Mapeh Health M2

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The first thing to do is to check for consciousness. I will ask both of them “Hey, hey, are
you okay?” while carefully shaking their shoulder. When there is no response, not even
mumbles or groans, both of them are unconscious and in need of immediate medical
help. Second is open the airway if the victim’s unconsciousness maybe due to an
obstruction in his/her airway. It may also be caused by a narrowed airway making
breathing impossible. Then, find out if there is loss of muscular control in the throat area
which allows the tongue to slip back and block the throat. After that, I will lift the chin
and tilt the head of the both of them. This way it will be able to lift the tongue from the
back of the throat, leaving the airway clear. Third, check for breathing. I will put my face
near the mouth and look, listen, and feel for breathing. And I should observe for: Chest
movement, sound of breathing, or feel of breath on my cheek. Lastly, check for
circulation. I will locate pulse using middle and index finger. Pulse indicates blood
circulation, which is essential for the heart and brain to function. Poor blood circulation
may be reflected on the pale color of the skin. This is fatal. Lastly, to revive circulation,
perform CPR immediately and call for help or an adult to seek medical help. History
Taking, Checking for Vital Signs, Temperature, Respiration, Skin color, Head to Toe
Examination is used when the victim is conscious or has revived. It aims to detect
everything about the patient’s condition.

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