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Beautiful and Important Informative speech outline

worksheet 1.

Hook:Did you know that we have 6 CRITICAL years to save the Environment ?, and it's all
our fault.

Greetings: Hello everyone, we´re going to show you the consequences of global warming.

Names: We are Beltrán López, Raimundo Guzmán and Julio Rieutord.

Background information:The Global Warming is producing the greenhouse effect which is

the process through which heat is trapped near Earth's surface by substances known as
greenhouse gasses and it produces it in large quantities, the reason is the fault of oil
industries, deforestation and much more. We can solve this by recycling, reduce trash and
reuse batteries, clothes, plastic, toys and wood.

Relatability: In 3 years the environment will disappear, many animals will die, some rivers will
be in drought and the air will be affected because of global warming.

Thesis statement: We must start using the 3R, Recycle, Reduce and Reuse, and if we do
that maybe we can save the earth .

Main Point 1: We don't have much time to save the Earth because many scientists have said
that in some years the ozone layer will collapse and the atmosphere will be gone and the air
will be contaminated plus the radiation of the sun.

Supporting Details 1:In New York there is a timer where there is a reverse time, that if it gets
on 0 the Earth will start to be an increasingly difficult planet to live on due to the temperature
rising to stratospheric levels.

Main Point 2: The Earth will be uninhabitable for animals, plants and trees in the future,
many breeds of animals are going to become extinct and a large part of humanity probably
will be dead because of the radiation caused by the sun after the explosion of the
atmosphere (ozone layer).

Supporting Details 2: Starting in 2025 there will be temperatures never seen before in 30
million years, if we do not do something to fix it, in 2030 the temperature will rise as a

Summary: We must use the 3R´s, if not the ozone layer will collapse and the temperature
will rise abnormally, the sun will produce radiation, many animals will die, rivers are gonna
be drought, life will go extinct.
Finisher:So as you have maybe seen we need to make a big change, it's important to us
(Humans), nature,environment and the Earth (Our Planet), So it's being convenient for
everything and everybody, for that reason we should start making the change and use the 3
R’s. We should do something like going to the park and put the trash in the trash can and we
can do it like a team going to different places and in groups.

Did you know how many years it takes to a plastic bottle to decompose? 500 years
Did you know the estimated temperature for 2025 in Chile are from over 40°C?
What’s the Greenhouse Effect?
What is the difference between environmental pollution and climate change?
How much will the seas rise?
Why does global warming affect us?

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