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques:

 The process of identifying and evaluating risks using qualitative methodologies is
dependent on the information that is available and the subjective opinions of
stakeholders. This technique is used in the "Soft Skills Workshop" project to help identify
possible issues including resource shortages, technological issues, or shifts in market
demand. SWOT analysis and probability-consequence matrices can be used for this.
 Evaluating variables that could impact a project's anticipated duration and resource
requirements is one of the quantitative methodologies. In this project, the total risk is
assessed using random variables and the duration and temporal amplitude of activities are
estimated using PERT analysis and Monte Carlo simulation.

6.2 Risk Coefficient Set:

 The following could be risk considerations for the "Soft Skills Workshop" project:
 Faculty members may be unable to participate despite their best efforts due to unforeseen
circumstances or personal issues.
 Low attendance: There is a risk of resource waste and revenue falls short of expectations.
 Issues with the venue: If an appropriate location cannot be found, there may be delays or
possibly the event being canceled.
 Technical problems: Problems with audio and video might cause disruptions or have an
impact on the experience of attendees.
 Demand fluctuations in the market: unexpected shifts in the demand may render the
course inappropriate and result in a low enrollment.

6.3 Discuss concerning Project Termination:

 Project termination might be a prudent move in the following situations: Too few persons
than anticipated registered to attend.
 A challenge in locating qualified teachers.

 It is impossible to settle financial problems, and project viability cannot be assured.
 The course is no longer appealing due to shifts in consumer demand.
 Applying Qualitative Methods: Chart of Probability and Consequences:
 By integrating the likelihood that each event will occur with its related consequence, the
probability-consequence matrix aids in determining the degree of project risk. This aids
in assessing the degree of risk and setting priorities for risk-reduction measures.

6.4 Method for Mitigating Risk:

 Minimize: Put your attention on picking reliable instructors and running strong marketing
to draw people in.
 Contingency: Make a backup plan in case something goes wrong, such a venue shift or
technical issues.
 Transfer: If necessary, work with other units to resell courses to other units or organize
seminars together.

6.5 Conclude:
 Processes like risk analysis and risk mitigation strategy formulation are crucial to the
"Soft Skills Workshop" project's success. Utilizing both qualitative and quantitative
methods, as well as debating and formulating suitable plans, improves the capacity to
manage unforeseen circumstances and guarantees the advancement and caliber of

VII. Conclude
 I finished a number of crucial tasks to define, plan, and assess project risks as part of our
group project preparation for a soft skills training.
 First and foremost, we selected a project whose objective was to provide students with a
soft skills training in order to improve their educational and personal growth. I
established a thorough grasp of the project's goals, scope, timeline, and expected budget
in order to create a comprehensive project memorandum.
 To guarantee project success, we have specifically noted possible risk factors and
suggested risk-reduction techniques. I have identified potential hazards, ascertained their
likelihood and impact, and consequently suggested suitable preventive and remedial
actions using risk analysis.
 In the end, i created a thorough project schedule that included Gantt charts, activity time
sheets, PERT methodologies, activity prioritization charts, and project advancement
milestones. I was able to guarantee that the project would be finished on schedule and
within budget by putting these procedures into practice and developing a thorough and
manageable project plan.
 All things considered, the process of preparing the group project gave me the chance to
learn efficient project management and risk-reduction techniques as well as a thorough
grasp of the project's requirements and goals. This is a crucial component in making sure
the "Soft Skills Workshop" project succeeds in the future.

Tài liệu tham khảo
(online), P. M. (không ngày tháng). Risk Management in Project Management.

(PMI), P. M. (không ngày tháng).

(2023). Được truy lục từ AIHR:

(2023). Được truy lục từ LIBRARIES:


(2023). Được truy lục từ StudySmarter:


CareerBuilder. (không ngày tháng). Được truy lục từ CareerBuilder:

Hillson, D. (không ngày tháng). Project Risk Management: A Complete Guide.

Hillson, D. (không ngày tháng). Risk Management: A Practical Guide. (không ngày tháng). Project Management.

Institute, P. M. (không ngày tháng). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®
Guide) – Seventh Edition. Được truy lục từ PMBOK:

Institute, P. M. (không ngày tháng). How to Create a Project Schedule.

Kerzner, H. (1979). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling.
Trong H. Kerzner, Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and

Method, C. P. (không ngày tháng).

KINH DOANH. đà nẵng.

VietnamWorks. (19, 3 2024). Được truy lục từ VietnamWorks:

Wrike. (không ngày tháng). Critical Path Method (CPM): A Complete Guide.

Wrike. (không ngày tháng). What is Risk Management? A Complete Guide.


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