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What is the surface life of this virus?

The duration that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can survive on surfaces depends on several
factors, including temperature, humidity, and the type of surface. Generally, the virus can
survive on surfaces for several hours to several days.

On hard surfaces, such as plastic and stainless steel, the virus can survive for up to 72
hours, while on soft surfaces, such as cloth and paper, it can survive for a shorter period of
time, typically 24 hours or less. The survival time of the virus on a surface also decreases as
temperature and humidity increase.

It is important to note that the duration that the virus can survive on surfaces does not
necessarily reflect the infectious dose required to cause infection. Factors such as the amount
of virus present on the surface, the presence of other substances that can inactivate the virus,
and the susceptibility of the person who is exposed to the virus can all play a role in the risk
of infection.

To reduce the risk of transmission, it is recommended to regularly clean and disinfect

frequently touched surfaces and objects, such as doorknobs, light switches, and countertops.
Additionally, it is important to practice good hand hygiene by washing your hands frequently
with soap and water or using hand sanitizer.

In conclusion, the duration that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can survive on surfaces
depends on various factors and can range from several hours to several days. To reduce the
risk of transmission, it is important to regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched
surfaces and objects and practice good hand hygiene.

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